Cabal-Version: >= 1.2 Name: tagsoup Version: 0.6 Copyright: 2006-8, Neil Mitchell Maintainer: Author: Neil Mitchell Homepage: License: BSD3 Category: XML License-File: LICENSE Build-type: Simple Synopsis: Parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed) HTML documents Description: TagSoup is a library for extracting information out of unstructured HTML code, sometimes known as tag-soup. The HTML does not have to be well formed, or render properly within any particular framework. This library is for situations where the author of the HTML is not cooperating with the person trying to extract the information, but is also not trying to hide the information. Extra-Source-Files: tagsoup.htm Flag splitBase Description: Choose the new smaller, split-up base package. Library if flag(splitBase) build-depends: base >= 3, network, mtl, containers else build-depends: base < 3, network, mtl GHC-Options: -Wall Exposed-modules: Text.HTML.TagSoup Text.HTML.TagSoup.Entity Text.HTML.TagSoup.Match Text.HTML.TagSoup.Parser Text.HTML.TagSoup.Render Text.HTML.TagSoup.Tree Text.HTML.TagSoup.Type Text.HTML.Download Executable tagsoup Main-Is: Main.hs GHC-Options: -Wall Other-Modules: Example.Example Example.Regress