symbolize: Efficient global Symbol table, with Garbage Collection.

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Symbols, also known as Atoms or Interned Strings, are a common technique to reduce memory usage and improve performance when using many small strings.

By storing a single copy of each encountered string in a global table and giving out indexes to that table, it is possible to compare strings for equality in constant time, instead of linear (in string size) time.

The main advantages of Symbolize over existing symbol table implementations are:

  • Garbage collection: Symbols which are no longer used are automatically cleaned up.

  • Symbols have a memory footprint of exactly 1 Word and are nicely unpacked by GHC.

  • Support for any Textual type, including String, (strict and lazy) Data.Text, (strict and lazy) Data.ByteString etc.

  • Thread-safe.

  • Calls to lookup and unintern are free of atomic memory barriers (and never have to wait on a concurrent thread running intern)

  • Support for a maximum of 2^64 symbols at the same time (you'll probably run out of memory before that point).

Please see the full README below or on GitHub at

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Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <5), bytestring (>=0.11.0 && <0.12), deepseq (>=1.4.0 && <1.5), hashable (>=1.4.0 && <1.5), text (>=2.0 && <2.2), text-display (>=0.0.5 && <0.1), text-short (>=0.1.0 && <0.2), unordered-containers (>=0.2.0 && <0.3) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2023 Marten Wijnja
Author Qqwy / Marten
Category Data, Data Structures
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Uploaded by qqwy at 2023-11-24T20:06:14Z
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Hackage HackageDocumentation test

Haskell library implementing a global Symbol Table, with garbage collection.

API Documentation

Symbols, also known as Atoms or Interned Strings, are a common technique to reduce memory usage and improve performance when using many small strings.

By storing a single copy of each encountered string in a global table and giving out indexes to that table, it is possible to compare strings for equality in constant time, instead of linear (in string size) time.

The main advantages of Symbolize over existing symbol table implementations are:

  • Garbage collection: Symbols which are no longer used are automatically cleaned up.
  • Symbols have a memory footprint of exactly 1 Word and are nicely unpacked by GHC.
  • Support for any Textual type, including String, (strict and lazy) Data.Text, (strict and lazy) Data.ByteString etc.
  • Thread-safe.
  • Efficient: Calls to lookup and unintern are free of atomic memory barriers (and never have to wait on a concurrent thread running intern)
  • Support for a maximum of 2^64 symbols at the same time (you'll probably run out of memory before that point).

Basic usage

This module is intended to be imported qualified, e.g.

import Symbolize (Symbol)
import qualified Symbolize

To intern a string, use intern:

>>> hello = Symbolize.intern "hello"
>>> world = Symbolize.intern "world"
>>> (hello, world)
(Symbolize.intern "hello",Symbolize.intern "world")

Interning supports any Textual type, so you can also use Data.Text or Data.ByteString etc.:

>>> import Data.Text (Text)
>>> niceCheeses = fmap Symbolize.intern (["Roquefort", "Camembert", "Brie"] :: [Text])
>>> niceCheeses
[Symbolize.intern "Roquefort",Symbolize.intern "Camembert",Symbolize.intern "Brie"]

And if you are using OverloadedStrings, you can use the IsString instance to intern constants:

>>> hello2 = ("hello" :: Symbol)
>>> hello2
Symbolize.intern "hello"

Comparisons between symbols run in O(1) time:

>>> hello == hello2
>>> hello == world

To get back the textual value of a symbol, use unintern:

>>> Symbolize.unintern hello

If you only want to check whether a string is already interned, use lookup:

>>> Symbolize.lookup "hello"
Just (Symbolize.intern "hello")

Symbols make great keys for Data.HashMap and Data.HashSet. Hashing them is a no-op and they are guaranteed to be unique:

>>> import qualified Data.Hashable as Hashable
>>> Hashable.hash hello
>>> fmap Hashable.hash niceCheeses

For introspection, you can look at how many symbols currently exist:

>>> Symbolize.globalSymbolTableSize
>>> [unintern (intern (show x)) | x <- [1..5]]
>>> Symbolize.globalSymbolTableSize

Unused symbols will be garbage-collected, so you don't have to worry about memory leaks:

>>> System.Mem.performGC
>>> Symbolize.globalSymbolTableSize

For deeper introspection, you can look at the Show instance of the global symbol table: /(Note that the exact format is subject to change.)/

>>> Symbolize.globalSymbolTable
GlobalSymbolTable { count = 5, next = 10, contents = [(0,"hello"),(1,"world"),(2,"Roquefort"),(3,"Camembert"),(4,"Brie")] }