{-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
module Synthesizer.Plain.Effect.Fly where

import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Oscillator as Osci
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.NonRecursive as FiltNR
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Interpolation as Interpolation
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Miscellaneous as Syn

import Sox.File
import System.Exit(ExitCode)

import System.Random

import qualified Algebra.NormedSpace.Euclidean as Euc

import PreludeBase
import NumericPrelude

  ghc -O -fvia-C -fglasgow-exts -fallow-undecidable-instances --make Fly.hs && echo start && time a.out

main :: IO ExitCode
main =
   Sox.File.writeStereo "Fly" sampleRate
              (take (round (10*sampleRate)) fly)

sampleRate :: Double
sampleRate = 44100

{-| stereo sound of a humming fly -}
fly :: [(Double,Double)]
fly =
   let pinkNoise seed freq range =
           Interpolation.multiRelativeZeroPadCubic (0::Double)
           (repeat (freq/sampleRate))
           (randomRs (-range,range) (mkStdGen seed))
       {- the track of a fly is composed of a slow motion over a big range
          and fast but small oscillations -}
       flyCoord seed = zipWith (+) (pinkNoise seed 40 0.3)
                                   (pinkNoise seed  1 10)
       {- explicit signature required
          because of multi-param type class NormedEuc -}
       trajectory :: [(Double, Double, Double)]
       trajectory =
          zip3 (flyCoord 366210)
               (flyCoord 234298)
               (flyCoord 654891)

       channel ear =
          let (phase,volumes) = Syn.receive3Dsound 1 0.1 ear trajectory
              -- (*sampleRate) in 'speed' and
              -- (/sampleRate) in 'freqs' neutralizes
              speeds  = map (\v -> 250/sampleRate+2*(Euc.norm v))
                            (zipWith subtract (tail trajectory) trajectory)
              freqs   = zipWith (+) speeds (FiltNR.differentiate phase)
              sound   = Osci.freqModSaw 0 freqs
          in  zipWith (*) (map (10*) volumes) sound

   in  zip (channel (-1,0,0)) (channel (1,0,0))