## Synt.hs [![Hackage](https://budueba.com/hackage/synt)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/synt) This is the Haskell implementation of Synt. ### Supported Languages * Haskel For more languages, see the top level [Synt](http://github.com/brentlintner/synt) project. ### Installation cabal install synt ### Usage synt -h #### Reading In Files synt -c Foo.hs -t Bar.hs #### Comparing Strings synt -s -c "x = x ^ 2" -t "x = x * 2" ### Hacking cabal sandbox init ./bin/configure 1 ./bin/build 1 ### Testing This is your go to: cabal configure --enable-tests cabal test This also runs the tests without compiling, etc: ./bin/test ### Using In Code This is a TODO. :-) In the meantime, please figure out at your own risk, or use the top level project.