tagsoup-ht-0.3: alternative parser for the tagsoup packageSource codeContentsIndex
Convert a tag soup to its text representation respecting various conventions for merging open and close tags.
xml :: (Eq name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowS
xmlCondensed :: (Eq name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowS
html :: (Ord name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowS
xhtml :: (Ord name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowS
htmlOrXhtml :: (Ord name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowS
xml :: (Eq name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowSSource
All tags are formatted as they are.
xmlCondensed :: (Eq name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowSSource
Adjacent corresponding open and close tags are merged to a self-closing tag. E.g. a></a>@ becomes @<a/.
html :: (Ord name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowSSource
All tags that are defined being self-closing by the HTML standard are formatted only as open tag. E.g. br.
xhtml :: (Ord name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowSSource
All tags that are defined being self-closing by the XHTML standard are formatted as self-closing open tag. E.g. br/.
htmlOrXhtml :: (Ord name, Tag name, Attribute name, C string) => [T name string] -> ShowSSource
If the first tag is ?xml ...? then format in XHTML style, else in HTML style.
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0