{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Test.Syd.Output where import Control.Monad.Reader import Data.Algorithm.Diff import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder) import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as SBB import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as SB8 import qualified Data.List as L import Data.List.Split (splitWhen) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Word import GHC.Stack import Safe import Test.QuickCheck.IO () import Test.Syd.OptParse import Test.Syd.Run import Test.Syd.SpecDef import Test.Syd.SpecForest import Text.Colour import Text.Printf printOutputSpecForest :: Settings -> Timed ResultForest -> IO () printOutputSpecForest settings results = do tc <- deriveTerminalCapababilities settings forM_ (outputResultReport settings results) $ \chunks -> do putChunksWith tc chunks SB8.putStrLn "" renderResultReport :: Settings -> TerminalCapabilities -> Timed ResultForest -> Builder renderResultReport settings tc rf = mconcat $ L.intersperse (SBB.char7 '\n') $ map (renderChunks tc) (outputResultReport settings rf) outputResultReport :: Settings -> Timed ResultForest -> [[Chunk]] outputResultReport settings trf@(Timed rf _) = concat [ outputTestsHeader, outputSpecForest 0 (resultForestWidth rf) rf, [ [chunk ""], [chunk ""] ], outputFailuresWithHeading settings rf, [[chunk ""]], outputStats (computeTestSuiteStats <$> trf), [[chunk ""]] ] outputFailuresHeader :: [[Chunk]] outputFailuresHeader = outputHeader "Failures:" outputFailuresWithHeading :: Settings -> ResultForest -> [[Chunk]] outputFailuresWithHeading settings rf = if shouldExitFail settings rf then concat [ outputFailuresHeader, outputFailures settings rf ] else [] outputStats :: Timed TestSuiteStats -> [[Chunk]] outputStats (Timed TestSuiteStats {..} timing) = let sumTimeSeconds :: Double sumTimeSeconds = fromIntegral testSuiteStatSumTime / 1_000_000_000 totalTimeSeconds :: Double totalTimeSeconds = fromIntegral timing / 1_000_000_000 in map (padding :) $ concat [ [ [ chunk "Examples: ", fore green $ chunk (T.pack (show testSuiteStatExamples)) ] | testSuiteStatExamples /= testSuiteStatSuccesses ], [ [ chunk "Passed: ", fore green $ chunk (T.pack (show testSuiteStatSuccesses)) ], [ chunk "Failed: ", ( if testSuiteStatFailures > 0 then fore red else fore green ) $ chunk (T.pack (show testSuiteStatFailures)) ] ], [ [ chunk "Flaky: ", fore red $ chunk (T.pack (show testSuiteStatFlakyTests)) ] | testSuiteStatFlakyTests > 0 ], [ [ chunk "Pending: ", fore magenta $ chunk (T.pack (show testSuiteStatPending)) ] | testSuiteStatPending > 0 ], concat [ let longestTimeSeconds :: Double longestTimeSeconds = fromIntegral longestTestTime / 1_000_000_000 longestTimePercentage :: Double longestTimePercentage = 100 * longestTimeSeconds / sumTimeSeconds showLongestTestDetails = longestTimePercentage > 50 in filter (not . null) [ concat [ [ "Longest test: ", fore green $ chunk longestTestName ] | showLongestTestDetails ], concat [ [ chunk "Longest test took: ", fore yellow $ chunk $ T.pack (printf "%13.2f seconds" longestTimeSeconds) ], [ chunk $ T.pack (printf ", which is %.0f%% of total runtime" longestTimePercentage) | showLongestTestDetails ] ] ] | (longestTestName, longestTestTime) <- maybeToList testSuiteStatLongestTime ], [ [ chunk "Sum of test runtimes:", fore yellow $ chunk $ T.pack (printf "%13.2f seconds" sumTimeSeconds) ], [ chunk "Test suite took: ", fore yellow $ chunk $ T.pack (printf "%13.2f seconds" totalTimeSeconds) ] ] ] outputTestsHeader :: [[Chunk]] outputTestsHeader = outputHeader "Tests:" outputHeader :: Text -> [[Chunk]] outputHeader t = [ [fore blue $ chunk t], [chunk ""] ] outputSpecForest :: Int -> Int -> ResultForest -> [[Chunk]] outputSpecForest level treeWidth = concatMap (outputSpecTree level treeWidth) outputSpecTree :: Int -> Int -> ResultTree -> [[Chunk]] outputSpecTree level treeWidth = \case SpecifyNode t td -> outputSpecifyLines level treeWidth t td PendingNode t mr -> outputPendingLines t mr DescribeNode t sf -> outputDescribeLine t : map (padding :) (outputSpecForest (level + 1) treeWidth sf) SubForestNode sf -> outputSpecForest level treeWidth sf outputDescribeLine :: Text -> [Chunk] outputDescribeLine t = [fore yellow $ chunk t] outputSpecifyLines :: Int -> Int -> Text -> TDef (Timed TestRunResult) -> [[Chunk]] outputSpecifyLines level treeWidth specifyText (TDef (Timed TestRunResult {..} executionTime) _) = let withStatusColour = fore (statusColour testRunResultStatus) pad = (chunk (T.pack (replicate paddingSize ' ')) :) timeChunk = timeChunkFor executionTime in filter (not . null) $ concat [ [ [ withStatusColour $ chunk (statusCheckMark testRunResultStatus), withStatusColour $ chunk specifyText, spacingChunk level specifyText (chunkText timeChunk) treeWidth, timeChunk ] ], map pad $ retriesChunks testRunResultStatus testRunResultRetries testRunResultFlakinessMessage, [ pad [ chunk "passed for all of ", case w of 0 -> fore red $ chunk "0" _ -> fore green $ chunk (T.pack (printf "%d" w)), " inputs." ] | testRunResultStatus == TestPassed, w <- maybeToList testRunResultNumTests ], map pad $ labelsChunks (fromMaybe 1 testRunResultNumTests) testRunResultLabels, map pad $ classesChunks testRunResultClasses, map pad $ tablesChunks testRunResultTables, [pad $ outputGoldenCase gc | gc <- maybeToList testRunResultGoldenCase] ] exampleNrChunk :: Word -> Word -> Chunk exampleNrChunk total current = let digits :: Word digits = max 2 $ succ $ floor $ logBase 10 $ (fromIntegral :: Word -> Double) total formatStr = "%" <> show digits <> "d" in chunk $ T.pack $ printf formatStr current timeChunkFor :: Word64 -> Chunk timeChunkFor executionTime = let t = fromIntegral executionTime / 1_000_000 :: Double -- milliseconds executionTimeText = T.pack (printf "%10.2f ms" t) withTimingColour = if | t < 10 -> fore green | t < 100 -> fore yellow | t < 1000 -> fore orange | t < 10000 -> fore red | otherwise -> fore darkRed in withTimingColour $ chunk executionTimeText retriesChunks :: TestStatus -> Maybe Int -> Maybe String -> [[Chunk]] retriesChunks status mRetries mMessage = case mRetries of Nothing -> [] Just retries -> case status of TestPassed -> concat [ [["Retries: ", chunk (T.pack (show retries)), fore red " !!! FLAKY !!!"]], [[fore magenta $ chunk $ T.pack message] | message <- maybeToList mMessage] ] TestFailed -> [["Retries: ", chunk (T.pack (show retries)), " (likely not flaky)"]] labelsChunks :: Word -> Maybe (Map [String] Int) -> [[Chunk]] labelsChunks _ Nothing = [] labelsChunks totalCount (Just labels) | M.null labels = [] | map fst (M.toList labels) == [[]] = [] | otherwise = [chunk "Labels"] : map ( pad . ( \(ss, i) -> [ chunk ( T.pack ( printf "%5.2f%% %s" (100 * fromIntegral i / fromIntegral totalCount :: Double) (commaList (map show ss)) ) ) ] ) ) (M.toList labels) where pad = (chunk (T.pack (replicate paddingSize ' ')) :) classesChunks :: Maybe (Map String Int) -> [[Chunk]] classesChunks Nothing = [] classesChunks (Just classes) | M.null classes = [] | otherwise = [chunk "Classes"] : map ( pad . ( \(s, i) -> [ chunk ( T.pack ( printf "%5.2f%% %s" (100 * fromIntegral i / fromIntegral total :: Double) s ) ) ] ) ) (M.toList classes) where pad = (chunk (T.pack (replicate paddingSize ' ')) :) total = sum $ map snd $ M.toList classes tablesChunks :: Maybe (Map String (Map String Int)) -> [[Chunk]] tablesChunks Nothing = [] tablesChunks (Just tables) = concatMap (uncurry goTable) $ M.toList tables where goTable :: String -> Map String Int -> [[Chunk]] goTable tableName percentages = [chunk " "] : [chunk (T.pack tableName)] : map ( pad . ( \(s, i) -> [ chunk ( T.pack ( printf "%5.2f%% %s" (100 * fromIntegral i / fromIntegral total :: Double) s ) ) ] ) ) (M.toList percentages) where pad = (chunk (T.pack (replicate paddingSize ' ')) :) total = sum $ map snd $ M.toList percentages outputPendingLines :: Text -> Maybe Text -> [[Chunk]] outputPendingLines specifyText mReason = filter (not . null) [ [fore magenta $ chunk specifyText], case mReason of Nothing -> [] Just reason -> [padding, chunk reason] ] outputFailureLabels :: Maybe (Map [String] Int) -> [[Chunk]] outputFailureLabels Nothing = [] outputFailureLabels (Just labels) | labels == M.singleton [] 1 = [] | otherwise = [["Labels: ", chunk (T.pack (commaList (map show (concat $ M.keys labels))))]] commaList :: [String] -> String commaList [] = [] commaList [s] = s commaList (s1 : rest) = s1 ++ ", " ++ commaList rest outputFailureClasses :: Maybe (Map String Int) -> [[Chunk]] outputFailureClasses Nothing = [] outputFailureClasses (Just classes) | M.null classes = [] | otherwise = [["Class: ", chunk (T.pack (commaList (M.keys classes)))]] outputGoldenCase :: GoldenCase -> [Chunk] outputGoldenCase = \case GoldenNotFound -> [fore red $ chunk "Golden output not found"] GoldenStarted -> [fore cyan $ chunk "Golden output created"] GoldenReset -> [fore cyan $ chunk "Golden output reset"] -- The chunk for spacing between the description and the timing -- -- initial padding | checkmark | description | THIS CHUNK | execution time spacingChunk :: Int -> Text -> Text -> Int -> Chunk spacingChunk level descriptionText executionTimeText treeWidth = chunk $ T.pack $ replicate paddingWidth ' ' where paddingWidth = let preferredMaxWidth = 80 checkmarkWidth = 2 minimumSpacing = 1 actualDescriptionWidth = T.length descriptionText actualTimingWidth = T.length executionTimeText totalNecessaryWidth = treeWidth + checkmarkWidth + minimumSpacing + actualTimingWidth -- All timings are the same width actualMaxWidth = max totalNecessaryWidth preferredMaxWidth in actualMaxWidth - paddingSize * level - actualTimingWidth - actualDescriptionWidth outputFailures :: Settings -> ResultForest -> [[Chunk]] outputFailures settings rf = let failures = filter (testFailed settings . timedValue . testDefVal . snd) $ flattenSpecForest rf nbDigitsInFailureCount :: Int nbDigitsInFailureCount = floor (logBase 10 (L.genericLength failures) :: Double) padFailureDetails = (chunk (T.pack (replicate (nbDigitsInFailureCount + 4) ' ')) :) in map (padding :) $ filter (not . null) $ concat $ indexed failures $ \w (ts, TDef (Timed TestRunResult {..} _) cs) -> concat [ [ [ fore cyan $ chunk $ T.pack $ replicate 2 ' ' ++ case headMay $ getCallStack cs of Nothing -> "Unknown location" Just (_, SrcLoc {..}) -> concat [ srcLocFile, ":", show srcLocStartLine ] ], map (fore (statusColour testRunResultStatus)) [ chunk $ statusCheckMark testRunResultStatus, chunk $ T.pack (printf ("%" ++ show nbDigitsInFailureCount ++ "d ") w), chunk $ T.intercalate "." ts ] ], map padFailureDetails $ retriesChunks testRunResultStatus testRunResultRetries testRunResultFlakinessMessage, map (padFailureDetails . (: []) . chunk . T.pack) $ case (testRunResultNumTests, testRunResultNumShrinks) of (Nothing, _) -> [] (Just numTests, Nothing) -> [printf "Failed after %d tests" numTests] (Just numTests, Just 0) -> [printf "Failed after %d tests" numTests] (Just numTests, Just numShrinks) -> [printf "Failed after %d tests and %d shrinks" numTests numShrinks], map (padFailureDetails . (\c -> [chunk "Generated: ", c]) . fore yellow . chunk . T.pack) testRunResultFailingInputs, map padFailureDetails $ outputFailureLabels testRunResultLabels, map padFailureDetails $ outputFailureClasses testRunResultClasses, map padFailureDetails $ case testRunResultException of Nothing -> [] Just (Left s) -> stringChunks s Just (Right a) -> outputAssertion a, [padFailureDetails $ outputGoldenCase gc | gc <- maybeToList testRunResultGoldenCase], concat [map padFailureDetails $ stringChunks ei | ei <- maybeToList testRunResultExtraInfo], [[chunk ""]] ] outputAssertion :: Assertion -> [[Chunk]] outputAssertion = \case NotEqualButShouldHaveBeenEqual actual expected -> outputEqualityAssertionFailed actual expected EqualButShouldNotHaveBeenEqual actual notExpected -> outputNotEqualAssertionFailed actual notExpected PredicateFailedButShouldHaveSucceeded actual mName -> outputPredicateSuccessAssertionFailed actual mName PredicateSucceededButShouldHaveFailed actual mName -> outputPredicateFailAssertionFailed actual mName ExpectationFailed s -> stringChunks s Context a' context -> outputAssertion a' ++ stringChunks context outputEqualityAssertionFailed :: String -> String -> [[Chunk]] outputEqualityAssertionFailed actual expected = let diff = getDiff actual expected -- TODO use 'getGroupedDiff' instead, but then we need to fix the 'splitWhen' below splitLines = splitWhen ((== "\n") . chunkText) chunksLinesWithHeader :: Chunk -> [[Chunk]] -> [[Chunk]] chunksLinesWithHeader header = \case [cs] -> [header : cs] cs -> [header] : cs actualChunks :: [[Chunk]] actualChunks = chunksLinesWithHeader (fore blue "Actual: ") $ splitLines $ flip mapMaybe diff $ \case First a -> Just $ fore red $ chunk (T.singleton a) Second _ -> Nothing Both a _ -> Just $ chunk (T.singleton a) expectedChunks :: [[Chunk]] expectedChunks = chunksLinesWithHeader (fore blue "Expected: ") $ splitLines $ flip mapMaybe diff $ \case First _ -> Nothing Second a -> Just $ fore green $ chunk (T.singleton a) Both a _ -> Just $ chunk (T.singleton a) inlineDiffChunks :: [[Chunk]] inlineDiffChunks = if length (lines actual) == 1 && length (lines expected) == 1 then [] else chunksLinesWithHeader (fore blue "Inline diff: ") $ splitLines $ flip map diff $ \case First a -> fore red $ chunk (T.singleton a) Second a -> fore green $ chunk (T.singleton a) Both a _ -> chunk (T.singleton a) in concat [ [[chunk "Expected these values to be equal:"]], actualChunks, expectedChunks, inlineDiffChunks ] outputNotEqualAssertionFailed :: String -> String -> [[Chunk]] outputNotEqualAssertionFailed actual notExpected = if actual == notExpected -- String equality then [ [chunk "Did not expect equality of the values but both were:"], [chunk (T.pack actual)] ] else [ [chunk "These two values were considered equal but should not have been equal:"], [fore blue "Actual : ", chunk (T.pack actual)], [fore blue "Not Expected: ", chunk (T.pack notExpected)] ] outputPredicateSuccessAssertionFailed :: String -> Maybe String -> [[Chunk]] outputPredicateSuccessAssertionFailed actual mName = concat [ [ [chunk "Predicate failed, but should have succeeded, on this value:"], [chunk (T.pack actual)] ], concat [map (chunk "Predicate: " :) (stringChunks name) | name <- maybeToList mName] ] outputPredicateFailAssertionFailed :: String -> Maybe String -> [[Chunk]] outputPredicateFailAssertionFailed actual mName = concat [ [ [chunk "Predicate succeeded, but should have failed, on this value:"], [chunk (T.pack actual)] ], concat [map (chunk "Predicate: " :) (stringChunks name) | name <- maybeToList mName] ] mContextChunks :: Maybe String -> [[Chunk]] mContextChunks = maybe [] stringChunks stringChunks :: String -> [[Chunk]] stringChunks s = let ls = lines s in map ((: []) . chunk . T.pack) ls indexed :: [a] -> (Word -> a -> b) -> [b] indexed ls func = zipWith func [1 ..] ls outputFailure :: TestRunResult -> Maybe [[Chunk]] outputFailure TestRunResult {..} = case testRunResultStatus of TestPassed -> Nothing TestFailed -> Just [[chunk "Failure"]] statusColour :: TestStatus -> Colour statusColour = \case TestPassed -> green TestFailed -> red statusCheckMark :: TestStatus -> Text statusCheckMark = \case TestPassed -> "\10003 " TestFailed -> "\10007 " resultForestWidth :: SpecForest a -> Int resultForestWidth = goF 0 where goF :: Int -> SpecForest a -> Int goF level = maximum . map (goT level) goT :: Int -> SpecTree a -> Int goT level = \case SpecifyNode t _ -> T.length t + level * paddingSize PendingNode t _ -> T.length t + level * paddingSize DescribeNode _ sdf -> goF (succ level) sdf SubForestNode sdf -> goF level sdf specForestWidth :: SpecDefForest a b c -> Int specForestWidth = goF 0 where goF :: Int -> SpecDefForest a b c -> Int goF level = \case [] -> 0 ts -> maximum $ map (goT level) ts goT :: Int -> SpecDefTree a b c -> Int goT level = \case DefSpecifyNode t _ _ -> T.length t + level * paddingSize DefPendingNode t _ -> T.length t + level * paddingSize DefDescribeNode _ sdf -> goF (succ level) sdf DefWrapNode _ sdf -> goF level sdf DefBeforeAllNode _ sdf -> goF level sdf DefAroundAllNode _ sdf -> goF level sdf DefAroundAllWithNode _ sdf -> goF level sdf DefAfterAllNode _ sdf -> goF level sdf DefParallelismNode _ sdf -> goF level sdf DefRandomisationNode _ sdf -> goF level sdf DefFlakinessNode _ sdf -> goF level sdf padding :: Chunk padding = chunk $ T.replicate paddingSize " " paddingSize :: Int paddingSize = 2 orange :: Colour orange = colour256 166 darkRed :: Colour darkRed = colour256 160