# svgsym This is a simple tool to prune unused symbols from icon SVG files. Specifically, this tools takes as input - an SVG file that consists only of `symbol` elements, - one of more glob patterns of source files, and - a regular expression that identifies symbol references. It then scans your source files for references to symbols in the SVG file. The output of the tool is an SVG file that contains only the symbols referenced in your source files. ## Example We can prune the `all.svg` file from [css.gg](https://css.gg/) project for a Haskell project by running the below command. Note that the symbol regular expression consist of a single capture group that captures the actual symbol identifier. ``` console $ svgsym css-gg/all.svg \ --content './src/**/*.hs' \ --symbol '"(gg-[a-z]+)"' \ > ./output/static/css-gg.svg ``` ## Bug Reports and Sending Patches Bug reports and patches are managed through my [sourcehut public inbox][]. [sourcehut public inbox]: https://lists.sr.ht/~rycee/public-inbox ## Development The intended development flow is to use a Nix Flake development shell, e.g., using [Direnv](https://direnv.net/) or directly running ``` console $ nix develop . … ``` This will help set up a shell containing the necessary development dependencies. This shell will also be populated with utilities that can be run directly in the terminal: - `p-format` – formats the project's Cabal, Haskell, and Nix code. ## License [GNU General Public License v3.0 or later](https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0-or-later.html)