synthesizer-core-0.6: Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Low level part

Safe HaskellNone





static :: (C y, Write sig y) => Int -> sig y -> sig ySource

staticPad :: Write sig y => y -> Int -> sig y -> sig ySource

staticPos :: (C y, Write sig y) => Int -> sig y -> sig ySource

staticNeg :: Write sig y => Int -> sig y -> sig ySource

modulatedCore :: (C t, C y, Read sig t, Transform sig t, Transform sig y) => T t y -> Int -> sig t -> sig y -> sig ySource

modulated :: (C t, C y, Read sig t, Transform sig t, Transform sig y, Write sig y) => T t y -> Int -> sig t -> sig y -> sig ySource

This is essentially different for constant interpolation, because this function looks forward whereas the other two variants look backward. For the symmetric interpolation functions of linear and cubic interpolation, this does not really matter.