{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}

module Network.Syncthing.Internal.Config
    ( SyncConfig(..)
    ) where

import qualified Data.Text                      as T
import           Network.HTTP.Client            (Manager, ManagerSettings)
import qualified Network.Wreq                   as W

import           Network.Syncthing.Types.Common (Server)

-- | The Syncthing configuration for specifying the Syncthing server,
-- authentication, the API Key etc.
data SyncConfig = SyncConfig {
      _pServer  :: Server
    , _pApiKey  :: Maybe T.Text
    , _pAuth    :: Maybe W.Auth
    , _pHttps   :: Bool
    , _pManager :: Either ManagerSettings Manager

instance Show SyncConfig where
    show SyncConfig{..} =
        concat [ "SyncConfig { "
               , "pServer = ", show _pServer
               , ", pApiKey = ", show _pApiKey
               , ", pAuth = ", show _pAuth
               , ", pHttps = ", show _pHttps
               , ", pManager = ", case _pManager of
                      Left _  -> "Left _"
                      Right _ -> "Right _"
               , " }"