{- sv2v - Author: Zachary Snow - Original Parser Author: Tom Hawkins - vim: filetype=haskell - - This file has been *heavily* modified and extended from the original version - in tomahawkins/verilog. I have added support for numerous SystemVerilog - constructs, which has necessitated rewriting nearly all of this. - - This file is the only remaining one that still uses 2-space indentation. I've - decided to leave it this way because I think it is too important to preserve - the ability to easily blame/diff this file. -} { {-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Parse (parse) where import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Language.SystemVerilog.AST import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.ParseDecl import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens } %monad { ParseState } %lexer { positionKeep } { TokenEOF } %name parseMain %tokentype { Token } %error { parseErrorTok } %expect 0 %token "$bits" { Token KW_dollar_bits _ _ } "$dimensions" { Token KW_dollar_dimensions _ _ } "$unpacked_dimensions" { Token KW_dollar_unpacked_dimensions _ _ } "$left" { Token KW_dollar_left _ _ } "$right" { Token KW_dollar_right _ _ } "$low" { Token KW_dollar_low _ _ } "$high" { Token KW_dollar_high _ _ } "$increment" { Token KW_dollar_increment _ _ } "$size" { Token KW_dollar_size _ _ } "accept_on" { Token KW_accept_on _ _ } "alias" { Token KW_alias _ _ } "always" { Token KW_always _ _ } "always_comb" { Token KW_always_comb _ _ } "always_ff" { Token KW_always_ff _ _ } "always_latch" { Token KW_always_latch _ _ } "and" { Token KW_and _ _ } "assert" { Token KW_assert _ _ } "assign" { Token KW_assign _ _ } "assume" { Token KW_assume _ _ } "automatic" { Token KW_automatic _ _ } "before" { Token KW_before _ _ } "begin" { Token KW_begin _ _ } "bind" { Token KW_bind _ _ } "bins" { Token KW_bins _ _ } "binsof" { Token KW_binsof _ _ } "bit" { Token KW_bit _ _ } "break" { Token KW_break _ _ } "buf" { Token KW_buf _ _ } "bufif0" { Token KW_bufif0 _ _ } "bufif1" { Token KW_bufif1 _ _ } "byte" { Token KW_byte _ _ } "case" { Token KW_case _ _ } "casex" { Token KW_casex _ _ } "casez" { Token KW_casez _ _ } "cell" { Token KW_cell _ _ } "chandle" { Token KW_chandle _ _ } "checker" { Token KW_checker _ _ } "class" { Token KW_class _ _ } "clocking" { Token KW_clocking _ _ } "cmos" { Token KW_cmos _ _ } "config" { Token KW_config _ _ } "const" { Token KW_const _ _ } "constraint" { Token KW_constraint _ _ } "context" { Token KW_context _ _ } "continue" { Token KW_continue _ _ } "cover" { Token KW_cover _ _ } "covergroup" { Token KW_covergroup _ _ } "coverpoint" { Token KW_coverpoint _ _ } "cross" { Token KW_cross _ _ } "deassign" { Token KW_deassign _ _ } "default" { Token KW_default _ _ } "defparam" { Token KW_defparam _ _ } "design" { Token KW_design _ _ } "disable" { Token KW_disable _ _ } "dist" { Token KW_dist _ _ } "do" { Token KW_do _ _ } "edge" { Token KW_edge _ _ } "else" { Token KW_else _ _ } "end" { Token KW_end _ _ } "endcase" { Token KW_endcase _ _ } "endchecker" { Token KW_endchecker _ _ } "endclass" { Token KW_endclass _ _ } "endclocking" { Token KW_endclocking _ _ } "endconfig" { Token KW_endconfig _ _ } "endfunction" { Token KW_endfunction _ _ } "endgenerate" { Token KW_endgenerate _ _ } "endgroup" { Token KW_endgroup _ _ } "endinterface" { Token KW_endinterface _ _ } "endmodule" { Token KW_endmodule _ _ } "endpackage" { Token KW_endpackage _ _ } "endprimitive" { Token KW_endprimitive _ _ } "endprogram" { Token KW_endprogram _ _ } "endproperty" { Token KW_endproperty _ _ } "endspecify" { Token KW_endspecify _ _ } "endsequence" { Token KW_endsequence _ _ } "endtable" { Token KW_endtable _ _ } "endtask" { Token KW_endtask _ _ } "enum" { Token KW_enum _ _ } "event" { Token KW_event _ _ } "eventually" { Token KW_eventually _ _ } "expect" { Token KW_expect _ _ } "export" { Token KW_export _ _ } "extends" { Token KW_extends _ _ } "extern" { Token KW_extern _ _ } "final" { Token KW_final _ _ } "first_match" { Token KW_first_match _ _ } "for" { Token KW_for _ _ } "force" { Token KW_force _ _ } "foreach" { Token KW_foreach _ _ } "forever" { Token KW_forever _ _ } "fork" { Token KW_fork _ _ } "forkjoin" { Token KW_forkjoin _ _ } "function" { Token KW_function _ _ } "generate" { Token KW_generate _ _ } "genvar" { Token KW_genvar _ _ } "global" { Token KW_global _ _ } "highz0" { Token KW_highz0 _ _ } "highz1" { Token KW_highz1 _ _ } "if" { Token KW_if _ _ } "iff" { Token KW_iff _ _ } "ifnone" { Token KW_ifnone _ _ } "ignore_bins" { Token KW_ignore_bins _ _ } "illegal_bins" { Token KW_illegal_bins _ _ } "implements" { Token KW_implements _ _ } "implies" { Token KW_implies _ _ } "import" { Token KW_import _ _ } "incdir" { Token KW_incdir _ _ } "include" { Token KW_include _ _ } "initial" { Token KW_initial _ _ } "inout" { Token KW_inout _ _ } "input" { Token KW_input _ _ } "inside" { Token KW_inside _ _ } "instance" { Token KW_instance _ _ } "int" { Token KW_int _ _ } "integer" { Token KW_integer _ _ } "interconnect" { Token KW_interconnect _ _ } "interface" { Token KW_interface _ _ } "intersect" { Token KW_intersect _ _ } "join" { Token KW_join _ _ } "join_any" { Token KW_join_any _ _ } "join_none" { Token KW_join_none _ _ } "large" { Token KW_large _ _ } "let" { Token KW_let _ _ } "liblist" { Token KW_liblist _ _ } "library" { Token KW_library _ _ } "local" { Token KW_local _ _ } "localparam" { Token KW_localparam _ _ } "logic" { Token KW_logic _ _ } "longint" { Token KW_longint _ _ } "macromodule" { Token KW_macromodule _ _ } "matches" { Token KW_matches _ _ } "medium" { Token KW_medium _ _ } "modport" { Token KW_modport _ _ } "module" { Token KW_module _ _ } "nand" { Token KW_nand _ _ } "negedge" { Token KW_negedge _ _ } "nettype" { Token KW_nettype _ _ } "new" { Token KW_new _ _ } "nexttime" { Token KW_nexttime _ _ } "nmos" { Token KW_nmos _ _ } "nor" { Token KW_nor _ _ } "noshowcancelled" { Token KW_noshowcancelled _ _ } "not" { Token KW_not _ _ } "notif0" { Token KW_notif0 _ _ } "notif1" { Token KW_notif1 _ _ } "null" { Token KW_null _ _ } "or" { Token KW_or _ _ } "output" { Token KW_output _ _ } "package" { Token KW_package _ _ } "packed" { Token KW_packed _ _ } "parameter" { Token KW_parameter _ _ } "pmos" { Token KW_pmos _ _ } "posedge" { Token KW_posedge _ _ } "primitive" { Token KW_primitive _ _ } "priority" { Token KW_priority _ _ } "program" { Token KW_program _ _ } "property" { Token KW_property _ _ } "protected" { Token KW_protected _ _ } "pull0" { Token KW_pull0 _ _ } "pull1" { Token KW_pull1 _ _ } "pulldown" { Token KW_pulldown _ _ } "pullup" { Token KW_pullup _ _ } "pulsestyle_ondetect" { Token KW_pulsestyle_ondetect _ _ } "pulsestyle_onevent" { Token KW_pulsestyle_onevent _ _ } "pure" { Token KW_pure _ _ } "rand" { Token KW_rand _ _ } "randc" { Token KW_randc _ _ } "randcase" { Token KW_randcase _ _ } "randsequence" { Token KW_randsequence _ _ } "rcmos" { Token KW_rcmos _ _ } "real" { Token KW_real _ _ } "realtime" { Token KW_realtime _ _ } "ref" { Token KW_ref _ _ } "reg" { Token KW_reg _ _ } "reject_on" { Token KW_reject_on _ _ } "release" { Token KW_release _ _ } "repeat" { Token KW_repeat _ _ } "restrict" { Token KW_restrict _ _ } "return" { Token KW_return _ _ } "rnmos" { Token KW_rnmos _ _ } "rpmos" { Token KW_rpmos _ _ } "rtran" { Token KW_rtran _ _ } "rtranif0" { Token KW_rtranif0 _ _ } "rtranif1" { Token KW_rtranif1 _ _ } "s_always" { Token KW_s_always _ _ } "s_eventually" { Token KW_s_eventually _ _ } "s_nexttime" { Token KW_s_nexttime _ _ } "s_until" { Token KW_s_until _ _ } "s_until_with" { Token KW_s_until_with _ _ } "scalared" { Token KW_scalared _ _ } "sequence" { Token KW_sequence _ _ } "shortint" { Token KW_shortint _ _ } "shortreal" { Token KW_shortreal _ _ } "showcancelled" { Token KW_showcancelled _ _ } "signed" { Token KW_signed _ _ } "small" { Token KW_small _ _ } "soft" { Token KW_soft _ _ } "solve" { Token KW_solve _ _ } "specify" { Token KW_specify _ _ } "specparam" { Token KW_specparam _ _ } "static" { Token KW_static _ _ } "string" { Token KW_string _ _ } "strong" { Token KW_strong _ _ } "strong0" { Token KW_strong0 _ _ } "strong1" { Token KW_strong1 _ _ } "struct" { Token KW_struct _ _ } "super" { Token KW_super _ _ } "supply0" { Token KW_supply0 _ _ } "supply1" { Token KW_supply1 _ _ } "sync_accept_on" { Token KW_sync_accept_on _ _ } "sync_reject_on" { Token KW_sync_reject_on _ _ } "table" { Token KW_table _ _ } "tagged" { Token KW_tagged _ _ } "task" { Token KW_task _ _ } "this" { Token KW_this _ _ } "throughout" { Token KW_throughout _ _ } "time" { Token KW_time _ _ } "timeprecision" { Token KW_timeprecision _ _ } "timeunit" { Token KW_timeunit _ _ } "tran" { Token KW_tran _ _ } "tranif0" { Token KW_tranif0 _ _ } "tranif1" { Token KW_tranif1 _ _ } "tri" { Token KW_tri _ _ } "tri0" { Token KW_tri0 _ _ } "tri1" { Token KW_tri1 _ _ } "triand" { Token KW_triand _ _ } "trior" { Token KW_trior _ _ } "trireg" { Token KW_trireg _ _ } "type" { Token KW_type _ _ } "typedef" { Token KW_typedef _ _ } "union" { Token KW_union _ _ } "unique" { Token KW_unique _ _ } "unique0" { Token KW_unique0 _ _ } "unsigned" { Token KW_unsigned _ _ } "until" { Token KW_until _ _ } "until_with" { Token KW_until_with _ _ } "untyped" { Token KW_untyped _ _ } "use" { Token KW_use _ _ } "uwire" { Token KW_uwire _ _ } "var" { Token KW_var _ _ } "vectored" { Token KW_vectored _ _ } "virtual" { Token KW_virtual _ _ } "void" { Token KW_void _ _ } "wait" { Token KW_wait _ _ } "wait_order" { Token KW_wait_order _ _ } "wand" { Token KW_wand _ _ } "weak" { Token KW_weak _ _ } "weak0" { Token KW_weak0 _ _ } "weak1" { Token KW_weak1 _ _ } "while" { Token KW_while _ _ } "wildcard" { Token KW_wildcard _ _ } "wire" { Token KW_wire _ _ } "with" { Token KW_with _ _ } "within" { Token KW_within _ _ } "wor" { Token KW_wor _ _ } "xnor" { Token KW_xnor _ _ } "xor" { Token KW_xor _ _ } simpleIdentifier { Token Id_simple _ _ } escapedIdentifier { Token Id_escaped _ _ } systemIdentifier { Token Id_system _ _ } real { Token Lit_real _ _ } number { Token Lit_number _ _ } string { Token Lit_string _ _ } time { Token Lit_time _ _ } "`celldefine" { Token Dir_celldefine _ _ } "`endcelldefine" { Token Dir_endcelldefine _ _ } "`unconnected_drive" { Token Dir_unconnected_drive _ _ } "`nounconnected_drive" { Token Dir_nounconnected_drive _ _ } "`default_nettype" { Token Dir_default_nettype _ _ } "`resetall" { Token Dir_resetall _ _ } "`begin_keywords" { Token Dir_begin_keywords _ _ } "`end_keywords" { Token Dir_end_keywords _ _ } "(" { Token Sym_paren_l _ _ } ")" { Token Sym_paren_r _ _ } "[" { Token Sym_brack_l _ _ } "]" { Token Sym_brack_r _ _ } "{" { Token Sym_brace_l _ _ } "}" { Token Sym_brace_r _ _ } "~" { Token Sym_tildy _ _ } "!" { Token Sym_bang _ _ } "@" { Token Sym_at _ _ } "#" { Token Sym_pound _ _ } "%" { Token Sym_percent _ _ } "^" { Token Sym_hat _ _ } "&" { Token Sym_amp _ _ } "|" { Token Sym_bar _ _ } "*" { Token Sym_aster _ _ } "." { Token Sym_dot _ _ } "," { Token Sym_comma _ _ } ":" { Token Sym_colon _ _ } ";" { Token Sym_semi _ _ } "=" { Token Sym_eq _ _ } "<" { Token Sym_lt _ _ } ">" { Token Sym_gt _ _ } "+" { Token Sym_plus _ _ } "-" { Token Sym_dash _ _ } "?" { Token Sym_question _ _ } "/" { Token Sym_slash _ _ } "$" { Token Sym_dollar _ _ } "'" { Token Sym_s_quote _ _ } "~&" { Token Sym_tildy_amp _ _ } "~|" { Token Sym_tildy_bar _ _ } "~^" { Token Sym_tildy_hat _ _ } "^~" { Token Sym_hat_tildy _ _ } "==" { Token Sym_eq_eq _ _ } "!=" { Token Sym_bang_eq _ _ } "&&" { Token Sym_amp_amp _ _ } "||" { Token Sym_bar_bar _ _ } "**" { Token Sym_aster_aster _ _ } "<=" { Token Sym_lt_eq _ _ } ">=" { Token Sym_gt_eq _ _ } ">>" { Token Sym_gt_gt _ _ } "<<" { Token Sym_lt_lt _ _ } "++" { Token Sym_plus_plus _ _ } "--" { Token Sym_dash_dash _ _ } "+=" { Token Sym_plus_eq _ _ } "-=" { Token Sym_dash_eq _ _ } "*=" { Token Sym_aster_eq _ _ } "/=" { Token Sym_slash_eq _ _ } "%=" { Token Sym_percent_eq _ _ } "&=" { Token Sym_amp_eq _ _ } "|=" { Token Sym_bar_eq _ _ } "^=" { Token Sym_hat_eq _ _ } "+:" { Token Sym_plus_colon _ _ } "-:" { Token Sym_dash_colon _ _ } "::" { Token Sym_colon_colon _ _ } ".*" { Token Sym_dot_aster _ _ } "->" { Token Sym_dash_gt _ _ } ":=" { Token Sym_colon_eq _ _ } ":/" { Token Sym_colon_slash _ _ } "##" { Token Sym_pound_pound _ _ } "[*" { Token Sym_brack_l_aster _ _ } "[=" { Token Sym_brack_l_eq _ _ } "=>" { Token Sym_eq_gt _ _ } "@*" { Token Sym_at_aster _ _ } "(*" { Token Sym_paren_l_aster _ _ } "*)" { Token Sym_aster_paren_r _ _ } "*>" { Token Sym_aster_gt _ _ } "===" { Token Sym_eq_eq_eq _ _ } "!==" { Token Sym_bang_eq_eq _ _ } "==?" { Token Sym_eq_eq_question _ _ } "!=?" { Token Sym_bang_eq_question _ _ } ">>>" { Token Sym_gt_gt_gt _ _ } "<<<" { Token Sym_lt_lt_lt _ _ } "<<=" { Token Sym_lt_lt_eq _ _ } ">>=" { Token Sym_gt_gt_eq _ _ } "<->" { Token Sym_lt_dash_gt _ _ } "|->" { Token Sym_bar_dash_gt _ _ } "|=>" { Token Sym_bar_eq_gt _ _ } "[->" { Token Sym_brack_l_dash_gt _ _ } "#-#" { Token Sym_pound_dash_pound _ _ } "#=#" { Token Sym_pound_eq_pound _ _ } "@@(" { Token Sym_at_at_paren_l _ _ } "(*)" { Token Sym_paren_l_aster_paren_r _ _ } "->>" { Token Sym_dash_gt_gt _ _ } "&&&" { Token Sym_amp_amp_amp _ _ } "<<<=" { Token Sym_lt_lt_lt_eq _ _ } ">>>=" { Token Sym_gt_gt_gt_eq _ _ } -- operator precedences, from *lowest* to *highest* %nonassoc DefaultStrength %nonassoc DriveStrength ChargeStrength %nonassoc NoElse %nonassoc "else" %right "|->" "|=>" "#-#" "#=#" %right "iff" %left "or" %left "and" %left "intersect" %left "within" %right "throughout" %left "##" %nonassoc "[*]" "[=]" "[->]" %right "->" "<->" %right "?" ":" %left "||" %left "&&" %left "|" "~|" %left "^" "^~" "~^" %left "&" "~&" %left "==" "!=" "===" "!==" "==?" "!=?" %left "<" "<=" ">" ">=" "inside" "dist" %left "<<" ">>" "<<<" ">>>" %left "+" "-" %left "*" "/" "%" %left "**" %right REDUCE_OP "!" "~" "++" "--" %left "'" %left "(" ")" "[" "]" "." "::" "#" %% opt(p) :: { Maybe Token } : p { Just $1 } | { Nothing } Descriptions :: { [Description] } : {- empty -} { [] } | Descriptions ";" { $1 } | Descriptions Description { $1 ++ $2 } Description :: { [Description] } : Part(ModuleKW , endmodule ) { [$1] } | Part(InterfaceKW, endinterface) { [$1] } | PackageDeclaration { [$1] } | PITrace PackageItem { map PackageItem $ addPITrace $1 $2 } OptAsgn :: { Expr } : {- empty -} { Nil } | "=" Expr { $2 } Type :: { Type } : TypeNonIdent { $1 } | TypeAlias { $1 } TypeAlias :: { Type } : Identifier Dimensions { Alias $1 $2 } | Identifier "::" Identifier Dimensions { PSAlias $1 $3 $4 } | Identifier ParamBindings "::" Identifier Dimensions { CSAlias $1 $2 $4 $5 } TypeNonIdent :: { Type } : PartialType OptSigning Dimensions { $1 $2 $3 } PartialType :: { Signing -> [Range] -> Type } : PartialTypeP { snd $1 } PartialTypeP :: { (Position, Signing -> [Range] -> Type) } : IntegerVectorTypeP { (fst $1, makeIntegerVector $1) } | IntegerAtomTypeP { (fst $1, makeIntegerAtom $1) } | NonIntegerTypeP { (fst $1, makeNonInteger $1) } | "type" "(" Expr ")" { makeTypeOf $1 $3 } | "enum" EnumBaseType "{" EnumItems "}" { makeComplex $1 $ Enum $2 $4 } | "struct" Packing "{" StructItems "}" { makeComplex $1 $ Struct $2 $4 } | "union" Packing "{" StructItems "}" { makeComplex $1 $ Union $2 $4 } CastingType :: { Type } : IntegerVectorTypeP { IntegerVector (snd $1) Unspecified [] } | IntegerAtomTypeP { IntegerAtom (snd $1) Unspecified } | NonIntegerTypeP { NonInteger (snd $1) } | SigningP { Implicit (snd $1) [] } EnumBaseType :: { Type } : Type { $1 } | Dimensions { Implicit Unspecified $1 } Signing :: { Signing } : SigningP { snd $1 } SigningP :: { (Position, Signing) } : "signed" { withPos $1 Signed } | "unsigned" { withPos $1 Unsigned } OptSigning :: { Signing } : Signing { $1 } | {- empty -} { Unspecified } NetTypeP :: { (Position, NetType) } : "supply0" { withPos $1 TSupply0 } | "supply1" { withPos $1 TSupply1 } | "tri" { withPos $1 TTri } | "triand" { withPos $1 TTriand } | "trior" { withPos $1 TTrior } | "trireg" { withPos $1 TTrireg } | "tri0" { withPos $1 TTri0 } | "tri1" { withPos $1 TTri1 } | "uwire" { withPos $1 TUwire } | "wire" { withPos $1 TWire } | "wand" { withPos $1 TWand } | "wor" { withPos $1 TWor } IntegerVectorTypeP :: { (Position, IntegerVectorType) } : "bit" { withPos $1 TBit } | "logic" { withPos $1 TLogic } | "reg" { withPos $1 TReg } IntegerAtomTypeP :: { (Position, IntegerAtomType) } : "byte" { withPos $1 TByte } | "shortint" { withPos $1 TShortint } | "int" { withPos $1 TInt } | "longint" { withPos $1 TLongint } | "integer" { withPos $1 TInteger } | "time" { withPos $1 TTime } NonIntegerTypeP :: { (Position, NonIntegerType) } : "shortreal" { withPos $1 TShortreal } | "real" { withPos $1 TReal } | "realtime" { withPos $1 TRealtime } | "string" { withPos $1 TString } | "event" { withPos $1 TEvent } EnumItems :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] } : VariablePortIdentifiers { $1 } StructItems :: { [(Type, Identifier)] } : StructItem { $1 } | StructItems StructItem { $1 ++ $2 } StructItem :: { [(Type, Identifier)] } : Type FieldDecls ";" { map (fieldDecl $1) $2 } FieldDecls :: { [(Identifier, [Range])] } : FieldDecl { [$1] } | FieldDecls "," FieldDecl { $1 ++ [$3] } FieldDecl :: { (Identifier, [Range]) } : Identifier Dimensions { ($1, $2) } Packing :: { Packing } : "packed" OptSigning { Packed $2 } | {- empty -} { Unpacked } Part(begin, end) :: { Description } : AttributeInstances begin PartHeader ModuleItems end StrTag {% $3 $1 False $2 $4 $6 } | AttributeInstances "extern" begin PartHeader {% $4 $1 True $3 [] "" } PartHeader :: { [Attr] -> Bool -> PartKW -> [ModuleItem] -> Identifier -> ParseState Description } : Lifetime Identifier PackageImportDeclarations Params PortDecls ";" { \attrs extern kw items label -> checkTag $2 label $ Part attrs extern kw $1 $2 (fst $5) ($3 ++ $4 ++ (snd $5) ++ items) } ModuleKW :: { PartKW } : "module" { Module } | "macromodule" { Module } InterfaceKW :: { PartKW } : "interface" { Interface } PackageDeclaration :: { Description } : "package" Lifetime Identifier ";" PackageItems endpackage StrTag {% checkTag $3 $7 $ Package $2 $3 $5 } | "class" Lifetime Identifier PIParams ";" ClassItems endclass StrTag {% checkTag $3 $8 $ Class $2 $3 $4 $6 } StrTag :: { Identifier } : {- empty -} { "" } | ":" Identifier { $2 } PackageImportDeclarations :: { [ModuleItem] } : PackageImportDeclaration PackageImportDeclarations { $1 ++ $2 } | {- empty -} { [] } PackageImportDeclaration :: { [ModuleItem] } : "import" PackageImportItems ";" { map (MIPackageItem . uncurry Import) $2 } Params :: { [ModuleItem] } : PIParams { map (MIPackageItem . Decl) $1 } PIParams :: { [Decl] } : {- empty -} { [] } | "#" "(" ")" { [] } | "#" "(" ParamDeclTokens(")") { parseDTsAsParams $3 } PortDecls :: { ([Identifier], [ModuleItem]) } : "(" PortDeclTokens(")") { parseDTsAsPortDecls $2 } | "(" ")" { ([], []) } | {- empty -} { ([], []) } ModportItems :: { [(Identifier, [ModportDecl])] } : ModportItem { [$1] } | ModportItems "," ModportItem { $1 ++ [$3] } ModportItem :: { (Identifier, [ModportDecl]) } : Identifier "(" ModportPortsDeclarations { ($1, $3) } ModportPortsDeclarations :: { [ModportDecl] } : ModportPortsDeclaration(")") { $1 } | ModportPortsDeclaration(",") ModportPortsDeclarations { $1 ++ $2 } ModportPortsDeclaration(delim) :: { [ModportDecl] } : ModportSimplePortsDeclaration(delim) { $1 } ModportSimplePortsDeclaration(delim) :: { [ModportDecl] } : Direction ModportSimplePorts delim { map (\(a, b) -> ($1, a, b)) $2 } ModportSimplePorts :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] } : ModportSimplePort { [$1] } | ModportSimplePorts "," ModportSimplePort { $1 ++ [$3] } ModportSimplePort :: { (Identifier, Expr) } : "." Identifier "(" ExprOrNil ")" { ($2, $4) } | Identifier { ($1, Ident $1) } Identifier :: { Identifier } : IdentifierP { snd $1 } IdentifierP :: { (Position, Identifier) } : simpleIdentifier { withPos $1 $ tokenString $1 } | escapedIdentifier { withPos $1 $ tokenString $1 } | systemIdentifier { withPos $1 $ tokenString $1 } Identifiers :: { [Identifier] } : Identifier { [$1] } | Identifiers "," Identifier { $1 ++ [$3] } Strength :: { Strength } : {- empty -} %prec DefaultStrength { DefaultStrength } | DriveStrength %prec DriveStrength { uncurry DriveStrength $1 } | ChargeStrength %prec ChargeStrength { ChargeStrength $1 } -- uses delimiter propagation hack to avoid conflicts DeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] } : DeclTokensBase(DeclTokens(delim), delim) { $1 } DeclTokensBase(repeat, delim) :: { [DeclToken] } : DeclToken DTDelim(delim) { [$1, $2] } | DeclToken repeat { [$1] ++ $2 } | IdentifierP ParamBindings repeat { [uncurry DTIdent $1, DTParams (fst $1) $2] ++ $3 } | DeclTokenAsgn "," repeat { [$1, DTComma (tokenPosition $2)] ++ $3 } | DeclTokenAsgn DTDelim(delim) { [$1, $2] } DeclToken :: { DeclToken } : "," { DTComma $ tokenPosition $1 } | "[" "]" { DTAutoDim $ tokenPosition $1 } | "const" { DTConst $ tokenPosition $1 } | "var" { DTVar $ tokenPosition $1 } | PartSelectP { uncurry (DTRange $ fst $1) (snd $1) } | IdentifierP { uncurry DTIdent $1 } | DirectionP { uncurry DTDir $1 } | LHSConcatP { uncurry DTLHSBase $1 } | LHSStreamP { uncurry DTLHSBase $1 } | PartialTypeP { uncurry DTType $1 } | NetTypeP Strength { uncurry DTNet $1 $2 } | PortBindingsP { uncurry DTPorts $1 } | SigningP { uncurry DTSigning $1 } | "[" Expr "]" { DTBit (tokenPosition $1) $2 } | "." Identifier { DTDot (tokenPosition $1) $2 } | "automatic" { DTLifetime (tokenPosition $1) Automatic } | IncOrDecOperatorP { DTAsgn (fst $1) (AsgnOp $ snd $1) Nothing (RawNum 1) } | IdentifierP "::" Identifier { uncurry DTPSIdent $1 $3 } | IdentifierP ParamBindings "::" Identifier { uncurry DTCSIdent $1 $2 $4 } DTDelim(delim) :: { DeclToken } : delim { DTEnd (tokenPosition $1) (head $ tokenString $1) } DeclTokenAsgn :: { DeclToken } : "=" DelayOrEvent Expr { DTAsgn (tokenPosition $1) AsgnOpEq (Just $2) $3 } | "=" Expr { DTAsgn (tokenPosition $1) AsgnOpEq Nothing $2 } | "<=" OptDelayOrEvent Expr { DTAsgn (tokenPosition $1) AsgnOpNonBlocking $2 $3 } | AsgnBinOpP Expr { uncurry DTAsgn $1 Nothing $2 } PortDeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] } : DeclTokensBase(PortDeclTokens(delim), delim) { $1 } | GenericInterfaceDecl PortDeclTokens(delim) { $1 ++ $2} | GenericInterfaceDecl DTDelim(delim) { $1 ++ [$2] } | AttributeInstanceP PortDeclTokens(delim) { uncurry DTAttr $1 : $2 } ModuleDeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] } : DeclTokensBase(ModuleDeclTokens(delim), delim) { $1 } | GenericInterfaceDecl ModuleDeclTokens(delim) { $1 ++ $2} | GenericInterfaceDecl DTDelim(delim) { $1 ++ [$2] } GenericInterfaceDecl :: { [DeclToken] } : "interface" IdentifierP { [DTType (tokenPosition $1) (\Unspecified -> InterfaceT "" ""), uncurry DTIdent $2] } ParamDeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] } : DeclTokensBase(ParamDeclTokens(delim), delim) { $1 } | DeclTokenAsgn "," DTDelim(delim) { [$1, DTComma (tokenPosition $2), $3] } | ParamDeclToken ParamDeclTokens(delim) { $1 ++ $2 } | ParamDeclToken DTDelim(delim) { $1 ++ [$2] } ParamDeclToken :: { [DeclToken] } : "=" PartialTypeP { [DTTypeAsgn (tokenPosition $1), uncurry DTType $2] } | "type" IdentifierP { [DTTypeDecl (tokenPosition $1), uncurry DTIdent $2] } | ParameterDeclKW { [uncurry DTParamKW $1] } VariablePortIdentifiers :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] } : VariablePortIdentifier { [$1] } | VariablePortIdentifiers "," VariablePortIdentifier { $1 ++ [$3] } VariablePortIdentifier :: { (Identifier, Expr) } : Identifier OptAsgn { ($1,$2) } Direction :: { Direction } : DirectionP { snd $1 } DirectionP :: { (Position, Direction) } : "inout" { (tokenPosition $1, Inout ) } | "input" { (tokenPosition $1, Input ) } | "output" { (tokenPosition $1, Output) } ModuleItems :: { [ModuleItem] } : {- empty -} { [] } | ";" ModuleItems { $2 } | MITrace ModuleItem ModuleItems { addMITrace $1 ($2 ++ $3) } ModuleItem :: { [ModuleItem] } : NonGenerateModuleItem { $1 } | ConditionalGenerateConstruct { [Generate [$1]] } | LoopGenerateConstruct { [Generate [$1]] } | "generate" GenItems endgenerate { [Generate $2] } NonGenerateModuleItem :: { [ModuleItem] } -- This item covers module instantiations and all declarations : ModuleDeclTokens(";") { parseDTsAsModuleItems $1 } | ParameterDecl(";") { map (MIPackageItem . Decl) $1 } | "defparam" LHSAsgns ";" { map (uncurry Defparam) $2 } | "assign" AssignOption LHSAsgns ";" { map (uncurry $ Assign $2) $3 } | AlwaysKW Stmt { [AlwaysC $1 $2] } | "initial" Stmt { [Initial $2] } | "final" Stmt { [Final $2] } | "genvar" Identifiers ";" { map Genvar $2 } | "modport" ModportItems ";" { map (uncurry Modport) $2 } | NonDeclPackageItem { map MIPackageItem $1 } | TaskOrFunction { [MIPackageItem $1] } | NInputGateKW NInputGates ";" { map (\(a, b, c, d) -> NInputGate $1 a b c d) $2 } | NOutputGateKW NOutputGates ";" { map (\(a, b, c, d) -> NOutputGate $1 a b c d) $2 } | AttributeInstance ModuleItem { map (addMIAttr $1) $2 } | AssertionItem { [AssertionItem $1] } AssignOption :: { AssignOption } : {- empty -} { AssignOptionNone } | DelayControl { AssignOptionDelay $1 } | DriveStrength { uncurry AssignOptionDrive $1 } -- for ModuleItem, for now AssertionItem :: { AssertionItem } : ConcurrentAssertionItem { $1 } | DeferredImmediateAssertionItem { $1 } -- for Stmt, for now ProceduralAssertionStatement :: { Assertion } : ConcurrentAssertionStatement { $1 } | ImmediateAssertionStatement { $1 } ImmediateAssertionStatement :: { Assertion } : SimpleImmediateAssertionStatement { $1 } | DeferredImmediateAssertionStatement { $1 } DeferredImmediateAssertionItem :: { AssertionItem } : Identifier ":" DeferredImmediateAssertionStatement { ($1, $3) } | DeferredImmediateAssertionStatement { ("", $1) } ConcurrentAssertionItem :: { AssertionItem } : Identifier ":" ConcurrentAssertionStatement { ($1, $3) } | ConcurrentAssertionStatement { ("", $1) } ConcurrentAssertionStatement :: { Assertion } : "assert" "property" "(" PropertySpec ")" ActionBlock { Assert (Concurrent $4) $6 } | "assume" "property" "(" PropertySpec ")" ActionBlock { Assume (Concurrent $4) $6 } | "cover" "property" "(" PropertySpec ")" Stmt { Cover (Concurrent $4) $6 } DeferredImmediateAssertionStatement :: { Assertion } : "assert" Deferral "(" Expr ")" ActionBlock { Assert (Immediate $2 $4) $6 } | "assume" Deferral "(" Expr ")" ActionBlock { Assume (Immediate $2 $4) $6 } | "cover" Deferral "(" Expr ")" Stmt { Cover (Immediate $2 $4) $6 } SimpleImmediateAssertionStatement :: { Assertion } : "assert" "(" Expr ")" ActionBlock { Assert (Immediate NotDeferred $3) $5 } | "assume" "(" Expr ")" ActionBlock { Assume (Immediate NotDeferred $3) $5 } | "cover" "(" Expr ")" Stmt { Cover (Immediate NotDeferred $3) $5 } Deferral :: { Deferral } : "#" number {% expectZeroDelay $2 ObservedDeferred } | "final" { FinalDeferred } PropertySpec :: { PropertySpec } : OptClockingEvent "disable" "iff" "(" Expr ")" PropExpr { PropertySpec $1 $5 $7 } | OptClockingEvent PropExpr { PropertySpec $1 Nil $2 } OptClockingEvent :: { Maybe Sense } : ClockingEvent { Just $1 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } PropExpr :: { PropExpr } : SeqExpr { PropExpr $1 } | PropExprParens { $1 } PropExprParens :: { PropExpr } : "(" PropExprParens ")" { $2 } | SeqExpr "|->" PropExpr { PropExprImpliesO $1 $3 } | SeqExpr "|=>" PropExpr { PropExprImpliesNO $1 $3 } | SeqExpr "#-#" PropExpr { PropExprFollowsO $1 $3 } | SeqExpr "#=#" PropExpr { PropExprFollowsNO $1 $3 } | PropExpr "iff" PropExpr { PropExprIff $1 $3 } SeqExpr :: { SeqExpr } : Expr { SeqExpr $1 } | SeqExprParens { $1 } SeqExprParens :: { SeqExpr } : "(" SeqExprParens ")" { $2 } | SeqExpr "and" SeqExpr { SeqExprAnd $1 $3 } | SeqExpr "or" SeqExpr { SeqExprOr $1 $3 } | SeqExpr "intersect" SeqExpr { SeqExprIntersect $1 $3 } | Expr "throughout" SeqExpr { SeqExprThroughout $1 $3 } | SeqExpr "within" SeqExpr { SeqExprWithin $1 $3 } | SeqExpr "##" Number SeqExpr { SeqExprDelay (Just $1) (Number $3) $4 } | "##" Number SeqExpr { SeqExprDelay (Nothing) (Number $2) $3 } | "first_match" "(" SeqExpr SeqMatchItems ")" { SeqExprFirstMatch $3 $4 } SeqMatchItems :: { [SeqMatchItem] } : "," SeqMatchItem { [$2] } | SeqMatchItems "," SeqMatchItem { $1 ++ [$3] } SeqMatchItem :: { SeqMatchItem } : ForStepAssignment { SeqMatchAsgn $1 } | Identifier CallArgs { SeqMatchCall $1 $2 } ActionBlock :: { ActionBlock } : Stmt %prec NoElse { ActionBlock $1 Null } | "else" Stmt { ActionBlock Null $2 } | Stmt "else" Stmt { ActionBlock $1 $3 } AttributeInstances :: { [Attr] } : {- empty -} { [] } | AttributeInstance AttributeInstances { $1 : $2 } AttributeInstance :: { Attr } : AttributeInstanceP { snd $1 } AttributeInstanceP :: { (Position, Attr) } : "(*" AttrSpecs "*)" { withPos $1 $ Attr $2 } AttrSpecs :: { [AttrSpec] } : AttrSpec { [$1] } | AttrSpecs "," AttrSpec { $1 ++ [$3] } AttrSpec :: { AttrSpec } : Identifier OptAsgn { ($1, $2) } NInputGates :: { [(Expr, Identifier, LHS, [Expr])] } : NInputGate { [$1] } | NInputGates "," NInputGate { $1 ++ [$3]} NOutputGates :: { [(Expr, Identifier, [LHS], Expr)] } : NOutputGate { [$1] } | NOutputGates "," NOutputGate { $1 ++ [$3]} NInputGate :: { (Expr, Identifier, LHS, [Expr]) } : DelayControlOrNil OptIdentifier "(" LHS "," Exprs ")" { ($1, $2, $4, $6) } NOutputGate :: { (Expr, Identifier, [LHS], Expr) } : DelayControlOrNil OptIdentifier "(" Exprs "," Expr ")" { ($1, $2, map toLHS $4, $6) } DelayControlOrNil :: { Expr } : DelayControl { $1 } | {- empty -} { Nil } OptIdentifier :: { Identifier } : Identifier { $1 } | {- empty -} { "" } NInputGateKW :: { NInputGateKW } : "and" { GateAnd } | "nand" { GateNand } | "or" { GateOr } | "nor" { GateNor } | "xor" { GateXor } | "xnor" { GateXnor } NOutputGateKW :: { NOutputGateKW } : "buf" { GateBuf } | "not" { GateNot } DriveStrength :: { (Strength0, Strength1) } : "(" Strength0 "," Strength1 ")" { ($2 , $4 ) } | "(" Strength1 "," Strength0 ")" { ($4 , $2 ) } | "(" Strength0 "," "highz1" ")" { ($2 , Highz1) } | "(" Strength1 "," "highz0" ")" { (Highz0, $2 ) } | "(" "highz0" "," Strength1 ")" { (Highz0, $4 ) } | "(" "highz1" "," Strength0 ")" { ($4 , Highz1) } Strength0 :: { Strength0 } : "supply0" { Supply0 } | "strong0" { Strong0 } | "pull0" { Pull0 } | "weak0" { Weak0 } Strength1 :: { Strength1 } : "supply1" { Supply1 } | "strong1" { Strong1 } | "pull1" { Pull1 } | "weak1" { Weak1 } ChargeStrength :: { ChargeStrength } : "(" "small" ")" { Small } | "(" "medium" ")" { Medium } | "(" "large" ")" { Large } LHSAsgns :: { [(LHS, Expr)] } : LHSAsgn { [$1] } | LHSAsgns "," LHSAsgn { $1 ++ [$3] } LHSAsgn :: { (LHS, Expr) } : LHS "=" Expr { ($1, $3) } PackageItems :: { [PackageItem] } : {- empty -} { [] } | ";" PackageItems { $2 } | PITrace PackageItem PackageItems { addPITrace $1 ($2 ++ $3) } PackageItem :: { [PackageItem] } : PackageOrClassItem { $1} | TaskOrFunction { [$1] } ClassItems :: { [ClassItem] } : {- empty -} { [] } | ";" ClassItems { $2 } | CITrace ClassItem ClassItems { addCITrace $1 ($2 ++ $3) } ClassItem :: { [ClassItem] } : ClassItemQualifier PackageOrClassItem { map ($1, ) $2 } | ClassItemQualifier TaskOrFunction { [($1, $2)] } ClassItemQualifier :: { Qualifier } : {- empty -} { QNone } | "static" { QStatic } | "local" { QLocal } | "protected" { QProtected } PackageOrClassItem :: { [PackageItem] } : DeclTokens(";") { map Decl $ parseDTsAsDecl $1 } | ParameterDecl(";") { map Decl $1 } | NonDeclPackageItem { $1 } NonDeclPackageItem :: { [PackageItem] } : Typedef { [Decl $1] } | ImportOrExport { $1 } | ForwardTypedef ";" { $1 } | TimeunitsDeclaration { $1 } | Directive { [Directive $1] } ImportOrExport :: { [PackageItem] } : "import" PackageImportItems ";" { map (uncurry Import) $2 } | "export" PackageImportItems ";" { map (uncurry Export) $2 } | "export" "*" "::" "*" ";" { [Export "" ""] } TaskOrFunction :: { PackageItem } : "function" Lifetime FuncRetAndName TFItems DeclsAndStmts endfunction StrTag {% checkTag (snd $3) $7 $ Function $2 (fst $3) (snd $3) (map makeInput $4 ++ fst $5) (snd $5) } | "function" Lifetime "void" Identifier TFItems DeclsAndStmts endfunction StrTag {% checkTag $4 $8 $ Task $2 $4 ($5 ++ fst $6) (snd $6) } | "task" Lifetime Identifier TFItems DeclsAndStmts endtask StrTag {% checkTag $3 $7 $ Task $2 $3 ($4 ++ fst $5) (snd $5) } Typedef :: { Decl } : "typedef" Type Identifier ";" { ParamType Localparam $3 $2 } | "typedef" Type Identifier DimensionsNonEmpty ";" { ParamType Localparam $3 (UnpackedType $2 $4) } | "typedef" TypedefRef Identifier ";" { ParamType Localparam $3 $2 } TypedefRef :: { Type } : Identifier "." Identifier { TypedefRef $ Dot (Ident $1) $3 } | Identifier "[" Expr "]" "." Identifier { TypedefRef $ Dot (Bit (Ident $1) $3) $6 } ForwardTypedef :: { [PackageItem] } : "typedef" Identifier { [] } | "typedef" "enum" Identifier { [] } | "typedef" "struct" Identifier { [] } | "typedef" "union" Identifier { [] } TimeunitsDeclaration :: { [PackageItem] } : "timeunit" Time ";" { [] } | "timeunit" Time "/" Time ";" { [] } | "timeprecision" Time ";" { [] } Directive :: { String } : "`celldefine" { tokenString $1 } | "`endcelldefine" { tokenString $1 } | "`unconnected_drive" Drive { tokenString $1 ++ " " ++ $2 } | "`nounconnected_drive" { tokenString $1 } | "`default_nettype" DefaultNetType { tokenString $1 ++ " " ++ $2 } | "`resetall" { tokenString $1 } Drive :: { String } : "pull0" { tokenString $1 } | "pull1" { tokenString $1 } DefaultNetType :: { String } : NetTypeP { show $ snd $1 } | Identifier { $1 } PackageImportItems :: { [(Identifier, Identifier)] } : PackageImportItem { [$1] } | PackageImportItems "," PackageImportItem { $1 ++ [$3] } PackageImportItem :: { (Identifier, Identifier) } : Identifier "::" Identifier { ($1, $3) } | Identifier "::" "*" { ($1, "") } FuncRetAndName :: { (Type, Identifier) } : Type Identifier { ($1 , $2) } | Identifier { (Implicit Unspecified [], $1) } | Signing Identifier { (Implicit $1 [], $2) } | DimensionsNonEmpty Identifier { (Implicit Unspecified $1, $2) } | Signing DimensionsNonEmpty Identifier { (Implicit $1 $2, $3) } AlwaysKW :: { AlwaysKW } : "always" { Always } | "always_comb" { AlwaysComb } | "always_ff" { AlwaysFF } | "always_latch" { AlwaysLatch } Lifetime :: { Lifetime } : {- empty -} { Inherit } | ExplicitLifetime { $1 } ExplicitLifetime :: { Lifetime } : "static" { Static } | "automatic" { Automatic } TFItems :: { [Decl] } : "(" DeclTokens(")") ";" { parseDTsAsTFDecls $2 } | "(" ")" ";" { [] } | ";" { [] } ParamType :: { Type } : PartialType OptSigning Dimensions { $1 $2 $3 } | DimensionsNonEmpty { Implicit Unspecified $1 } | Signing Dimensions { Implicit $1 $2 } Dimensions :: { [Range] } : {- empty -} { [] } | DimensionsNonEmpty { $1 } DimensionsNonEmpty :: { [Range] } : Dimension { [$1] } | DimensionsNonEmpty Dimension { $1 ++ [$2] } Dimension :: { Range } : Range { $1 } | "[" Expr "]" { (RawNum 0, BinOp Sub $2 (RawNum 1)) } DeclAsgns :: { [(Identifier, Expr, [Range])] } : DeclAsgn { [$1] } | DeclAsgns "," DeclAsgn { $1 ++ [$3] } DeclAsgn :: { (Identifier, Expr, [Range]) } : Identifier Dimensions OptAsgn { ($1, $3, $2) } Range :: { Range } : "[" Expr ":" Expr "]" { ($2, $4) } PartSelectP :: { (Position, (PartSelectMode, Range)) } : "[" Expr ":" Expr "]" { (tokenPosition $1, (NonIndexed , ($2, $4))) } | "[" Expr "+:" Expr "]" { (tokenPosition $1, (IndexedPlus , ($2, $4))) } | "[" Expr "-:" Expr "]" { (tokenPosition $1, (IndexedMinus, ($2, $4))) } LHS :: { LHS } : Identifier { LHSIdent $1 } | LHS PartSelectP { uncurry (LHSRange $1) (snd $2) } | LHS "[" Expr "]" { LHSBit $1 $3 } | LHS "." Identifier { LHSDot $1 $3 } | LHSConcatP { snd $1 } | LHSStreamP { snd $1 } LHSStreamP :: { (Position, LHS) } : "{" StreamOp StreamSize Concat "}" { withPos $1 $ LHSStream $2 $3 (map toLHS $4) } | "{" StreamOp Concat "}" { withPos $1 $ LHSStream $2 (RawNum 1) (map toLHS $3) } LHSConcatP :: { (Position, LHS) } : "{" LHSs "}" { withPos $1 $ LHSConcat $2 } LHSs :: { [LHS] } : LHS { [$1] } | LHSs "," LHS { $1 ++ [$3] } PortBindingsP:: { (Position, [PortBinding]) } : "(" PortBindingsInside ")" {% checkPortBindings $2 >>= return . withPos $1 } PortBindingsInside :: { [PortBinding] } : OptPortBinding { [$1] } | OptPortBinding "," PortBindingsInside { $1 : $3} OptPortBinding :: { PortBinding } : {- empty -} { ("", Nil) } | PortBinding { $1 } PortBinding :: { PortBinding } : "." Identifier "(" ExprOrNil ")" { ($2, $4) } | "." Identifier { ($2, Ident $2) } | Expr { ("", $1) } | ".*" { ("*", Nil) } ParamBindings :: { [ParamBinding] } : "#" "(" ")" { [] } | "#" "(" ParamBindingsInside ")" {% checkParamBindings $3 } ParamBindingsInside :: { [ParamBinding] } : ParamBinding opt(",") { [$1] } | ParamBinding "," ParamBindingsInside { $1 : $3} ParamBinding :: { ParamBinding } : "." Identifier "(" TypeOrExpr ")" { ($2, $4) } | "." Identifier "(" ")" { ($2, Right Nil) } | TypeOrExpr { ("", $1) } Stmts :: { [Stmt] } : {- empty -} { [] } | Stmts Stmt { $1 ++ [$2] } Stmt :: { Stmt } : StmtTrace StmtAsgn { Block Seq "" [] [$1, $2] } | StmtTrace StmtNonAsgn { $2 } StmtAsgn :: { Stmt } : LHS "=" OptDelayOrEvent Expr ";" { Asgn AsgnOpEq $3 $1 $4 } | LHS "<=" OptDelayOrEvent Expr ";" { Asgn AsgnOpNonBlocking $3 $1 $4 } | LHS AsgnBinOp Expr ";" { Asgn $2 Nothing $1 $3 } | LHS IncOrDecOperator ";" { Asgn (AsgnOp $2) Nothing $1 (RawNum 1) } | IncOrDecOperator LHS ";" { Asgn (AsgnOp $1) Nothing $2 (RawNum 1) } | LHS ";" { Subroutine (lhsToExpr $1) (Args [] []) } | LHS CallArgs ";" { Subroutine (lhsToExpr $1) $2 } | Identifier "::" Identifier ";" { Subroutine (PSIdent $1 $3) (Args [] []) } | Identifier "::" Identifier CallArgs ";" { Subroutine (PSIdent $1 $3) $4 } | Identifier ParamBindings "::" Identifier ";" { Subroutine (CSIdent $1 $2 $4) (Args [] []) } | Identifier ParamBindings "::" Identifier CallArgs ";" { Subroutine (CSIdent $1 $2 $4) $5 } StmtNonAsgn :: { Stmt } : StmtBlock(BlockKWSeq, end ) { $1 } | StmtBlock(BlockKWPar, join) { $1 } | StmtNonBlock { $1 } | Identifier ":" StmtNonBlock { Block Seq $1 [] [$3] } StmtBlock(begin, end) :: { Stmt } : begin StrTag DeclsAndStmts end StrTag {% checkTag $2 $5 $ uncurry (Block $1 $2) $3 } | Identifier ":" begin DeclsAndStmts end StrTag {% checkTag $1 $6 $ uncurry (Block $3 $1) $4 } StmtNonBlock :: { Stmt } : ";" { Null } | Unique "if" "(" Expr ")" Stmt "else" Stmt { If $1 $4 $6 $8 } | Unique "if" "(" Expr ")" Stmt %prec NoElse { If $1 $4 $6 Null } | "for" "(" ForInit ForCond ForStep ")" Stmt { makeFor $3 $4 $5 $7 } | CaseStmt { $1 } | TimingControl Stmt { Timing $1 $2 } | "return" ExprOrNil ";" { Return $2 } | "break" ";" { Break } | "continue" ";" { Continue } | "while" "(" Expr ")" Stmt { While $3 $5 } | "repeat" "(" Expr ")" Stmt { RepeatL $3 $5 } | "do" Stmt "while" "(" Expr ")" ";" { DoWhile $5 $2 } | "forever" Stmt { Forever $2 } | "foreach" "(" Identifier IdxVars ")" Stmt { Foreach $3 $4 $6 } | "->" Identifier ";" { Trigger True $2 } | "->>" Identifier ";" { Trigger False $2 } | AttributeInstance Stmt { StmtAttr $1 $2 } | ProceduralAssertionStatement { Assertion $1 } | "void" "'" "(" Expr CallArgs ")" ";" { Subroutine $4 $5 } OptDelayOrEvent :: { Maybe Timing } : DelayOrEvent { Just $1 } | {- empty -} { Nothing } CaseStmt :: { Stmt } : Unique CaseKW "(" Expr ")" Cases "endcase" { Case $1 $2 $4 $ validateCases $5 $6 } | Unique CaseKW "(" Expr ")" "inside" InsideCases "endcase" { Case $1 (caseInsideKW $3 $2) $4 $ validateCases $5 $7 } BlockKWPar :: { BlockKW } : "fork" { Par } BlockKWSeq :: { BlockKW } : "begin" { Seq } Unique :: { ViolationCheck } : {- empty -} { NoCheck } | "unique" { Unique } | "unique0" { Unique0 } | "priority" { Priority } ForInit :: { Either [Decl] [(LHS, Expr)] } : ";" { Right [] } | DeclTokens(";") { parseDTsAsDeclsOrAsgns $1 } ForCond :: { Expr } : ";" { RawNum 1 } | Expr ";" { $1 } ForStep :: { [(LHS, AsgnOp, Expr)] } : {- empty -} { [] } | ForStepNonEmpty { $1 } ForStepNonEmpty :: { [(LHS, AsgnOp, Expr)] } : ForStepAssignment { [$1] } | ForStepNonEmpty "," ForStepAssignment { $1 ++ [$3] } ForStepAssignment :: { (LHS, AsgnOp, Expr) } : LHS AsgnOp Expr { ($1, $2, $3) } | IncOrDecOperator LHS { ($2, AsgnOp $1, RawNum 1) } | LHS IncOrDecOperator { ($1, AsgnOp $2, RawNum 1) } IdxVars :: { [Identifier] } : "[" IdxVarsInside "]" { $2 } IdxVarsInside :: { [Identifier] } : IdxVar { [$1] } | IdxVar "," IdxVarsInside { $1 : $3 } IdxVar :: { Identifier } : {- empty -} { "" } | Identifier { $1 } DeclsAndStmts :: { ([Decl], [Stmt]) } : StmtTrace DeclOrStmt DeclsAndStmts {% combineDeclsAndStmts $2 $3 } | StmtTrace StmtNonAsgn Stmts { ([], $1 : $2 : $3) } | StmtTrace {- empty -} { ([], []) } DeclOrStmt :: { ([Decl], [Stmt]) } : DeclTokens(";") { parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt $1 } | ParameterDecl(";") { ($1, []) } ParameterDecl(delim) :: { [Decl] } : ParameterDeclKW DeclAsgns delim { makeParamDecls $1 (Implicit Unspecified []) $2 } | ParameterDeclKW ParamType DeclAsgns delim { makeParamDecls $1 $2 $3 } | ParameterDeclKW TypeAlias DeclAsgns delim { makeParamDecls $1 $2 $3 } | ParameterDeclKW "type" TypeAsgns delim { makeParamTypeDecls $1 $3 } ParameterDeclKW :: { (Position, ParamScope) } : "parameter" { withPos $1 Parameter } | "localparam" { withPos $1 Localparam } TypeAsgns :: { [(Identifier, Type)] } : TypeAsgn { [$1] } | TypeAsgns "," TypeAsgn { $1 ++ [$3] } TypeAsgn :: { (Identifier, Type) } : Identifier "=" Type { ($1, $3) } | Identifier { ($1, UnknownType) } -- TODO: This does not allow for @identifier ClockingEvent :: { Sense } : "@" "(" Senses ")" { $3 } TimingControl :: { Timing } : DelayOrEvent { $1 } | CycleDelay { Cycle $1 } DelayOrEvent :: { Timing } : DelayControl { Delay $1 } | EventControl { Event $1 } DelayControl :: { Expr } : "#" Number { Number $2 } | "#" Real { Real $2 } | "#" Time { Time $2 } | "#" "(" Expr ")" { $3 } | "#" "(" Expr ":" Expr ":" Expr ")" { MinTypMax $3 $5 $7 } | "#" Identifier { Ident $2 } | "#" Identifier "::" Identifier { PSIdent $2 $4 } | "#" Identifier ParamBindings "::" Identifier { CSIdent $2 $3 $5 } CycleDelay :: { Expr } : "##" Expr { $2 } EventControl :: { Sense } : "@" "(" Senses ")" { $3 } | "@" "(*)" { SenseStar } | "@" "(" "*" ")" { SenseStar } | "@" "(*" ")" { SenseStar } | "@" "(" "*)" { SenseStar } | "@" "*" { SenseStar } | "@*" { SenseStar } | "@" Identifier { Sense $ LHSIdent $2 } Senses :: { Sense } : Sense { $1 } | Senses "or" Sense { SenseOr $1 $3 } | Senses "," Sense { SenseOr $1 $3 } Sense :: { Sense } : "(" Sense ")" { $2 } | LHS { Sense $1 } | "posedge" LHS { SensePosedge $2 } | "negedge" LHS { SenseNegedge $2 } | "posedge" "(" LHS ")" { SensePosedge $3 } | "negedge" "(" LHS ")" { SenseNegedge $3 } CaseKW :: { CaseKW } : "case" { CaseN } | "casex" { CaseX } | "casez" { CaseZ } Cases :: { [Case] } : Case { [$1] } | Case Cases { $1 : $2 } Case :: { Case } : Exprs ":" Stmt { ($1, $3) } | "default" opt(":") Stmt { ([], $3) } InsideCases :: { [Case] } : InsideCase { [$1] } | InsideCase InsideCases { $1 : $2 } InsideCase :: { Case } : OpenRangeList ":" Stmt { ($1, $3) } | "default" opt(":") Stmt { ([], $3) } Real :: { String } : real { tokenString $1 } Number :: { Number } : number {% readNumber (tokenPosition $1) (tokenString $1) } String :: { String } : string { tail $ init $ tokenString $1 } Time :: { String } : time { tokenString $1 } CallArgs :: { Args } : "(" CallArgsInside ")" { $2 } CallArgsInside :: { Args } : {- empty -} { Args [ ] [] } | NamedCallArgsFollow { Args [ ] $1 } | Expr NamedCallArgs { Args [$1 ] $2 } | UnnamedCallArgs NamedCallArgs { Args (Nil : $1) $2 } | Expr UnnamedCallArgs NamedCallArgs { Args ($1 : $2) $3 } UnnamedCallArgs :: { [Expr] } : "," ExprOrNil { [$2] } | UnnamedCallArgs "," ExprOrNil { $1 ++ [$3] } NamedCallArgs :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] } : {- empty -} { [] } | "," NamedCallArgsFollow { $2 } NamedCallArgsFollow :: { [(Identifier, Expr)] } : NamedCallArg { [$1] } | NamedCallArgsFollow "," NamedCallArg { $1 ++ [$3] } NamedCallArg :: { (Identifier, Expr) } : "." Identifier "(" ExprOrNil ")" { ($2, $4) } Exprs :: { [Expr] } : Expr { [$1] } | Exprs "," Expr { $1 ++ [$3] } TypeOrExpr :: { TypeOrExpr } : TypeNonIdent { Left $1 } | Expr { Right $1 } OpenRangeList :: { [Expr] } : ValueRange { [$1] } | OpenRangeList "," ValueRange { $1 ++ [$3] } ValueRange :: { Expr } : Expr { $1 } | Range { Range Nil NonIndexed $1 } Expr :: { Expr } : "(" Expr ")" { $2 } | String { String $1 } | Real { Real $1 } | Number { Number $1 } | Time { Time $1 } | Expr CallArgs { Call $1 $2 } | DimsFn "(" TypeOrExpr ")" { DimsFn $1 $3 } | DimFn "(" TypeOrExpr ")" { DimFn $1 $3 (RawNum 1) } | DimFn "(" TypeOrExpr "," Expr ")" { DimFn $1 $3 $5 } | Expr PartSelectP { uncurry (Range $1) (snd $2) } | Expr "[" Expr "]" { Bit $1 $3 } | "{" Expr Concat "}" { Repeat $2 $3 } | Concat { Concat $1 } | Expr "?" Expr ":" Expr { Mux $1 $3 $5 } | Expr "." Identifier { Dot $1 $3 } | "'" "{" PatternItems "}" { Pattern $3 } | Expr "'" "{" PatternItems "}"{ Cast (Right $1) (Pattern $4) } | CastingType "'" "(" Expr ")" { Cast (Left $1) $4 } | Expr "'" "(" Expr ")" { Cast (Right $1) $4 } | "{" StreamOp StreamSize Concat "}" { Stream $2 $3 $4 } | "{" StreamOp Concat "}" { Stream $2 (RawNum 1) $3 } | Expr "inside" "{" OpenRangeList "}" { Inside $1 $4 } | "(" Expr ":" Expr ":" Expr ")" { MinTypMax $2 $4 $6 } | Identifier %prec REDUCE_OP {- defer -} { Ident $1 } | Identifier "::" Identifier { PSIdent $1 $3 } | Identifier ParamBindings "::" Identifier { CSIdent $1 $2 $4 } -- binary expressions | Expr "||" Expr { BinOp LogOr $1 $3 } | Expr "&&" Expr { BinOp LogAnd $1 $3 } | Expr "->" Expr { BinOp LogImp $1 $3 } | Expr "<->" Expr { BinOp LogEq $1 $3 } | Expr "|" Expr { BinOp BitOr $1 $3 } | Expr "^" Expr { BinOp BitXor $1 $3 } | Expr "&" Expr { BinOp BitAnd $1 $3 } | Expr "~^" Expr { BinOp BitXnor $1 $3 } | Expr "^~" Expr { BinOp BitXnor $1 $3 } | Expr "+" Expr { BinOp Add $1 $3 } | Expr "-" Expr { BinOp Sub $1 $3 } | Expr "*" Expr { BinOp Mul $1 $3 } | Expr "/" Expr { BinOp Div $1 $3 } | Expr "%" Expr { BinOp Mod $1 $3 } | Expr "**" Expr { BinOp Pow $1 $3 } | Expr "==" Expr { BinOp Eq $1 $3 } | Expr "!=" Expr { BinOp Ne $1 $3 } | Expr "<" Expr { BinOp Lt $1 $3 } | Expr "<=" Expr { BinOp Le $1 $3 } | Expr ">" Expr { BinOp Gt $1 $3 } | Expr ">=" Expr { BinOp Ge $1 $3 } | Expr "===" Expr { BinOp TEq $1 $3 } | Expr "!==" Expr { BinOp TNe $1 $3 } | Expr "==?" Expr { BinOp WEq $1 $3 } | Expr "!=?" Expr { BinOp WNe $1 $3 } | Expr "<<" Expr { BinOp ShiftL $1 $3 } | Expr ">>" Expr { BinOp ShiftR $1 $3 } | Expr "<<<" Expr { BinOp ShiftAL $1 $3 } | Expr ">>>" Expr { BinOp ShiftAR $1 $3 } -- unary expressions | "!" Expr { UniOp LogNot $2 } | "~" Expr { UniOp BitNot $2 } | "+" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp UniAdd $2 } | "-" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp UniSub $2 } | "&" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp RedAnd $2 } | "~&" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp RedNand $2 } | "|" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp RedOr $2 } | "~|" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp RedNor $2 } | "^" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp RedXor $2 } | "~^" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp RedXnor $2 } | "^~" Expr %prec REDUCE_OP { UniOp RedXnor $2 } ExprOrNil :: { Expr } : Expr { $1 } | {- empty -} { Nil } PatternItems :: { [(TypeOrExpr, Expr)] } : PatternNamedItems { $1 } | PatternUnnamedItems { zip (repeat $ Right Nil) $1 } PatternNamedItems :: { [(TypeOrExpr, Expr)] } : PatternNamedItem { [$1] } | PatternNamedItems "," PatternNamedItem { $1 ++ [$3] } PatternNamedItem :: { (TypeOrExpr, Expr) } : PatternName ":" Expr { ($1, $3) } PatternName :: { TypeOrExpr } : Expr { Right $1 } | PartialType { Left $ $1 Unspecified [] } | "default" { Left UnknownType } PatternUnnamedItems :: { [Expr] } : PatternUnnamedItem { [$1] } | PatternUnnamedItems "," PatternUnnamedItem { $1 ++ [$3] } PatternUnnamedItem :: { Expr } : Expr { $1 } | Expr Concat { Repeat $1 $2 } Concat :: { [Expr] } : "{" Exprs "}" { $2 } StreamOp :: { StreamOp } : "<<" { StreamL } | ">>" { StreamR } StreamSize :: { Expr } : TypeNonIdent { DimsFn FnBits (Left $1) } | Expr { $1 } GenItemOrNull :: { GenItem } : GenItem { $1 } | ";" { GenNull } GenItems :: { [GenItem] } : {- empty -} { [] } | GenItems ";" { $1 } | GenItems GenItem { $1 ++ [$2] } GenItem :: { GenItem } : MITrace GenBlock { uncurry GenBlock $2 } | MITrace NonGenerateModuleItem { genItemsToGenItem $ map GenModuleItem $ addMITrace $1 $2 } | MITrace "generate" GenItems "endgenerate" { genItemsToGenItem $3 } | MITrace ConditionalGenerateConstruct { $2 } | MITrace LoopGenerateConstruct { $2 } ConditionalGenerateConstruct :: { GenItem } : "if" "(" Expr ")" GenItemOrNull "else" GenItemOrNull { GenIf $3 $5 $7 } | "if" "(" Expr ")" GenItemOrNull %prec NoElse { GenIf $3 $5 GenNull } | "case" "(" Expr ")" GenCases "endcase" { GenCase $3 $ validateCases $4 $5 } LoopGenerateConstruct :: { GenItem } : "for" "(" GenvarInitialization ";" Expr ";" GenvarIteration ")" GenItem { $3 $5 $7 $9 } GenBlock :: { (Identifier, [GenItem]) } : GenBlockBegin GenItems end StrTag {% checkTag $1 $4 ($1, $2) } GenBlockBegin :: { Identifier } : "begin" StrTag { $2 } | Identifier ":" "begin" { $1 } GenCases :: { [GenCase] } : GenCase { [$1] } | GenCase GenCases { $1 : $2 } GenCase :: { GenCase } : Exprs ":" GenItemOrNull { ($1, $3) } | "default" opt(":") GenItemOrNull { ([], $3) } GenvarInitialization :: { Expr -> (Identifier, AsgnOp, Expr) -> GenItem -> GenItem } : "genvar" Identifier "=" Expr { \a b c -> genItemsToGenItem [GenModuleItem (Genvar $2), GenFor ($2, $4) a b c] } | Identifier "=" Expr { GenFor ($1, $3) } GenvarIteration :: { (Identifier, AsgnOp, Expr) } : Identifier AsgnOp Expr { ($1, $2, $3) } | IncOrDecOperator Identifier { ($2, AsgnOp $1, RawNum 1) } | Identifier IncOrDecOperator { ($1, AsgnOp $2, RawNum 1) } AsgnOp :: { AsgnOp } : "=" { AsgnOpEq } | AsgnBinOp { $1 } AsgnBinOp :: { AsgnOp } : AsgnBinOpP { snd $1 } AsgnBinOpP :: { (Position, AsgnOp) } : "+=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Add } | "-=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Sub } | "*=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Mul } | "/=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Div } | "%=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp Mod } | "&=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp BitAnd } | "|=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp BitOr } | "^=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp BitXor } | "<<=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp ShiftL } | ">>=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp ShiftR } | "<<<=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp ShiftAL } | ">>>=" { withPos $1 $ AsgnOp ShiftAR } IncOrDecOperator :: { BinOp } : IncOrDecOperatorP { snd $1 } IncOrDecOperatorP :: { (Position, BinOp) } : "++" { withPos $1 Add } | "--" { withPos $1 Sub } DimsFn :: { DimsFn } : "$bits" { FnBits } | "$dimensions" { FnDimensions } | "$unpacked_dimensions" { FnUnpackedDimensions } DimFn :: { DimFn } : "$left" { FnLeft } | "$right" { FnRight } | "$low" { FnLow } | "$high" { FnHigh } | "$increment" { FnIncrement } | "$size" { FnSize } MITrace :: { ModuleItem } : PITrace { MIPackageItem $1 } PITrace :: { PackageItem } : DeclTrace { Decl $1 } CITrace :: { ClassItem } : PITrace { (QNone, $1) } DeclTrace :: { Decl } : Trace { CommentDecl $1 } StmtTrace :: { Stmt } : Trace { CommentStmt $1 } Trace :: { String } : position { "Trace: " ++ show $1 } position :: { Position } : {- empty -} {% gets pPosition } end :: { () } : "end" { () } | error {% missingToken "end" } endclass :: { () } : "endclass" { () } | error {% missingToken "endclass" } endfunction :: { () } : "endfunction" { () } | error {% missingToken "endfunction" } endgenerate :: { () } : "endgenerate" { () } | error {% missingToken "endgenerate" } endinterface :: { () } : "endinterface" { () } | error {% missingToken "endinterface" } endmodule :: { () } : "endmodule" { () } | error {% missingToken "endmodule" } endpackage :: { () } : "endpackage" { () } | error {% missingToken "endpackage" } endtask :: { () } : "endtask" { () } | error {% missingToken "endtask" } join :: { () } : "join" { () } | error {% missingToken "join" } { data ParseData = ParseData { pPosition :: Position , pTokens :: [Token] , pOversizedNumbers :: Bool } type ParseState = StateT ParseData (ExceptT String IO) parse :: Bool -> [Token] -> ExceptT String IO AST parse _ [] = return [] parse oversizedNumbers tokens = evalStateT parseMain initialState where position = tokenPosition $ head tokens initialState = ParseData position tokens oversizedNumbers positionKeep :: (Token -> ParseState a) -> ParseState a positionKeep cont = do ParseData _ tokens oversizedNumbers <- get case tokens of [] -> cont TokenEOF tok : toks -> do put $ ParseData (tokenPosition tok) toks oversizedNumbers cont tok parseErrorTok :: Token -> ParseState a parseErrorTok a = case a of TokenEOF -> do p <- gets pPosition parseErrorM p "unexpected end of file" Token t s p -> parseErrorM p $ "unexpected token '" ++ s ++ "' (" ++ show t ++ ")" parseErrorM :: Position -> String -> ParseState a parseErrorM pos msg = throwError $ show pos ++ ": Parse error: " ++ msg parseError :: Position -> String -> a parseError pos msg = error $ show pos ++ ": Parse error: " ++ msg genItemsToGenItem :: [GenItem] -> GenItem genItemsToGenItem [x] = x genItemsToGenItem xs = GenModuleItem $ Generate xs combineDeclsAndStmts :: ([Decl], [Stmt]) -> ([Decl], [Stmt]) -> ParseState ([Decl], [Stmt]) combineDeclsAndStmts (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = if not (null b1) && not (null a2) then do p <- gets pPosition parseErrorM p "procedural block contains a declaration after a statement" else return (a1 ++ a2, b1 ++ b2) makeInput :: Decl -> Decl makeInput (Variable Local t x a e) = Variable Input t x a e makeInput (Variable Input t x a e) = Variable Input t x a e makeInput (CommentDecl c) = CommentDecl c makeInput other = error $ "unexpected non-var or non-input decl: " ++ (show other) checkTag :: String -> String -> a -> ParseState a checkTag _ "" x = return x checkTag "" b _ = do p <- gets pPosition parseErrorM p $ "block has only end label " ++ show b checkTag a b x = if a == b then return x else do p <- gets pPosition parseErrorM p $ "element " ++ show a ++ " has mismatched end label " ++ show b toLHS :: Expr -> LHS toLHS expr = case exprToLHS expr of Just lhs -> lhs Nothing -> error $ "Parse error: cannot convert expression to LHS: " ++ show expr traceCommentDecl :: Position -> Decl traceCommentDecl = CommentDecl . ("Trace: " ++) . show makeParamDecls :: (Position, ParamScope) -> Type -> [(Identifier, Expr, [Range])] -> [Decl] makeParamDecls (p, s) t items = traceCommentDecl p : map mapper items where (tf, rs) = typeRanges t mapper (x, e, a) = Param s (tf $ a ++ rs) x e makeParamTypeDecls :: (Position, ParamScope) -> [(Identifier, Type)] -> [Decl] makeParamTypeDecls (p, s) items = traceCommentDecl p : map (uncurry $ ParamType s) items fieldDecl :: Type -> (Identifier, [Range]) -> (Type, Identifier) fieldDecl t (x, rs2) = (tf $ rs2 ++ rs1, x) where (tf, rs1) = typeRanges t validateCases :: Token -> [([Expr], a)] -> [([Expr], a)] validateCases tok items = if length (filter (null . fst) items) <= 1 then items else parseError (tokenPosition tok) "case has multiple defaults" caseInsideKW :: Token -> CaseKW -> CaseKW caseInsideKW _ CaseN = CaseInside caseInsideKW tok kw = parseError (tokenPosition tok) $ "cannot use inside with " ++ show kw addMIAttr :: Attr -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem addMIAttr _ item@(MIPackageItem (Decl CommentDecl{})) = item addMIAttr attr item = MIAttr attr item missingToken :: String -> ParseState a missingToken expected = do p <- gets pPosition parseErrorM p $ "missing expected `" ++ expected ++ "`" checkPortBindings :: [PortBinding] -> ParseState [PortBinding] checkPortBindings [] = return [] checkPortBindings bindings = checkBindings "port connections" $ if last bindings == ("", Nil) then init bindings else bindings checkParamBindings :: [ParamBinding] -> ParseState [ParamBinding] checkParamBindings = checkBindings "parameter overrides" checkBindings :: String -> [(Identifier, a)] -> ParseState [(Identifier, a)] checkBindings kind bindings = if all null bindingNames || all (not . null) bindingNames then return bindings else do p <- gets pPosition parseErrorM p $ "illegal mix of ordered and named " ++ kind where bindingNames = map fst bindings withPos :: Token -> a -> (Position, a) withPos tok = (tokenPosition tok, ) type PartialType = Signing -> [Range] -> Type unexpectedPackedRanges :: Position -> String -> a unexpectedPackedRanges pos typ = parseError pos $ "unexpected packed range(s) applied to " ++ typ unexpectedSigning :: Position -> Signing -> String -> a unexpectedSigning pos sg typ = parseError pos $ "unexpected " ++ show sg ++ " applied to " ++ typ makeIntegerVector :: (Position, IntegerVectorType) -> PartialType makeIntegerVector (_, typ) = IntegerVector typ makeIntegerAtom :: (Position, IntegerAtomType) -> PartialType makeIntegerAtom (_, typ) sg [] = IntegerAtom typ sg makeIntegerAtom (pos, typ) _ _ = unexpectedPackedRanges pos (show typ) makeNonInteger :: (Position, NonIntegerType) -> PartialType makeNonInteger (_, typ) Unspecified [] = NonInteger typ makeNonInteger (pos, typ) sg [] = unexpectedSigning pos sg (show typ) makeNonInteger (pos, typ) Unspecified _ = unexpectedPackedRanges pos (show typ) makeComplex :: Token -> ([Range] -> Type) -> (Position, PartialType) makeComplex (Token _ str pos) tf = (pos, check) where check Unspecified = tf check sg = unexpectedSigning pos sg str makeTypeOf :: Token -> Expr -> (Position, PartialType) makeTypeOf (Token _ _ pos) expr = (pos, check) where typ = TypeOf expr check Unspecified [] = typ check Unspecified _ = unexpectedPackedRanges pos (show typ) check sg [] = unexpectedSigning pos sg (show typ) addMITrace :: ModuleItem -> [ModuleItem] -> [ModuleItem] addMITrace _ items@(MIPackageItem (Decl CommentDecl{}) : _) = items addMITrace trace items = trace : items addPITrace :: PackageItem -> [PackageItem] -> [PackageItem] addPITrace _ items@(Decl CommentDecl{} : _) = items addPITrace trace items = trace : items addCITrace :: ClassItem -> [ClassItem] -> [ClassItem] addCITrace _ items@((_, Decl CommentDecl{}) : _) = items addCITrace trace items = trace : items makeFor :: Either [Decl] [(LHS, Expr)] -> Expr -> [(LHS, AsgnOp, Expr)] -> Stmt -> Stmt makeFor (Left inits) cond incr stmt = Block Seq "" decls [ CommentStmt msg , For (catMaybes maybeAsgns) cond incr stmt ] where (decls, maybeAsgns) = unzip $ map splitInit inits CommentDecl msg : _ = inits makeFor (Right asgns) cond incr stmt = For asgns cond incr stmt splitInit :: Decl -> (Decl, Maybe (LHS, Expr)) splitInit decl@CommentDecl{} = (decl, Nothing) splitInit decl = (Variable d t ident a Nil, Just (LHSIdent ident, e)) where Variable d t ident a e = decl readNumber :: Position -> String -> ParseState Number readNumber pos str = do oversizedNumbers <- gets pOversizedNumbers let (num, msg) = parseNumber oversizedNumbers str when (not $ null msg) $ lift $ lift $ hPutStrLn stderr $ show pos ++ ": Warning: " ++ msg return num expectZeroDelay :: Token -> a -> ParseState a expectZeroDelay tok a = do num <- readNumber pos str case num of Decimal (-32) True 0 -> return a _ -> parseError pos $ "expected 0 after #, but found " ++ str where Token { tokenString = str, tokenPosition = pos } = tok }