{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{- |
Re-export functions from "Sound.Frame.Stereo"
and add (orphan) instances for various LLVM type classes.
If you want to use the Stereo datatype with synthesizer-llvm
we recommend to import this module instead of
"Sound.Frame.Stereo" or "Sound.Frame.NumericPrelude.Stereo".
module Synthesizer.LLVM.Frame.Stereo (
   Stereo.T, Stereo.cons, Stereo.left, Stereo.right,
   Stereo.Channel(Left, Right), Stereo.select,
   ) where

import qualified Synthesizer.Frame.Stereo as Stereo

import qualified LLVM.Extra.Arithmetic as A
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Tuple as Tuple
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Storable as Storable
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Marshal as Marshal
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Memory as Memory
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Control as C
import qualified LLVM.Extra.Vector as Vector
import qualified LLVM.Core as LLVM

import Type.Data.Num.Decimal (d0, d1)

import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import qualified Data.Traversable as Trav

import Prelude hiding (Either(Left, Right), sequence)

instance (Tuple.Zero a) => Tuple.Zero (Stereo.T a) where
   zero = Stereo.cons Tuple.zero Tuple.zero

instance (Tuple.Undefined a) => Tuple.Undefined (Stereo.T a) where
   undef = Stereo.cons Tuple.undef Tuple.undef

instance (C.Select a) => C.Select (Stereo.T a) where
   select = C.selectTraversable

instance LLVM.CmpRet a, LLVM.CmpResult a ~ b => LLVM.CmpRet (Stereo.T a) (Stereo.T b) where

instance (Tuple.Value h) => Tuple.Value (Stereo.T h) where
   type ValueOf (Stereo.T h) = Stereo.T (Tuple.ValueOf h)
   valueOf s =
         (Tuple.valueOf $ Stereo.left s)
         (Tuple.valueOf $ Stereo.right s)

instance Tuple.Value a => Tuple.Value (Stereo.T a) where
   buildTuple f =
      liftM2 Stereo.cons (buildTuple f) (buildTuple f)

instance IsTuple a => IsTuple (Stereo.T a) where
   tupleDesc s =
      tupleDesc (Stereo.left s) ++
      tupleDesc (Stereo.right s)

instance (Tuple.Phi a) => Tuple.Phi (Stereo.T a) where
   phi bb v =
      liftM2 Stereo.cons
         (Tuple.phi bb (Stereo.left v))
         (Tuple.phi bb (Stereo.right v))
   addPhi bb x y = do
      Tuple.addPhi bb (Stereo.left  x) (Stereo.left  y)
      Tuple.addPhi bb (Stereo.right x) (Stereo.right y)

instance (Vector.Simple v) => Vector.Simple (Stereo.T v) where
   type Element (Stereo.T v) = Stereo.T (Vector.Element v)
   type Size (Stereo.T v) = Vector.Size v
   shuffleMatch = Vector.shuffleMatchTraversable
   extract = Vector.extractTraversable

instance (Vector.C v) => Vector.C (Stereo.T v) where
   insert = Vector.insertTraversable

type Struct a = LLVM.Struct (a, (a, ()))

memory ::
   (Memory.C l) =>
   Memory.Record r (Struct (Memory.Struct l)) (Stereo.T l)
memory =
   liftA2 Stereo.cons
      (Memory.element Stereo.left  d0)
      (Memory.element Stereo.right d1)

instance (Memory.C l) => Memory.C (Stereo.T l) where
   type Struct (Stereo.T l) = Struct (Memory.Struct l)
   load = Memory.loadRecord memory
   store = Memory.storeRecord memory
   decompose = Memory.decomposeRecord memory
   compose = Memory.composeRecord memory

instance (Marshal.C l) => Marshal.C (Stereo.T l) where
   pack x = Marshal.pack (Stereo.left x, Stereo.right x)
   unpack = uncurry Stereo.cons . Marshal.unpack

instance (Storable.C l) => Storable.C (Stereo.T l) where
   load = Storable.loadApplicative
   store = Storable.storeFoldable

      (Memory l s) =>
      Memory (Stereo.T l) (LLVM.Struct (s, (s, ()))) where
   load ptr =
      liftM2 Stereo.cons
         (load =<< getElementPtr0 ptr (d0, ()))
         (load =<< getElementPtr0 ptr (d1, ()))
   store y ptr = do
      store (Stereo.left  y) =<< getElementPtr0 ptr (d0, ())
      store (Stereo.right y) =<< getElementPtr0 ptr (d1, ())

instance (A.Additive a) => A.Additive (Stereo.T a) where
   zero = Stereo.cons A.zero A.zero
   add x y = Trav.sequence $ liftA2 A.add x y
   sub x y = Trav.sequence $ liftA2 A.sub x y
   neg x   = Trav.sequence $ fmap A.neg x

type instance A.Scalar (Stereo.T a) = A.Scalar a

instance (A.PseudoModule a) => A.PseudoModule (Stereo.T a) where
   scale a = Trav.sequence . fmap (A.scale a)