{- | Copyright : (c) Henning Thielemann 2008-2009 License : GPL Maintainer : synthesizer@henning-thielemann.de Stability : provisional Portability : requires multi-parameter type classes -} module Synthesizer.Dimensional.Amplitude.Displacement ( mix, mixVolume, mixMulti, mixMultiVolume, raise, raiseVector, distort, map, mapLinear, mapExponential, mapLinearDimension, inflateGeneric, inflate, ) where import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Signal.Private as SigA import Synthesizer.Dimensional.Signal.Private (toAmplitudeScalar) import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Amplitude as Amp import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Amplitude.Flat as Flat import qualified Number.DimensionTerm as DN import qualified Algebra.DimensionTerm as Dim import Number.DimensionTerm ((&*&)) import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Signal as SigG import qualified Synthesizer.State.Displacement as Disp import qualified Synthesizer.State.Signal as Sig import qualified Algebra.Transcendental as Trans import qualified Algebra.Module as Module import qualified Algebra.Field as Field import qualified Algebra.Absolute as Absolute import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive import Algebra.Module ((*>)) import qualified Data.List as List import NumericPrelude.Base hiding (map, ) import NumericPrelude.Numeric import Prelude () {- * Mixing -} {- | Mix two signals. In contrast to 'zipWith' the result has the length of the longer signal. -} {-# INLINE mix #-} mix :: (Absolute.C y, Field.C y, Module.C y yv, Dim.C u) => SigA.R s u y yv -> SigA.R s u y yv -> SigA.R s u y yv mix x y = mixVolume (DN.abs (SigA.actualAmplitude x) + DN.abs (SigA.actualAmplitude y)) x y {-# INLINE mixVolume #-} mixVolume :: (Absolute.C y, Field.C y, Module.C y yv, Dim.C u) => DN.T u y -> SigA.R s u y yv -> SigA.R s u y yv -> SigA.R s u y yv mixVolume v x y = let z = SigA.fromBody v (SigA.vectorSamples (toAmplitudeScalar z) x + SigA.vectorSamples (toAmplitudeScalar z) y) in z {- | Mix one or more signals. -} {-# INLINE mixMulti #-} mixMulti :: (Absolute.C y, Field.C y, Module.C y yv, Dim.C u) => [SigA.R s u y yv] -> SigA.R s u y yv mixMulti x = mixMultiVolume (sum (List.map (DN.abs . SigA.actualAmplitude) x)) x {-# INLINE mixMultiVolume #-} mixMultiVolume :: (Absolute.C y, Field.C y, Module.C y yv, Dim.C u) => DN.T u y -> [SigA.R s u y yv] -> SigA.R s u y yv mixMultiVolume v x = let z = SigA.fromBody v (foldr (\y -> (SigA.vectorSamples (toAmplitudeScalar z) y +)) Sig.empty x) in z {- | Add a number to all of the signal values. This is useful for adjusting the center of a modulation. -} {-# INLINE raise #-} raise :: (Field.C y, Dim.C u) => DN.T u y -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional u y) (Sig.T y) -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional u y) (Sig.T y) raise y' x = SigA.processBody (Disp.raise (toAmplitudeScalar x y')) x {-# INLINE raiseVector #-} raiseVector :: (Field.C y, Module.C y yv, Dim.C u) => DN.T u y -> yv -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional u y) (Sig.T yv) -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional u y) (Sig.T yv) raiseVector y' yv x = SigA.processBody (Disp.raise (toAmplitudeScalar x y' *> yv)) x {- | Distort the signal using a flat function. The first signal gives the scaling of the function. If the scaling is c and the input sample is y, then @c * f(y/c)@ is output. This way we can use an (efficient) flat function and have a simple, yet dimension conform, way of controlling the distortion. E.g. if the distortion function is @tanh@ then the value @c@ controls the saturation level. -} {-# INLINE distort #-} distort :: (Field.C y, Module.C y yv, Dim.C u) => (yv -> yv) -> SigA.R s u y y -> SigA.R s u y yv -> SigA.R s u y yv distort f cs xs = SigA.processBody (Sig.zipWith (\c y -> c *> f (recip c *> y)) (SigA.scalarSamples (toAmplitudeScalar xs) cs)) xs {-# INLINE map #-} map :: (Amp.Primitive amp) => (y0 -> y1) -> SigA.T rate amp (Sig.T y0) -> SigA.T rate amp (Sig.T y1) map f = SigA.processBody (Sig.map f) {- This signature is too general. It will cause strange type errors if u is Scalar and further process want to use the Flat instance. The Flat instance cannot be found, if q cannot be determined. mapLinear :: (Flat.C y flat, Ring.C y, Dim.C u) => y -> DN.T u q -> SigA.T rate flat (Sig.T y) -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional u q) (Sig.T y) -} {- | Map a control curve without amplitude unit by a linear (affine) function with a unit. This is a combination of 'raise' and 'amplify'. -} {-# INLINE mapLinear #-} mapLinear :: (Flat.C y flat, Ring.C y, Dim.C u) => y -> DN.T u y -> SigA.T rate flat (Sig.T y) -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional u y) (Sig.T y) mapLinear depth center = mapAux center (Sig.map (\x -> one+x*depth) . Flat.toSamples) {-# INLINE mapExponential #-} mapExponential :: (Flat.C y flat, Trans.C y, Dim.C u) => y -> DN.T u q -> SigA.T rate flat (Sig.T y) -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional u q) (Sig.T y) mapExponential depth center = -- mapAux center (Sig.map (depth**) . Flat.toSamples) -- should be faster mapAux center (let logDepth = log depth in Sig.map (exp . (logDepth*)) . Flat.toSamples) {-# INLINE mapLinearDimension #-} mapLinearDimension :: (Field.C y, Absolute.C y, Dim.C u, Dim.C v) => DN.T v y {- ^ range: one is mapped to @center + range * ampX@ -} -> DN.T (Dim.Mul v u) y {- ^ center: zero is mapped to @center@ -} -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional u y) (Sig.T y) -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Dimensional (Dim.Mul v u) y) (Sig.T y) mapLinearDimension range center x = let absRange = DN.abs range &*& SigA.actualAmplitude x absCenter = DN.abs center rng = toAmplitudeScalar z absRange cnt = toAmplitudeScalar z absCenter z = mapAux (absRange + absCenter) (Sig.map (\y -> cnt + rng*y) . SigA.body) x in z mapAux :: amp -> (SigA.T rate amplitude body0 -> body1) -> SigA.T rate amplitude body0 -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Numeric amp) body1 mapAux amp f xs = SigA.Cons (SigA.sampleRate xs) (Amp.Numeric amp) . f $ xs {- | I suspect that this function will most oftenly not the right choice. When the amplitude is Flat, better use 'inflate'. When the amplitude is Numeric, better use @Filter.amplifyScalarDimension@ since this will not modify signal values but only the global amplitude. This is both more efficient and ensures boundedness of signal values. -} {-# INLINE inflateGeneric #-} inflateGeneric :: (Flat.C y flat, SigG.Transform sig y) => amp -> SigA.T rate flat (sig y) -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Numeric amp) (sig y) inflateGeneric v = \x -> SigA.Cons (SigA.sampleRate x) (Amp.Numeric v) (Flat.toSamples x) {-# INLINE inflate #-} inflate :: amp -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Flat y) sig -> SigA.T rate (Amp.Numeric amp) sig inflate v = \x -> SigA.Cons (SigA.sampleRate x) (Amp.Numeric v) (SigA.body x)