synthesizer-core- Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Low level part

Portabilityrequires multi-parameter type classes
Safe HaskellNone



Moog cascade lowpass with resonance.



data Parameter a




feedback :: !a

Feedback of the lowpass cascade

lowpassParam :: !(Parameter a)

Feedback of each of the lowpasses of 1st order

parameter :: C a => Int -> Pole a -> Parameter a

type State = []

lowpassStepStack :: (C a, C a v) => Parameter a -> v -> State (State v) v

lowpassStepRev :: (C a, C a v) => Parameter a -> v -> State (State v) v

lowpassModifier :: (C a, C a v) => Int -> Simple (State v) (Parameter a) v v

lowpassCausal :: (C a, C a v) => Int -> T (Parameter a, v) v

lowpassCausalModifier :: (C a, C a v) => Int -> T (Parameter a, v) v

lowpassCausalStacked :: (C a, C a v) => Int -> T (Parameter a, v) v

lowpass :: (C a, C a v) => Int -> T (Parameter a) -> T v -> T v

Choose one of the implementations below

lowpassRecursive :: (C a, C a v) => Int -> T (Parameter a) -> T v -> T v

The elegant way of implementing the Moog cascade by recursion

lowpassState :: (C a, C a v) => Int -> T (Parameter a) -> T v -> T v

Simulate the Moog cascade by a list of states of the partial lowpasses