{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- See end of this file for licence information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : QNameTest -- Copyright : (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin, 2011 Douglas Burke -- License : GPL V2 -- -- Maintainer : Douglas Burke -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : OverloadedStrings -- -- This module defines test cases for QName data. It also throws in a few -- tests for the Namespace module. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Main where import Swish.Utils.QName ( QName , newQName , qnameFromURI , getNamespace , getLocalName , getQNameURI ) import Swish.Utils.Namespace (makeQNameScopedName, getQName, getScopedNameURI) import Test.HUnit (Test(TestCase,TestList), assertEqual, runTestTT) import Network.URI (URI, parseURIReference) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import qualified Data.Text as T ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Define some common values ------------------------------------------------------------ toURI :: String -> URI toURI = fromJust . parseURIReference base1, base2, base3, base4, base5, base6, base7 :: URI base1 = toURI "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph1/node#" base2 = toURI "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph2/node/" base3 = toURI "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph3/node" base4 = toURI "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph3/nodebase" base5 = toURI "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph5/" base6 = toURI "file://home/swish/" base7 = toURI "urn:long:separator:path" -- should this really be "urn:"? qb1s1, qb2s2, qb3s3, qb3, qb3bm, qb4m, qb5, qb5s5, qb6, qb7 :: QName qb1s1 = newQName base1 "s1" qb2s2 = newQName base2 "s2" qb3s3 = newQName base3 "s3" qb3 = newQName base3 "" qb3bm = newQName base3 "basemore" qb4m = newQName base4 "more" qb5 = newQName base5 "" qb5s5 = newQName base5 "s5" qb6 = newQName base6 "file.dat" qb7 = newQName base7 "" qb1st1, qb2st2, qb3st3 :: QName qb1st1 = newQName base1 "st1" qb2st2 = newQName base2 "st2" qb3st3 = newQName base3 "st3" testIsEq :: (Show a, Eq a) => String -> String -> a -> a -> Test testIsEq lbl1 lbl2 a b = TestCase (assertEqual (lbl1++":"++lbl2) a b) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- QName equality tests ------------------------------------------------------------ testQNameEq :: String -> Bool -> QName -> QName -> Test testQNameEq lbl eq n1 n2 = testIsEq "QNameEq" lbl eq (n1==n2) qnlist :: [(String, QName)] qnlist = [ ("qb1s1", qb1s1) , ("qb2s2", qb2s2) , ("qb3s3", qb3s3) , ("qb3", qb3) , ("qb3bm", qb3bm) , ("qb4m", qb4m) , ("qb5", qb5) , ("qb5s5", qb5s5) , ("qb1st1",qb1st1) , ("qb2st2",qb2st2) , ("qb3st3",qb3st3) ] qneqlist :: [(String, String)] qneqlist = [ ("qb3bm","qb4m") ] testQNameEqSuite :: Test testQNameEqSuite = TestList [ testQNameEq (testLab l1 l2) (testEq l1 l2) n1 n2 | (l1,n1) <- qnlist , (l2,n2) <- qnlist ] where testLab l1 l2 = l1 ++ "-" ++ l2 testEq l1 l2 = (l1 == l2) || (l1,l2) `elem` qneqlist || (l2,l1) `elem` qneqlist ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Alternative constructors ------------------------------------------------------------ nq1, nq2 :: QName nq1 = newQName base1 "s1" nq2 = newQName base1 "s2" qu1, qu2, qu3, qu4, qu5, qu6, qu7 :: QName qu1 = qnameFromURI (toURI "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph1/node#s1") qu2 = qnameFromURI (toURI "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph2/node/s2") qu3 = "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph3/node" qu4 = "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph5/" qu5 = "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph5/s5" qu6 = "file://home/swish/file.dat" qu7 = "urn:long:separator:path" testMakeQNameSuite :: Test testMakeQNameSuite = TestList [ testQNameEq "testnq01" True nq1 qb1s1 , testQNameEq "testnq02" False nq2 qb1s1 , testQNameEq "testqu01" True qb1s1 qu1 , testQNameEq "testqu02" True qb2s2 qu2 , testQNameEq "testqu03" True qb3 qu3 , testQNameEq "testqu04" True qb5 qu4 , testQNameEq "testqu05" True qb5s5 qu5 , testQNameEq "testqu06" True qb6 qu6 , testQNameEq "testqu07" True qb7 qu7 ] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Extract components ------------------------------------------------------------ testStringEq :: String -> String -> String -> Test testStringEq = testIsEq "StringEq" testTextEq :: String -> T.Text -> T.Text -> Test testTextEq = testIsEq "TextEq" testURIEq :: String -> String -> URI -> Test testURIEq lbl uri = testIsEq "URIEq" lbl (toURI uri) testPartQNameSuite :: Test testPartQNameSuite = TestList [ testURIEq "testGetNamespace01" "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph1/node#" (getNamespace qb1s1) , testURIEq "testGetNamespace02" "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph2/node/" (getNamespace qb2s2) , testURIEq "testGetNamespace03" "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph3/node" (getNamespace qb3s3) , testURIEq "testGetNamespace04" "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph3/node" (getNamespace qb3) , testTextEq "testGetLocalName01" "s1" (getLocalName qb1s1) , testTextEq "testGetLocalName02" "s2" (getLocalName qb2s2) , testTextEq "testGetLocalName03" "s3" (getLocalName qb3s3) , testTextEq "testGetLocalName04" "" (getLocalName qb3) , testURIEq "testGetQNameURI01" "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph1/node#s1" (getQNameURI qb1s1) , testURIEq "testGetQNameURI02" "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph2/node/s2" (getQNameURI qb2s2) , testURIEq "testGetQNameURI03" "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph3/nodes3" (getQNameURI qb3s3) , testURIEq "testGetQNameURI04" "http://id.ninebynine.org/wip/2003/test/graph3/node" (getQNameURI qb3) ] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Maybe Qname comparison ------------------------------------------------------------ testMaybeQNameEq :: String -> Bool -> Maybe QName -> Maybe QName -> Test testMaybeQNameEq lbl eq n1 n2 = testIsEq "MaybeQName" lbl eq (n1==n2) testMaybeQNameEqSuite :: Test testMaybeQNameEqSuite = TestList [ testMaybeQNameEq "testMaybeQNameEq01" True (Just qb1s1) (Just qb1s1) , testMaybeQNameEq "testMaybeQNameEq02" False (Just qb1s1) (Just qb2s2) , testMaybeQNameEq "testMaybeQNameEq03" False (Just qb1s1) Nothing , testMaybeQNameEq "testMaybeQNameEq04" False Nothing (Just qb1s1) , testMaybeQNameEq "testMaybeQNameEq05" True Nothing Nothing ] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- QName ordering ------------------------------------------------------------ testQNameLe :: String -> Bool -> QName -> QName -> Test testQNameLe lbl le n1 n2 = testIsEq "QNameLE" lbl le (n1 <= n2) testQNameLeSuite :: Test testQNameLeSuite = TestList [testQNameLe "testQNameLe01" True qb3bm qb4m , testQNameLe "testQNameLe02" True qb4m qb3bm , testQNameLe "testQNameLe03" True qb1s1 qb2s2 , testQNameLe "testQNameLe04" False qb2s2 qb1s1 ] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Show QName ------------------------------------------------------------ testShowQNameSuite :: Test testShowQNameSuite = TestList [testStringEq "testShowQName01" "" (show qb1s1) , testStringEq "testShowQName02" "" (show qb2s2) , testStringEq "testShowQName03" "" (show qb3) , testStringEq "testShowQName04" "" (show qb5) , testStringEq "testShowQName06" "" (show qb6) , testStringEq "testShowQName07" "" (show qb7) ] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Split URI string into QName parts ------------------------------------------------------------ -- splitURI :: String -> ( String, String ) -- splitURI "http://example.org/aaa#bbb" = ("http://example.org/aaa#","bbb") -- splitURI "http://example.org/aaa/bbb" = ("http://example.org/aaa/","bbb") -- splitURI "http://example.org/aaa/" = ("http://example.org/aaa/","") {- testSplitURI :: String -> String -> ( String, String ) -> Test testSplitURI label input ans = TestCase ( assertEqual label ans ( splitURI input ) ) as splitURI has now been moved into qnameFromURI we change the test somewhat and also include a check of the URI combination done by newQName (may be tested elsewhere). -} testSplitURI :: String -> String -> (String,T.Text) -> Test testSplitURI lbl input (a,b) = let qn = newQName (toURI a) b in TestList [ testIsEq lbl ":split" qn ((qnameFromURI . toURI) input) , testIsEq lbl ":show" input (show (getQNameURI qn)) ] testSplitURISuite :: Test testSplitURISuite = TestList [ testSplitURI "testSplitURI01" "http://example.org/aaa#bbb" ( "http://example.org/aaa#", "bbb" ) , testSplitURI "testSplitURI02" "http://example.org/aaa/bbb" ( "http://example.org/aaa/", "bbb" ) , testSplitURI "testSplitURI03" "http://example.org/aaa#" ( "http://example.org/aaa#", "" ) , testSplitURI "testSplitURI04" "http://example.org/aaa/" ( "http://example.org/aaa/", "" ) {- REMOVE the relative URI tests since it is not clear they make sense for QNames. , testSplitURI "testSplitURI05" "//example.org/aaa#bbb" ( "//example.org/aaa#", "bbb" ) , testSplitURI "testSplitURI06" "aaa/bbb" ( "aaa/", "bbb" ) , testSplitURI "testSplitURI07" "aaa/bbb/" ( "aaa/bbb/", "" ) -- Thanks to Ian Dickinson of the HP Jena team for spotting this one: -- So what *is* the correct split here? , testSplitURI "testSplitURI08" "mortal" ( "", "mortal" ) -} ] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Scoped Name tests, via QName and URI -- In reality this is testing qnameFromURI (or at least -- that was the original motivation). ------------------------------------------------------------ -- simple round-trip tests testSQRoundTrip :: String -> String -> Test testSQRoundTrip lbl uri = let u = (fromJust . parseURIReference) uri qn = qnameFromURI u sn = makeQNameScopedName qn in TestList [ testIsEq "SQ:URI" lbl u (getScopedNameURI sn) , testIsEq "SQ:Qname" lbl qn (getQName sn) ] testSNameTTSuite :: Test testSNameTTSuite = TestList [ testSQRoundTrip "null" "" , testSQRoundTrip "frag1" "/" -- Should relative fragments be supported? , testSQRoundTrip "frag2a" "/foo" , testSQRoundTrip "frag2b" "/foo/" , testSQRoundTrip "frag3" "/foo/bar" , testSQRoundTrip "frag4a" "/foo/bar#" , testSQRoundTrip "frag4b" "/foo/bar#fragid" , testSQRoundTrip "http1a" "http://example.com" , testSQRoundTrip "http1b" "http://example.com/" , testSQRoundTrip "http2" "http://example.com/foo/bar/" , testSQRoundTrip "http3" "http://example.com/foo/bar/bar" , testSQRoundTrip "http4a" "http://example.com/foo/bar/bar#" , testSQRoundTrip "http4b" "http://example.com/foo/bar/bar#fragid" , testSQRoundTrip "https1" "https://joeuser@example.com/foo/bar" , testSQRoundTrip "file1" "file:///dev/null" , testSQRoundTrip "urn1" "URN:foo:a123,456" , testSQRoundTrip "urn2" "urn:foo:a123%2C456" ] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- All tests ------------------------------------------------------------ allTests :: Test allTests = TestList [ testQNameEqSuite , testMakeQNameSuite , testPartQNameSuite , testMaybeQNameEqSuite , testQNameLeSuite , testShowQNameSuite , testSplitURISuite , testSNameTTSuite ] main :: IO () main = runTestTT allTests >> return () {- runTestFile t = do h <- openFile "a.tmp" WriteMode runTestText (putTextToHandle h False) t hClose h tf = runTestFile tt = runTestTT -} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin, 2011 Douglas Burke -- All rights reserved. -- -- This file is part of Swish. -- -- Swish is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- Swish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with Swish; if not, write to: -- The Free Software Foundation, Inc., -- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------