module Language.Types where

import           CoreTypes

-- * Cards

type CardName = String
type Source = FilePath
type Destination = FilePath

data Card = Card
    { cardName    :: CardName
    , cardContent :: Declaration
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- ** Declarations

-- | A declaration in a card
data Declaration
    = SparkOff CardReference -- ^ Spark off another card
    | Deploy Source Destination (Maybe DeploymentKind) -- ^ Deploy from source to destination
    | IntoDir Directory -- ^ Deploy into a directory
    | OutofDir Directory -- ^ Deploy outof a directory
    | DeployKindOverride DeploymentKind -- ^ Override the deployment kind
    | Alternatives [Directory] -- ^ Provide a list of alternative sources
    | Block [Declaration] -- ^ A scoped block of declarations
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- * Card references

-- | Reference a card by name (inside a file)
data CardNameReference = CardNameReference CardName
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Reference a card by the file it is in and therein potentially by a name reference
data CardFileReference = CardFileReference FilePath (Maybe CardNameReference)
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Read CardFileReference where
    readsPrec _ fp = case length (words fp) of
                      1 -> [(CardFileReference fp Nothing ,"")]
                      2 -> let [f, c] = words fp
                            in [(CardFileReference f (Just $ CardNameReference c), "")]
                      _ -> []

-- | Union card reference
data CardReference = CardFile CardFileReference
                   | CardName CardNameReference
    deriving (Show, Eq)

-- * Card files
data SparkFile = SparkFile
    { sparkFilePath  :: FilePath
    , sparkFileCards :: [Card]
    } deriving (Show, Eq)