{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

Module      : Data.Sv.Decode
Copyright   : (C) CSIRO 2017-2018
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : George Wilson <george.wilson@data61.csiro.au>
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable

This module contains data structures, combinators, and primitives for
decoding an 'Sv' into a list of your Haskell datatype.

A file can be read with 'parseDecodeFromFile'. If you already have the text
data in memory, it can be decoded with 'parseDecode'.
You will need a 'Decode' for your desired type.

A 'Decode' can be built using the primitives in this file. 'Decode'
is an 'Applicative' and an 'Data.Functor.Alt.Alt', allowing for composition
of these values with '<*>' and '<!>'

The primitive 'Decode's in this file which use 'ByteString' expect UTF-8
encoding. The Decode type has an instance of 'Data.Profunctor.Profunctor',
so you can 'lmap' or 'alterInput' to reencode on the way in.

This module is intended to be imported qualified like so

import qualified Data.Sv.Decode as D

module Data.Sv.Decode (
  -- * The types
  Decode (..)
, Decode'
, Validation (..)
, DecodeValidation
, DecodeError (..)
, DecodeErrors (..)

  -- * Running Decodes
, decode
, parseDecode
, parseDecode'
, parseDecodeFromFile
, parseDecodeFromFile'

-- * Convenience constructors and functions
, decodeMay
, decodeEither
, decodeEither'
, mapErrors
, alterInput

-- * Primitive Decodes
-- ** Field-based
, contents
, untrimmed
, raw
, char
, byteString
, utf8
, lazyUtf8
, lazyByteString
, string
, int
, integer
, float
, double
, boolean
, boolean'
, ignore
, replace
, exactly
, emptyField
-- ** Row-based
, row
, rowWithSpacing

-- * Combinators
, choice
, element
, optionalField
, ignoreFailure
, orEmpty
, either
, orElse
, orElseE
, categorical
, categorical'
, (>>==)
, (==<<)
, bindDecode

-- * Building Decodes from Readable
, decodeRead
, decodeRead'
, decodeReadWithMsg

-- * Building Decodes from parsers
, withTrifecta
, withAttoparsec
, withParsec

-- * Working with errors
, onError
, decodeError
, unexpectedEndOfRow
, expectedEndOfRow
, unknownCategoricalValue
, badParse
, badDecode
, validateEither
, validateEither'
, validateMaybe
, validateMaybe'

-- * Implementation details
, runDecode
, buildDecode
, mkDecode
, mkDecodeWithQuotes
, mkDecodeWithSpaces
, promote
) where

import Prelude hiding (either)
import qualified Prelude

import Control.Lens (alaf, view)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT (ReaderT))
import Control.Monad.State (state)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (parseOnly)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A (Parser)
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Functor.Alt (Alt ((<!>)))
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose (Compose, getCompose))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Monoid (First (First))
import Data.Profunctor (lmap)
import Data.Readable (Readable (fromBS))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup ((<>)), sconcat)
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable (asum1)
import Data.Set (Set, fromList, member)
import Data.String (IsString (fromString))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8')
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Data.Validation (_Validation)
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Text.Parsec (Parsec)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P (parse)
import qualified Text.Trifecta as Tri

import Data.Sv.Decode.Error
import Data.Sv.Decode.Type
import qualified Data.Sv.Parse as P
import Data.Sv.Parse.Options (ParseOptions)
import Data.Sv.Syntax.Field (Field (Unquoted, Quoted), fieldContents, SpacedField, Spaced (Spaced))
import Data.Sv.Syntax.Record (Record, _fields)
import Data.Sv.Syntax.Sv (Sv, recordList)
import Text.Space (HorizontalSpace, Spaced (_value), spacedValue)

-- | Decodes a sv into a list of its values using the provided 'Decode'
decode :: Decode' s a -> Sv s -> DecodeValidation s [a]
decode f = traverse (promote f) . recordList

-- | Parse a 'ByteString' as an Sv, and then decode it with the given decoder.
-- This version uses 'Text.Trifecta.Trifecta' to parse the 'ByteString', which is assumed to
-- be UTF-8 encoded. If you want a different library, use 'parseDecode''.
parseDecode ::
  Decode' ByteString a
  -> ParseOptions ByteString
  -> ByteString
  -> DecodeValidation ByteString [a]
parseDecode = parseDecode' P.trifecta

-- | Parse text as an Sv, and then decode it with the given decoder.
-- This version lets you choose which parsing library to use by providing an
-- 'P.SvParser'. Common selections are 'P.trifecta' and 'P.attoparsecByteString'.
parseDecode' ::
  P.SvParser s
  -> Decode' s a
  -> ParseOptions s
  -> s
  -> DecodeValidation s [a]
parseDecode' svp d opts s =
  Prelude.either badDecode pure (P.parseSv' svp opts s) `bindValidation` decode d

-- | Load a file, parse it, and decode it.
-- This version uses Trifecta to parse the file, which is assumed to be UTF-8
-- encoded.
parseDecodeFromFile ::
  MonadIO m
  => Decode' ByteString a
  -> ParseOptions ByteString
  -> FilePath
  -> m (DecodeValidation ByteString [a])
parseDecodeFromFile = parseDecodeFromFile' P.trifecta

-- | Load a file, parse it, and decode it.
-- This version lets you choose which parsing library to use by providing an
-- 'P.SvParser'. Common selections are 'P.trifecta' and 'P.attoparsecByteString'.
parseDecodeFromFile' ::
  MonadIO m
  => P.SvParser s
  -> Decode' s a
  -> ParseOptions s
  -> FilePath
  -> m (DecodeValidation s [a])
parseDecodeFromFile' svp d opts fp = do
  sv <- P.parseSvFromFile' svp opts fp
  pure (Prelude.either badDecode pure sv `bindValidation` decode d)

-- | Build a 'Decode', given a function that returns 'Maybe'.
-- Return the given error if the function returns 'Nothing'.
decodeMay :: DecodeError e -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Decode e s a
decodeMay e f = mkDecode (validateMaybe e . f)

-- | Build a 'Decode', given a function that returns 'Either'.
decodeEither :: (s -> Either (DecodeError e) a) -> Decode e s a
decodeEither f = mkDecode (validateEither . f)

-- | Build a 'Decode', given a function that returns 'Either', and a function to
-- build the error.
decodeEither' :: (e -> DecodeError e') -> (s -> Either e a) -> Decode e' s a
decodeEither' e f = mkDecode (validateEither' e . f)

-- | Succeeds with the whole field structure, including spacing and quoting information
raw :: Decode e s (SpacedField s)
raw = mkDecodeWithSpaces pure

-- | Returns the field contents. This keeps the spacing around an unquoted field.
untrimmed :: Monoid s => (HorizontalSpace -> s) -> Decode e s s
untrimmed fromSpace =
  let sp = foldMap fromSpace
      spaceIfNecessary (Spaced b a f) = case f of
        Unquoted s -> mconcat [sp b, s, sp a]
        Quoted _ _ -> view fieldContents f
  in  fmap spaceIfNecessary raw

-- | Get the contents of a field without doing any decoding. This never fails.
contents :: Decode e s s
contents = mkDecode pure

-- | Grab the whole row as a 'Vector'
row :: Decode e s (Vector s)
row = (fmap . fmap) (view (spacedValue.fieldContents)) rowWithSpacing

-- | Grab the whole row, including all spacing and quoting information,
-- as a 'Vector'
rowWithSpacing :: Decode e s (Vector (SpacedField s))
rowWithSpacing =
  Decode . Compose . DecodeState . ReaderT $ \v ->
    state (const (pure v, Ind (V.length v)))

-- | Get a field that's a single char. This will fail if there are mulitple
-- characters in the field.
char :: Decode' ByteString Char
char = string >>== \cs -> case cs of
  [] -> badDecode "Expected single char but got empty string"
  (c:[]) -> pure c
  (_:_:_) -> badDecode ("Expected single char but got " <> UTF8.fromString cs)

-- | Get the contents of a field as a bytestring.
-- Alias for 'contents'
byteString :: Decode' ByteString ByteString
byteString = contents

-- | Get the contents of a UTF-8 encoded field as 'Text'
-- This will also work for ASCII text, as ASCII is a subset of UTF-8
utf8 :: Decode' ByteString Text
utf8 = contents >>==
  Prelude.either (badDecode . UTF8.fromString . show) pure . decodeUtf8'

-- | Get the contents of a field as a lazy 'Data.Text.Lazy.Text'
lazyUtf8 :: Decode' ByteString LT.Text
lazyUtf8 = LT.fromStrict <$> utf8

-- | Get the contents of a field as a lazy 'Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString'
lazyByteString :: Decode' ByteString LBS.ByteString
lazyByteString = LBS.fromStrict <$> contents

-- | Get the contents of a field as a 'String'
string :: Decode' ByteString String
string = UTF8.toString <$> contents

-- | Throw away the contents of a field. This is useful for skipping unneeded fields.
ignore :: Decode e s ()
ignore = replace ()

-- | Throw away the contents of a field, and return the given value.
replace :: a -> Decode e s a
replace a = a <$ contents

-- | Decode exactly the given string, or else fail.
exactly :: (Semigroup s, Eq s, IsString s) => s -> Decode' s s
exactly s = contents >>== \z ->
  if s == z
  then pure s
  else badDecode (sconcat ("'":|[z,"' was not equal to '",s,"'"]))

-- | Decode a UTF-8 'ByteString' field as an 'Int'
int :: Decode' ByteString Int
int = named "int"

-- | Decode a UTF-8 'ByteString' field as an 'Integer'
integer :: Decode' ByteString Integer
integer = named "integer"

-- | Decode a UTF-8 'ByteString' field as a 'Float'
float :: Decode' ByteString Float
float = named "float"

-- | Decode a UTF-8 'ByteString' field as a 'Double'
double :: Decode' ByteString Double
double = named "double"

-- | Decode a field as a 'Bool'
-- This aims to be tolerant to different forms a boolean might take.
boolean :: (IsString s, Ord s) => Decode' s Bool
boolean = boolean' fromString

-- | Decode a field as a 'Bool'. This version lets you provide the fromString
-- function that's right for you, since 'Data.String.IsString' on a
-- 'Data.ByteString.ByteString' will do the wrong thing in the case of many
-- encodings such as UTF-16 or UTF-32.
-- This aims to be tolerant to different forms a boolean might take.
boolean' :: Ord s => (String -> s) -> Decode' s Bool
boolean' s =
  categorical' [
    (False, fmap s ["false", "False", "FALSE", "f", "F", "0", "n", "N", "no", "No", "NO", "off", "Off", "OFF"])
  , (True, fmap s ["true", "True", "TRUE", "t", "T", "1", "y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "on", "On", "ON"])

-- | Succeed only when the given field is the empty string.
-- The empty string surrounded in quotes or spaces is still the empty string.
emptyField :: (Eq s, IsString s, Semigroup s) => Decode' s ()
emptyField = contents >>== \c ->
  if c == fromString "" then
    pure ()
    badDecode ("Expected emptiness but got: " <> c)

-- | Choose the leftmost 'Decode' that succeeds. Alias for '<!>'
choice :: Decode e s a -> Decode e s a -> Decode e s a
choice = (<!>)

-- | Choose the leftmost 'Decode' that succeeds. Alias for 'asum1'
element :: NonEmpty (Decode e s a) -> Decode e s a
element = asum1

-- | Try the given 'Decode'. If it fails, instead succeed with 'Nothing'.
ignoreFailure :: Decode e s a -> Decode e s (Maybe a)
ignoreFailure a = Just <$> a <!> Nothing <$ ignore

-- | If the field is the empty string, succeed with 'Nothing'.
-- Otherwise try the given 'Decode'.
orEmpty :: (Eq s, IsString s, Semigroup s) => Decode' s a -> Decode' s (Maybe a)
orEmpty a = Nothing <$ emptyField <!> Just <$> a

-- | Try the given 'Decode'. If it fails, succeed without consuming anything.
-- This usually isn't what you want. 'ignoreFailure' and 'orEmpty' are more
-- likely what you are after.
optionalField :: Decode e s a -> Decode e s (Maybe a)
optionalField a = Just <$> a <!> pure Nothing

-- | Try the first, then try the second, and wrap the winner in an 'Either'.
-- This is left-biased, meaning if they both succeed, left wins.
either :: Decode e s a -> Decode e s b -> Decode e s (Either a b)
either a b = fmap Left a <!> fmap Right b

-- | Try the given decoder, otherwise succeed with the given value.
orElse :: Decode e s a -> a -> Decode e s a
orElse f a = f <!> replace a

-- | Try the given decoder, or if it fails succeed with the given value, in an 'Either'.
orElseE :: Decode e s b -> a -> Decode e s (Either a b)
orElseE b a = fmap Right b <!> replace (Left a)

-- | Decode categorical data, given a list of the values and the strings which match them.
-- Usually this is used with sum types with nullary constructors.
-- > data TrafficLight = Red | Amber | Green
-- > categorical [(Red, "red"), (Amber, "amber"), (Green, "green")]
categorical :: (Ord s, Show a) => [(a, s)] -> Decode' s a
categorical = categorical' . fmap (fmap pure)

-- | Decode categorical data, given a list of the values and lists of strings
-- which match them.
-- This version allows for multiple strings to match each value, which is
-- useful for when the categories are inconsistently labelled.
-- > data TrafficLight = Red | Amber | Green
-- > categorical' [(Red, ["red", "R"]), (Amber, ["amber", "orange", "A"]), (Green, ["green", "G"])]
-- For another example of its usage, see the source for 'boolean'.
categorical' :: forall s a . (Ord s, Show a) => [(a, [s])] -> Decode' s a
categorical' as =
  let as' :: [(a, Set s)]
      as' = fmap (second fromList) as
      go :: s -> (a, Set s) -> Maybe a
      go s (a, set) =
        if s `member` set
        then Just a
        else Nothing
  in  contents >>== \s ->
    validateMaybe (UnknownCategoricalValue s (fmap snd as)) $
      alaf First foldMap (go s) as'

-- | Use the 'Readable' instance to try to decode the given value.
decodeRead :: Readable a => Decode' ByteString a
decodeRead = decodeReadWithMsg (mappend "Couldn't parse ")

-- | Use the 'Readable' instance to try to decode the given value,
-- or fail with the given error message.
decodeRead' :: Readable a => ByteString -> Decode' ByteString a
decodeRead' e = decodeReadWithMsg (const e)

-- | Use the 'Readable' instance to try to decode the given value,
-- or use the value to build an error message.
decodeReadWithMsg :: Readable a => (ByteString -> e) -> Decode e ByteString a
decodeReadWithMsg e = contents >>== \c ->
  maybe (badDecode (e c)) pure . fromBS $ c

-- | Given the name of a type, try to decode it using 'Readable', 
named :: Readable a => ByteString -> Decode' ByteString a
named name =
  let vs' = ['a','e','i','o','u']
      vs  = fmap toUpper vs' ++ vs'
      n c = if c `elem` vs then "n" else ""
      n' = foldMap (n . fst) . UTF8.uncons
      n'' = n' name
      space = " "
  in  decodeReadWithMsg $ \bs ->
        mconcat ["Couldn't parse \"", bs, "\" as a", n'', space, name]

-- | Map over the errors of a 'Decode'
-- To map over the other two parameters, use the 'Data.Profunctor.Profunctor' instance.
mapErrors :: (e -> x) -> Decode e s a -> Decode x s a
mapErrors f (Decode (Compose r)) = Decode (Compose (fmap (first (fmap f)) r))

-- | This transforms a @Decode' s a@ into a @Decode' t a@. It needs
-- functions in both directions because the errors can include fragments of the
-- input.
-- @alterInput :: (s -> t) -> (t -> s) -> Decode' s a -> Decode' t a@
alterInput :: (e -> x) -> (t -> s) -> Decode e s a -> Decode x t a
alterInput f g = mapErrors f . lmap g

---- Promoting parsers to 'Decode's

-- | Build a 'Decode' from a Trifecta parser
withTrifecta :: Tri.Parser a -> Decode' ByteString a
withTrifecta =
    (validateTrifectaResult (BadDecode . UTF8.fromString))
    (flip Tri.parseByteString mempty)

-- | Build a 'Decode' from an Attoparsec parser
withAttoparsec :: A.Parser a -> Decode' ByteString a
withAttoparsec =
    (validateEither' (BadDecode . fromString))

-- | Build a 'Decode' from a Parsec parser
withParsec :: Parsec ByteString () a -> Decode' ByteString a
withParsec =
  -- Parsec will include a position, but it will only confuse the user
  -- since it won't correspond obviously to a position in their source file.
  let dropPos = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':')
  in  mkParserFunction
    (validateEither' (BadDecode . UTF8.fromString . dropPos . show))
    (\p s -> P.parse p mempty s)

mkParserFunction ::
  Tri.CharParsing p
  => (f a -> DecodeValidation ByteString a)
  -> (p a -> ByteString -> f a)
  -> p a
  -> Decode' ByteString a
mkParserFunction err run p =
  let p' = p <* Tri.eof
  in  byteString >>== (err . run p')
{-# INLINE mkParserFunction #-}

-- | Convenience to get the underlying function out of a Decode in a useful form
runDecode :: Decode e s a -> Vector (SpacedField s) -> Ind -> (DecodeValidation e a, Ind)
runDecode = runDecodeState . getCompose . unwrapDecode
{-# INLINE runDecode #-}

-- | This can be used to build a 'Decode' whose value depends on the
-- result of another 'Decode'. This is especially useful since 'Decode' is not
-- a 'Monad'.
-- If you need something like this but with more power, look at 'bindDecode'
(>>==) :: Decode e s a -> (a -> DecodeValidation e b) -> Decode e s b
(>>==) = flip (==<<)
infixl 1 >>==
{-# INLINE (>>==) #-}

-- | flipped '>>=='
(==<<) :: (a -> DecodeValidation e b) -> Decode e s a -> Decode e s b
(==<<) f (Decode c) =
  Decode (rmapC (`bindValidation` (view _Validation . f)) c)
      rmapC g (Compose fga) = Compose (fmap g fga)
infixr 1 ==<<

-- | Bind through a 'Decode'.
-- This bind does not agree with the 'Applicative' instance because it does
-- not accumulate multiple error values. This is a violation of the 'Monad'
-- laws, meaning 'Decode' is not a 'Monad'.
-- That is not to say that there is anything wrong with using this function.
-- It can be quite useful.
bindDecode :: Decode e s a -> (a -> Decode e s b) -> Decode e s b
bindDecode d f =
  buildDecode $ \v i ->
    case runDecode d v i of
      (Failure e, i') -> (Failure e, i')
      (Success a, i') -> runDecode (f a) v i'

-- | Run a 'Decode', and based on its errors build a new 'Decode'.
onError :: Decode e s a -> (DecodeErrors e -> Decode e s a) -> Decode e s a
onError d f =
  buildDecode $ \v i ->
    case runDecode d v i of
      (Failure e, i') -> runDecode (f e) v i'
      (Success a, i') -> (Success a, i')

-- | Build a 'Decode' from a function.
-- This version gives you just the contents of the field, with no information
-- about the spacing or quoting around that field.
mkDecode :: (s -> DecodeValidation e a) -> Decode e s a
mkDecode f = mkDecodeWithQuotes (f . view fieldContents)

-- | Build a 'Decode' from a function.
-- This version gives you access to the whole 'Field', which includes
-- information about whether quotes were used, and if so which ones.
mkDecodeWithQuotes :: (Field s -> DecodeValidation e a) -> Decode e s a
mkDecodeWithQuotes f = mkDecodeWithSpaces (f . _value)

-- | Build a 'Decode' from a function.
-- This version gives you access to the whole 'SpacedField', which includes
-- information about spacing both before and after the field, and about quotes
-- if they were used.
mkDecodeWithSpaces :: (SpacedField s -> DecodeValidation e a) -> Decode e s a
mkDecodeWithSpaces f =
  Decode . Compose . DecodeState . ReaderT $ \v -> state $ \(Ind i) ->
    if i >= length v
    then (unexpectedEndOfRow, Ind i)
    else (f (v ! i), Ind (i+1))

-- | promotes a Decode to work on a whole 'Record' at once. This does not need
-- to be called by the user. Instead use 'decode'.
promote :: Decode' s a -> Record s -> DecodeValidation s a
promote dec rs =
  let vec = V.fromList . toList . _fields $ rs
      len = length vec
  in  case runDecode dec vec (Ind 0) of
    (d, Ind i) ->
      if i >= len
      then d
      else d *> expectedEndOfRow (V.force (V.drop i vec))