# Changelog for swiss-ephemeris ## v1.2.1.0 (2020-11-14) * Introduces `gregorianDateTime`, which is the reverse of `julianDay`: given a JD, return a tuple with `(year, month, day, decimalHour)`. ## v1.2.0.0 (2020-09-14) **BREAKING CHANGE:** `splitDegrees` now takes options that reflect the options in the underlying library. * Constructors for `JulianTime` and `SiderealTime` are now exposed. * Introduce `SplitDegreesOption` enum for all options one can split degrees with; amends `splitDegrees` to take said options as the first argument. * `splitDegreesZodiac` is unchanged, though a mere veneer for the now more powerful `splitDegrees`. * Since `splitDegreesZodiac` goes the extra enum-mile to provide human-readable zodiac names, and the underlying library can also split on Nakshatras, we now include the `NakshatraName` enum. Names are from wikipedia and I saw some variants, so please forgive any mispellings! ## v1.1.0.0 (2020-09-12) **BREAKING CHANGE:** the `Coordinates` type has been retired, in favor of the more specific `GeographicPosition` and `EclipticPosition`. `calculateCoordinates` is now `calculateEclipticPosition`, and the `calculateCusps*` family now takes a `GeographicPosition` as part of its inputs. * Introduces an `Internal` module with types and helpers that this library introduces, which are not native to the underlying C library. Import at your own risk! (the "curated"/ "stable" ones are re-exported by the main module.) - Deprecates the `Coordinates` type, in favor of `EclipticPosition`. * Introduces functions to `calculateEquatorialPosition` and `calculateObliquity` at a given time, as well as types that better convey the different types of positions (`EquatorialPosition`, `ObliquityInformation`). * Some astrology helpers: convert between equatorial and ecliptic (and vice-versa,) obtain the Delta Time effective at a given moment, obtain the house position of a given body. (**Note:** the `calculateHousePosition` function is more useful for working near the polar circles or for bodies off of the ecliptic -- the ARMC and obliquity need to be calculated or provided, it's simpler if you already have the cusps: just check which cusps a given longitude falls between -- no need for this function!) ## v1.0.0.0 (2020-09-07) * Refactor the `calculateCusps` function: - Return a simple list of cusps. This allows for future implementations of exotic systems that have more (or fewer?) cusps, and hews closer to regular usage (which iterates over the cusps.) - The house system comes first, to allow for more ergonomic partial application for uses where one system is the "default" (e.g. `traditionalCusps = calculateCusps Placidus`.) * Cleans up haddocks, adds many links to the original docs (and notes the headings, since updates to those seem to break hyperlinking?) ## v0.3.1.0 * Fixes occasional segmentation fault (caught most often in the more memory-strapped CI server than in my computer,) caused by using [`alloca`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- for the error string and, when no error string was populated, ending with undefined behavior. Now we explicitly allocate the 256 `char`s that the documentation and C sources recommend, which seems to be always freed by Haskell, vs. leaving a hole somewhere when the underlying library fails to terminate the string. ## v0.3.0.0 **Breaking fixes to `calculateCusps` and `calculateCoordinates`** * Upgrades to v2.09.03 of the C library, to incorporate some bug fixes that seem marginally related to random breakage I've seen; read more at: https://www.astro.com/swisseph/swephprg.htm#_Toc49847971 * Introduces `withoutEphemerides` which sets the ephe path to `NULL` (via the also new `setNoEphemeridesPath`) and takes care of calling `closeEphemerides`. Use this or `withEphemerides` for memory safety, only call the functions directly if you _really_ know what you're doing (i.e setting/closing ephemerides in some other manner.) * Both calculation functions are now `IO` computations, to reflect the fact that they may interact with ephemeris data and allocate memory that `closeEphemerides` _has_ to free. * More closely reflects the underlying behavior for calculating cusps: it _may_ return cusps in the `Porphyrius` system if given a point for which the chosen system fails. To more explicitly reflect this, we now have `calculateCuspsStrict` which returns a `Left` value if the requested house system couldn't be used. `calculateCuspsLenient` always returns a calculation, and is aliased to `calculateCusps` as the "default" method. * Since the calculation may have changed the house system, we now return a `systemUsed` entry in the `CuspsCalculation` record. ## v0.2.0.0 * Introduces `withEphemerides` for bracketed access to the ephemeris directory. * Changes the signature of `calculateCusps` to return a `Left` value if the underlying library is unable to calculate the cusps. * Introduces "monadic" versions of the calculations that work with instances of `MonadFail`: `calculateCuspsM` and `calculateCoordinatesM` * Improves test coverage with property testing. ## v0.1.0.0 - * Bundles the C code for v2.09.01 of [Swiss Ephemerides](https://www.astro.com/swisseph/swephinfo_e.htm) -- refer to that page and related documentation for other possible additions to this package! * First release with basic bindings to calculate the coordinates of bodies between the Sun and Chiron, plus cusps and major angles -- `calculateCoordinates` and `calculateCusps`, respectively. * The functions `setEphemeridesPath` and `closeEphemerides` are provided to initialize (important) and release (less important) resources related to caching calculations and locating the data files for ephemerides.