module Synthesizer.LLVM.Server.ALSA ( Output, play, playChunk, record, put, startMessage, makeNote, ) where import qualified Synthesizer.LLVM.Server.Option as Option import qualified Synthesizer.ALSA.CausalIO.Process as PIO import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Event as Event import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Address as Addr import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.Time as Time import qualified Sound.ALSA.Sequencer.RealTime as RealTime import qualified Sound.ALSA.PCM.Node.ALSA as PCM import qualified Sound.ALSA.PCM.Parameters.Software as SwParam import qualified Sound.ALSA.PCM.Parameters.Hardware as HwParam import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.Signal as SigSt import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy as SVL import qualified Data.StorableVector.Base as SVB import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive import Control.Functor.HT (void) import qualified System.IO as IO import Prelude hiding (Real, round) getOptParams :: Option.T -> h -> ((PCM.Size, PCM.SampleFreq), h) getOptParams opt h = ((case Option.chunkSize opt of SVL.ChunkSize size -> size, case Option.sampleRate opt of Nothing -> 44100 Just (Option.SampleRate rate) -> rate), h) type Output handle signal a = Option.T -> PIO.Output handle signal a record :: (PCM.SampleFmt y) => FilePath -> Output IO.Handle (SigSt.T y) () record name opt = (fmap (getOptParams opt) $ IO.openFile name IO.WriteMode, IO.hClose, SVL.hPut) put :: (Show signal) => Output () signal () put opt = (return $ getOptParams opt (), return, \() -> print) playChunk :: (Additive.C y, PCM.SampleFmt y) => Output (PCM.Handle HwParam.Interleaved y) (SVB.Vector y) () playChunk opt = (openPCM opt, closePCM, write) -- ToDo: do not record the empty chunk that is inserted for latency {-# INLINE play #-} play :: (Additive.C y, PCM.SampleFmt y) => Output (PCM.Handle HwParam.Interleaved y) (SigSt.T y) () play opt = (openPCM opt, closePCM, \h -> mapM_ (write h) . SVL.chunks) {- (Play.makeSink (Option.device opts) (Option.periodTime opts) (round rate)) . SigSt.append (SigSt.replicate (Option.chunkSize opts) (Option.latency opts) zero) -- FiltG.delayPosLazySize (Option.chunkSize opts) (Option.latency opts) -- FiltG.delayPos (Option.latency opts) -} putLog :: String -> IO () putLog = putStrLn openPCM :: (PCM.Access i, PCM.SampleFmt y) => Option.T -> IO ((PCM.Size, PCM.SampleFreq), PCM.Handle i y) openPCM opt = do putLog "alsaOpen" (((bufferSize,periodSize),(bufferTime,periodTime),sampleRate), h) <- (PCM.modes []) PCM.StreamPlayback (setHwParams (Option.sampleRate opt) (Option.chunkSize opt)) (\q@(sizes,_,_) -> do uncurry SwParam.setBufferSize sizes return q) (Option.device opt) PCM.prepare h putLog $ "bufferTime = " ++ show bufferTime putLog $ "bufferSize = " ++ show bufferSize putLog $ "periodTime = " ++ show periodTime putLog $ "periodSize = " ++ show periodSize return ((periodSize, sampleRate), h) closePCM :: PCM.Handle i y -> IO () closePCM pcm = do putLog "alsaClose" PCM.drain pcm PCM.close pcm setHwParams :: Maybe (Option.SampleRate Int) -> SVL.ChunkSize -> HwParam.T i y ((PCM.Size,PCM.Size),(PCM.Time,PCM.Time),PCM.SampleFreq) -- ^ ((bufferSize,periodSize),(bufferTime,periodTime),sampleRate) setHwParams mrate (SVL.ChunkSize periodSize) = do (actualRate,_) <- case mrate of Nothing -> do HwParam.setRateResample False HwParam.setRateNear 44100 EQ Just (Option.SampleRate rate) -> do HwParam.setRateResample True HwParam.setRateNear rate EQ (actualPeriodSize,_) <- HwParam.setPeriodSizeNear periodSize EQ actualBufferSize <- HwParam.setBufferSizeNear (max periodSize (actualPeriodSize*4)) (actualBufferTime,_) <- HwParam.getBufferTime (actualPeriodTime,_) <- HwParam.getPeriodTime return ((actualBufferSize, actualPeriodSize), (actualBufferTime, actualPeriodTime), actualRate) write :: (PCM.SampleFmt y) => PCM.Handle PCM.Interleaved y -> SVB.Vector y -> IO () write h xs = SVB.withStartPtr xs $ \buf -> void . PCM.writeiRetry h buf . fromIntegral startMessage :: String startMessage = "run 'aconnect' to connect to the MIDI controller" -- cf. synthesizer-alsa:Synthesizer.ALSA.Storable.Server.Test makeNote :: Event.NoteEv -> Int -> Event.T makeNote typ pit = (Event.simple Addr.subscribers $ Event.NoteEv typ $ Event.simpleNote (Event.Channel 0) (Event.Pitch $ fromIntegral pit) Event.normalVelocity) { Event.time = Time.consAbs $ Time.Real $ RealTime.fromInteger 0 }