An implementation of a type-preserving Compiler, derived from the paper [From System F to Typed Assembly Language]( by Morrisett, Walker, Crary, Glew I was inspired to implement this paper while preparing a [talk]( for Papers We Love Philadelphia. The implementation includes all passes described in the paper: * F ==> K (Typed CPS conversion) * K ==> C (Polymorphic closure conversion) * C ==> H (Hoisting, reuses the C language) * H ==> A (Allocation) * A ==> TAL (Code generation) Each language (F, K, C, A, TAL) is defined in the corresponding source file. These implementations include the abstract syntax, small-step operational semantics, and type checker for the languages. The file [Util.hs](src/Util.hs) contains definitions common to all implementations. The compiler itself is in the file [Translate.hs](src/Translate.hs). To run the compiler, load this file into ghci and try out one of the sample programs from [F.hs](src/F.hs). In particular, you can try Translate*> printM $ compile F.sixfact to see the TAL output for the factorial function applied to six. If you would like to compile and then run this function you can try: Translate*> test F.sixfact