{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-} module Perm (tests) where {- This module illustrates permutation phrases. Disclaimer: this is a perhaps naive, certainly undebugged example. -} import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), Applicative(..)) import Control.Monad import Data.Generics --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We want to read terms of type T3 regardless of the order T1 and T2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- data T1 = T1 deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data) data T2 = T2 deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data) data T3 = T3 T1 T2 deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A silly monad that we use to read lists of constructor strings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type constructor newtype ReadT a = ReadT { unReadT :: [String] -> Maybe ([String],a) } -- Run a computation runReadT x y = case unReadT x y of Just ([],y) -> Just y _ -> Nothing -- Read one string readT :: ReadT String readT = ReadT (\x -> if null x then Nothing else Just (tail x, head x) ) instance Functor ReadT where fmap = liftM instance Applicative ReadT where pure = return (<*>) = ap instance Alternative ReadT where (<|>) = mplus empty = mzero -- ReadT is a monad! instance Monad ReadT where return x = ReadT (\y -> Just (y,x)) c >>= f = ReadT (\x -> case unReadT c x of Nothing -> Nothing Just (x', a) -> unReadT (f a) x' ) -- ReadT also accommodates mzero and mplus! instance MonadPlus ReadT where mzero = ReadT (const Nothing) f `mplus` g = ReadT (\x -> case unReadT f x of Nothing -> unReadT g x y -> y ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- A helper type to appeal to predicative type system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype GenM = GenM { unGenM :: forall a. Data a => a -> ReadT a } --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The function that reads and copes with all permutations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- buildT :: forall a. Data a => ReadT a buildT = result where result = do str <- readT con <- string2constr str ske <- return $ fromConstr con fs <- return $ gmapQ buildT' ske perm [] fs ske -- Determine type of data to be constructed myType = myTypeOf result where myTypeOf :: forall a. ReadT a -> a myTypeOf = undefined -- Turn string into constructor string2constr str = maybe mzero return (readConstr (dataTypeOf myType) str) -- Specialise buildT per kid type buildT' :: forall a. Data a => a -> GenM buildT' (_::a) = GenM (const mzero `extM` const (buildT::ReadT a)) -- The permutation exploration function perm :: forall a. Data a => [GenM] -> [GenM] -> a -> ReadT a perm [] [] a = return a perm fs [] a = perm [] fs a perm fs (f:fs') a = ( do a' <- gmapMo (unGenM f) a perm fs fs' a' ) `mplus` ( do guard (not (null fs')) perm (f:fs) fs' a ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The main function for testing --------------------------------------------------------------------------- tests = ( runReadT buildT ["T1"] :: Maybe T1 -- should parse fine , ( runReadT buildT ["T2"] :: Maybe T2 -- should parse fine , ( runReadT buildT ["T3","T1","T2"] :: Maybe T3 -- should parse fine , ( runReadT buildT ["T3","T2","T1"] :: Maybe T3 -- should parse fine , ( runReadT buildT ["T3","T2","T2"] :: Maybe T3 -- should fail ))))) @=? output output = (Just T1,(Just T2,(Just (T3 T1 T2),(Just (T3 T1 T2),Nothing))))