{-# Language CPP, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Module      : System.Information
Description : Getting system information
Copyright   : 2016 ChaosGroup
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : daniel.taskoff@chaosgroup.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)

module System.Information
  -- * OS
    OS, os
  -- * CPU
  , CPUName, CPUNames, cpuNames
  , numLogicalCores, LogicalCores(unLogicalCores), CPU, CPUs
  , cpus, showCPUs
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception (try, SomeException)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text (parse, maybeResult, anyChar, endOfLine, manyTill, space, string)
import Data.List (group, sort)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Foreign.C.String (CWString, peekCWString)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Process (readProcess)

#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

#elif linux_HOST_OS
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)

#elif mingw32_HOST_OS
import Control.Monad (forM)
import System.Win32.Registry
  , regOpenKey, regCloseKey, regQueryInfoKey, regQueryValue
  , subkeys


-- | A datatype representing different OSes
newtype OS = OS String

instance Show OS where
  show (OS os) = os

-- | Get the current OS' name
os :: String
os = unsafePerformIO $ do
  let os' = c_getOS
  res <- peekCWString os'
  free os'
  pure res

foreign import ccall safe "getOS"
  c_getOS :: CWString

parseLineAfter :: String -> String -> Maybe String
parseLineAfter separator = maybeResult .
  parse (manyTill anyChar (string (pack separator))  *> many space *> manyTill anyChar endOfLine) . pack
-- ^ skip everything before `separator` and return what is left until the end of the line

-- | A wrapper for a CPU's name
newtype CPUName = CPUName String
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show CPUName where
  show (CPUName name) = name

type CPUNames = [CPUName]

-- | Number of logical cores
newtype LogicalCores = LogicalCores { unLogicalCores :: Word }
  deriving (Show)
type CPU   = (CPUName, LogicalCores)
type CPUs  = [CPU]

-- | Get the names of the available CPUs
cpuNames :: IO CPUNames
cpuNames =
#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
#elif linux_HOST_OS
#elif mingw32_HOST_OS

#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
-- | macOS specific implementation
macOSCPUNames :: IO CPUNames
macOSCPUNames = do
  eCPU <- try $ readProcess "sysctl" ["machdep.cpu.brand_string", "machdep.cpu.thread_count"] ""

  case eCPU of
    Left (_ :: SomeException) -> pure []
    Right cpus -> do
      let cpuString = "machdep.cpu.brand_string:"
          nString   = "machdep.cpu.thread_count:"

      let mCPU = CPUName <$> parseLineAfter cpuString cpus
          mN   = readMaybe =<< parseLineAfter nString cpus

      case (mCPU, mN) of
        (Just cpu, Just n) -> pure $ replicate n cpu
        _ -> pure []

#elif linux_HOST_OS
-- | Linux specific implementation
linuxCPUNames :: IO CPUNames
linuxCPUNames = do
  lines' <- lines <$> readFile "/proc/cpuinfo"
  pure . map (CPUName . unwords . drop 3 . words) $
    filter ("model name" `isPrefixOf`) lines'

#elif mingw32_HOST_OS
-- | Windows specific implementation
windowsCPUNames :: IO CPUNames
windowsCPUNames = do
  cpus <- regOpenKey hKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor"
  n <- subkeys <$> regQueryInfoKey cpus
  res <- forM [0..n-1] $ \i -> do
    cpu <- regOpenKey cpus $ show i
    cpuName <- regQueryValue cpu $ Just "ProcessorNameString"
    regCloseKey cpu
    pure cpuName

  regCloseKey cpus
  pure $ map (CPUName . unwords . words) res

-- | Get the number of logical CPU cores
numLogicalCores :: IO LogicalCores
numLogicalCores = LogicalCores . fromIntegral . length <$> cpuNames

-- | Get the names and number of logical cores of the available CPUs
cpus :: IO CPUs
cpus = map (liftA2 (,) head (LogicalCores . fromIntegral . length)) . group . sort <$> cpuNames

-- | Pretty show 'CPUs'
showCPUs :: CPUs -> String
showCPUs = unlines . map (\(CPUName c, n) -> concat
  [c, ", # of logical cores: ", show $ unLogicalCores n])