{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module SvgIcons.Icons.Tools ( svgTools , cogwheel , cog6 , cog9 , key , keyWithArc , lock , key1 , bell , wrench ) where import Text.Blaze.Svg11 ((!)) import Text.Blaze.Svg11 as S import Text.Blaze.Svg11.Attributes as A import SvgIcons.Core.Utils {- | A list with all the icons of this module, together with appropriate names. >svgTools :: [ (String , S.Svg) ] >svgTools = > [ (,) "cog6" cog6 > , (,) "cog9" cog9 > , (,) "key" key > , (,) "keyWithArc" keyWithArc > , (,) "lock" lock > , (,) "key1" key1 > , (,) "bell" bell > , (,) "wrench" wrench > ] -} svgTools :: [ (String , S.Svg) ] svgTools = [ (,) "cog6" cog6 , (,) "cog9" cog9 , (,) "key" key , (,) "keyWithArc" keyWithArc , (,) "lock" lock , (,) "key1" key1 , (,) "bell" bell , (,) "wrench" wrench ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/lock_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/lock_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/lock_strk.svg) -} lock :: S.Svg lock = S.g ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__lock" $ do S.path ! A.d arm S.path ! fillRule "evenodd" ! A.d body where aw = 0.07 ax = 0.4 ay1 = -0.1 ay2 = -0.48 arm = mkPath $ do m (-ax - aw) ay1 l (-ax - aw) ay2 aa ( ax + aw) (ax + aw) 0 True True ( ax + aw) ay2 l ( ax + aw) ay1 l ( ax - aw) ay1 l ( ax - aw) ay2 aa ( ax - aw) (ax - aw) 0 True False (-ax + aw) ay2 l (-ax + aw) ay1 S.z ---------------------------------------- bx = 0.7 by1 = ay1 by2 = 0.95 kr = 0.14 kw = 0.076 ky1 = 0.4 ky2 = 0.68 body = mkPath $ do m (-bx) by1 l (-bx) by2 l ( bx) by2 l ( bx) by1 S.z m (-kw) ky1 l (-kw) ky2 aa kw kw 0 True False ( kw) ky2 l ( kw) ky1 aa kr kr 0 True False (-kw) ky1 S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/key_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/key_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/key_strk.svg) -} key :: S.Svg key = S.path ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__key" ! fillRule "evenodd" ! A.d keyPath where w = 0.1 x0 = 0.3 x1 = 0 x2 = 0.5 x3 = 0.8 y1 = 0.3 r1 = 0.25 keyPath = mkPath $ do m (x1-2*w) (-0.005) aa r1 r1 0 True False (x1-2*w) 0 S.z m x1 (-w) aa (r1+2*w) (r1+2*w) 0 True False x1 w l (x2 - w) ( w) l (x2 - w) (y1) aa ( w) ( w) 0 True False (x2 + w) y1 l (x2 + w) ( w) l (x3 - w) ( w) l (x3 - w) (y1) aa ( w) ( w) 0 True False (x3 + w) y1 l (x3 + w) (-w) S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/keyWithArc_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/keyWithArc_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/keyWithArc_strk.svg) -} keyWithArc :: S.Svg keyWithArc = S.g ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__keyWithArc" $ do key ! A.transform (translate (-0.4) 0 <> S.scale 0.6 0.6) arc ! A.transform (S.scale 0.6 0.6) where w = 0.1 r1 = 1.3 r2 = r1 + 2*w π = pi α = π / 4 x1 = r1 * cos α y1 = r1 * sin α x2 = r2 * cos α y2 = r2 * sin α arc = S.path ! A.d arcPath arcPath = mkPath $ do m (-x1) (-y1) aa w w 0 True True (-x2) (-y2) aa r2 r2 0 True True (-x2) ( y2) aa w w 0 True True (-x1) ( y1) aa r1 r1 0 True False (-x1) (-y1) S.z {- | Takes a natural number @n@ which is the number of cogs, and a real number @eps@ which controls how 'pointy' the cogs are. -} cogwheel :: Int -> Float -> S.Svg cogwheel n eps = S.path ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__cogwheel" ! A.d cogPath where r1 = 0.4 :: Float r2 = 0.66 :: Float r3 = 0.94 :: Float a = (2 * pi) / (2 * fromIntegral n) makeAngles k' = let k = fromIntegral k' in [ k*a - eps, k*a + eps ] makePoint r α = ( r * cos α , r * sin α) outer = map (makePoint r3) $ concatMap makeAngles $ filter even [0 .. 2*n] inner = map (makePoint r2) $ concatMap makeAngles $ filter odd [0 .. 2*n] f ((a1,a2):(b1,b2):outs) ((c1,c2):(d1,d2):ins) = do l a1 a2 l b1 b2 l c1 c2 aa r2 r2 0 False True d1 d2 f outs ins f _ _ = S.z cogPath = mkPath $ do m ( r1) 0 aa r1 r1 0 True False (-r1) 0 aa r1 r1 0 True False ( r1) 0 m (fst $ head outer) (snd $ head outer) f outer inner {- | prop> cog6 = cogwheel 6 0.18 ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/cog6_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/cog6_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/cog6_strk.svg) -} cog6 :: S.Svg cog6 = cogwheel 6 0.18 {- | prop> cog = cogwheel 9 0.12 ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/cog9_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/cog9_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/cog9_strk.svg) -} cog9 :: S.Svg cog9 = cogwheel 9 0.12 {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/key1_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/key1_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/key1_strk.svg) -} key1 :: S.Svg key1 = S.g ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__key1" $ S.path ! A.d keyPath ! A.transform (rotateAround 45 0 0) where x1 = -0.1 y1 = 0.2 r1 = 0.51 x2 = 1.05 x3 = x2 + y1 x0 = -0.6 r0 = 0.15 keyPath = mkPath $ do m x1 y1 aa r1 r1 0 True True x1 (-y1) l x2 (-y1) l x3 0 l x2 y1 lr (-0.1) 0 lr (-0.1) (-0.1) lr (-0.1) ( 0.1) lr (-0.1) (-0.1) lr (-0.1) ( 0.1) lr (-0.1) (-0.1) lr (-0.1) ( 0.1) lr (-0.1) (-0.1) lr (-0.15) ( 0.15) lr (-0.05) (-0.05) S.z m x0 0 aa r0 r0 0 True False x0 0.001 S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/bell_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/bell_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/bell_strk.svg) -} bell :: S.Svg bell = S.path ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__bell" ! A.d dirs where r1 = 0.5 x1 = r1 + 0.25 y0 = -0.3 y1 = 0.5 y01 = (y1 + y0) / 2 x2 = 0.1 r2 = 0.17 dirs = mkPath $ do m x1 y1 c x1 y01 r1 y01 r1 y0 aa r1 r1 0 True False (-r1) y0 c (-r1) y01 (-x1) y01 (-x1) y1 S.z m (-x2) y1 aa r2 r2 0 True False x2 y1 S.z {- | ![fill style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/wrench_fill.svg) ![fill and stroke](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/wrench_full.svg) ![stroke style](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RamiroPastor/SvgIcons/main/svg/icons/tools/wrench_strk.svg) -} wrench :: S.Svg wrench = S.path ! A.class_ "HaskellSvgIcons__wrench" ! A.d dirs ! A.strokeLinejoin "round" where x0 = 0 x1 = 0.27 x2 = 0.2 x3 = (x1 + x2)/2 y0 = -0.35 y1 = -0.6 y2 = -0.95 y3 = 0 y4 = 0.7 r1 = 0.52 r2 = x3 r3 = 0.1 dirs = mkPath $ do m x0 y0 l (-x1) y1 l (-x1) y2 aa r1 r1 0 False False (-x2) y3 l (-x3) y4 aa r2 r2 0 True False x3 y4 l x2 y3 aa r1 r1 0 False False x1 y2 l x1 y1 S.z m (x0 - r3) y4 aa r3 r3 0 True True (x0 - r3) (y4 + 0.0001) S.z