{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Test.Syd.Aeson ( -- * Golden tests goldenJSONFile, pureGoldenJSONFile, goldenJSONValueFile, pureGoldenJSONValueFile, ) where import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson as JSON import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as JSON import qualified Data.ByteString as SB import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Text.Encoding as TE import Path import Path.IO import Test.Syd -- | Test that the produced 'JSON.Value' is the same as what we find in the given golden file. -- -- This function shows a diff based on the encoding of the values. goldenJSONFile :: FilePath -> IO JSON.Value -> GoldenTest JSON.Value goldenJSONFile fp produceActualValue = GoldenTest { goldenTestRead = do p <- resolveFile' fp mContents <- forgivingAbsence $ SB.readFile (fromAbsFile p) forM mContents $ \contents -> case JSON.eitherDecode (LB.fromStrict contents) of Left err -> expectationFailure err Right r -> pure r, goldenTestProduce = produceActualValue, goldenTestWrite = \v -> do p <- resolveFile' fp ensureDir (parent p) SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile p) $ LB.toStrict $ JSON.encodePretty v, goldenTestCompare = \actual expected -> if actual == expected then Nothing else Just ( Context ( textsNotEqualButShouldHaveBeenEqual (TE.decodeUtf8 (LB.toStrict (JSON.encodePretty actual))) (TE.decodeUtf8 (LB.toStrict (JSON.encodePretty expected))) ) (goldenContext fp) ) } -- | Test that the given 'JSON.Value' is the same as what we find in the given golden file. -- -- This function shows a diff based on the encoding of the values. pureGoldenJSONFile :: FilePath -> JSON.Value -> GoldenTest JSON.Value pureGoldenJSONFile fp actualValue = goldenJSONFile fp $ pure actualValue -- | Test that the produced 'JSON.Value' is the same as what we find in the given golden file. -- -- This test also tests that the previously written 'toJSON'-ed version of the given value is still parseable as to same value. -- -- This function shows a diff based on the pretty 'Show'ing of the values. goldenJSONValueFile :: (Show a, Eq a, FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => FilePath -> IO a -> GoldenTest a goldenJSONValueFile fp produceActualValue = GoldenTest { goldenTestRead = do p <- resolveFile' fp mContents <- forgivingAbsence $ SB.readFile (fromAbsFile p) forM mContents $ \contents -> case JSON.eitherDecode (LB.fromStrict contents) of Left err -> expectationFailure err Right r -> pure r, goldenTestProduce = produceActualValue, goldenTestWrite = \v -> do p <- resolveFile' fp ensureDir (parent p) SB.writeFile (fromAbsFile p) $ LB.toStrict $ JSON.encodePretty v, goldenTestCompare = \actual expected -> if actual == expected then Nothing else Just (Context (stringsNotEqualButShouldHaveBeenEqual (ppShow actual) (ppShow expected)) (goldenContext fp)) } -- | Test that the given 'JSON.Value' is the same as what we find in the given golden file. -- -- This test also tests that the previously written 'toJSON'-ed version of the given value is still parseable as to same value. -- -- This function shows a diff based on the pretty 'Show'ing of the values. pureGoldenJSONValueFile :: (Show a, Eq a, FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => FilePath -> a -> GoldenTest a pureGoldenJSONValueFile fp actualValue = goldenJSONValueFile fp $ pure actualValue