# swagger-test This is a tool for [Property Based Testing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_testing) of [swagger](https://swagger.io) APIs. It basically allow you to approximate the computation of the following proposition: > valid(response, schema), response = execute(request), ∀ request ∈ schema Which translates to: > For all valid requests that can be derived from my Swagger schema, the > API response obtained from executing that request is valid according to the > same Swagger schema. The tool exposes several ways to configure get value from parts of it, for example, you may be interested in getting just a random valid request from the schema (use the `generate` command), or validating if a given response (from a particular operation) is valid (use the `validate` command), or, run one sample instance of the full proposition, which picks a random request and validate it's resulting response (use the `request` command). The generator random request values are reproducible by re-using the same _seed_ value, or one can focus on a particular operation by specifying the operation id. The tool also simplifies integration with other systems by allowing to configure output formats as standard HTTP message, JSON, or curl. Additionally, there are Haskell modules exposed as a library if one wants to build on top of it. ## Command Line Interface *swagger-test* supports three commands: * `generate` - generates a new random valid request from Swagger schema. * `validate` - validate a response to a given operation id, according to the schema. * `request` - generate and make the request, then validates the response (combines generate and validate). * `report` - high-level command that run several requests concurrently, and write HTML reports for multiple Swagger schemas. Useful for testing systems with many Swagger services in a CI server. ```console swagger-test --help ``` ``` Property-based testing tool for Swagger APIs Usage: swagger-test COMMAND Execute one of the commands available depending on your needs Available options: -h,--help Show this help text Available commands: generate Generate a random request according to Schema validate Validate a response against Schema request Generate, make the request, and validate response report Run several tests and generate reports Run `COMMAND --help` to get command specific options help ``` ### Sub-commands #### Generate ```console swagger-test generate --help ``` ``` Usage: swagger-test generate [-s|--schema FILENAME] [--seed N] [-o|--operation ID] [--request-format http|curl|none|json] [-i|--info] [--size N] Generate a random request according to Schema Available options: -s,--schema FILENAME swagger JSON schema file to read from (default: "swagger.json") --seed N specify the seed for the random generator -o,--operation ID specify a operation id to test (default pick randomly) --request-format http|curl|none|json output format of the HTTP request (default: http) -i,--info render information about seed and operation id --size N control the size of the generated request (default: 30) -h,--help Show this help text ``` #### Validate ```console swagger-test validate --help ``` ``` Usage: swagger-test validate [-s|--schema FILENAME] [FILENAME] (-o|--operation ID) Validate a response against Schema Available options: -s,--schema FILENAME swagger JSON schema file to read from (default: "swagger.json") FILENAME http response file to read from (default=stdin) -o,--operation ID specify a operation id to test (default pick randomly) -h,--help Show this help text ``` #### Request ```console swagger-test request --help ``` ``` Usage: swagger-test request [-s|--schema FILENAME] [--seed N] [-o|--operation ID] [--request-format http|curl|none|json] [--response-format http|json|none] [-i|--info] [--size N] Generate, make the request, and validate response Available options: -s,--schema FILENAME swagger JSON schema file to read from (default: "swagger.json") --seed N specify the seed for the random generator -o,--operation ID specify a operation id to test (default pick randomly) --request-format http|curl|none|json output format of the HTTP request (default: none) --response-format http|json|none output format of the HTTP request (default: none) -i,--info render information about seed and operation id --size N control the size of the generated request (default: 30) -h,--help Show this help text ``` #### Report ```console swagger-test report --help ``` ``` Usage: swagger-test report [--schemas PATH] [--reports PATH] [--tests N] [--size N] Run several tests and generate reports Available options: --schemas PATH path to folder with swagger schemas (default: "schemas") --reports PATH path to folder to write the HTML reports (default: "reports") --tests N number of tests to run (default: 100) --size N control the size of the generated request (default: 30) -h,--help Show this help text ```