{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns         #-}
-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010-2012 Simon Meier & Benedikt Schmidt
-- License     : GPL v3 (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Simon Meier <iridcode@gmail.com>
-- Portability : GHC only
-- Types and operations for handling sorted first-order logic
module Theory.Model.Formula (

   -- * Formulas
  , Quantifier(..)
  , Formula(..)
  , LNFormula
  , LFormula

  , quantify
  , openFormula
  , openFormulaPrefix
--  , unquantify

  -- ** More convenient constructors
  , lfalse
  , ltrue
  , (.&&.)
  , (.||.)
  , (.==>.)
  , (.<=>.)
  , exists
  , forall

  -- ** General Transformations
  , mapAtoms
  , foldFormula

  -- ** Pretty-Printing
  , prettyLNFormula

  ) where

import           Prelude                          hiding (negate)

import           Data.Binary
import           Data.DeriveTH
import           Data.Foldable                    (Foldable, foldMap)
import           Data.Generics
import           Data.Monoid                      hiding (All)
import           Data.Traversable

import           Control.Basics
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.Fresh
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.PreciseFresh as Precise

import           Theory.Model.Atom

import           Text.PrettyPrint.Highlight
import           Theory.Text.Pretty

import           Term.LTerm
import           Term.Substitution

-- Types

-- | Logical connectives.
data Connective = And | Or | Imp | Iff
                deriving( Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Data, Typeable )

-- | Quantifiers.
data Quantifier = All | Ex
                deriving( Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded, Data, Typeable )

-- | First-order formulas in locally nameless representation with hints for the
-- names/sorts of quantified variables.
data Formula s c v = Ato (Atom (VTerm c (BVar v)))
                   | TF !Bool
                   | Not (Formula s c v)
                   | Conn !Connective (Formula s c v) (Formula s c v)
                   | Qua !Quantifier s (Formula s c v)

-- Folding

-- | Fold a formula.
{-# INLINE foldFormula #-}
foldFormula :: (Atom (VTerm c (BVar v)) -> b) -> (Bool -> b)
            -> (b -> b) -> (Connective -> b -> b -> b)
            -> (Quantifier -> s -> b -> b)
            -> Formula s c v
            -> b
foldFormula fAto fTF fNot fConn fQua =
    go (Ato a)       = fAto a
    go (TF b)        = fTF b
    go (Not p)       = fNot (go p)
    go (Conn c p q)  = fConn c (go p) (go q)
    go (Qua qua x p) = fQua qua x (go p)

-- | Fold a formula.
{-# INLINE foldFormulaScope #-}
foldFormulaScope :: (Integer -> Atom (VTerm c (BVar v)) -> b) -> (Bool -> b)
                 -> (b -> b) -> (Connective -> b -> b -> b)
                 -> (Quantifier -> s -> b -> b)
                 -> Formula s c v
                 -> b
foldFormulaScope fAto fTF fNot fConn fQua =
    go 0
    go !i (Ato a)       = fAto i a
    go _  (TF b)        = fTF b
    go !i (Not p)       = fNot (go i p)
    go !i (Conn c p q)  = fConn c (go i p) (go i q)
    go !i (Qua qua x p) = fQua qua x (go (succ i) p)

-- Instances

instance Functor (Formula s c) where
    fmap f = foldFormula (Ato . fmap (fmap (fmap (fmap f)))) TF Not Conn Qua

instance Foldable (Formula s c) where
    foldMap f = foldFormula (foldMap (foldMap (foldMap (foldMap f)))) mempty id
                            (const mappend) (const $ const id)

traverseFormula :: (Ord v, Ord c, Ord v', Applicative f)
                => (v -> f v') -> Formula s c v -> f (Formula s c v')
traverseFormula f = foldFormula (liftA Ato . traverse (traverseTerm (traverse (traverse f))))
                                (pure . TF) (liftA Not)
                                (liftA2 . Conn) ((liftA .) . Qua)
instance Traversable (Formula a s) where
    traverse f = foldFormula (liftA Ato . traverseAtom (traverseTerm  (traverseLit (traverseBVar f))))
                             (pure . TF) (liftA Not)
                             (liftA2 . Conn) ((liftA .) . Qua)

-- Abbreviations

infixl 3 .&&.
infixl 2 .||.
infixr 1 .==>.
infix  1 .<=>.

-- | Logically true.
ltrue :: Formula a s v
ltrue = TF True

-- | Logically false.
lfalse :: Formula a s v
lfalse = TF False

(.&&.), (.||.), (.==>.), (.<=>.) :: Formula a s v -> Formula a s v -> Formula a s v
(.&&.)  = Conn And
(.||.)  = Conn Or
(.==>.) = Conn Imp
(.<=>.) = Conn Iff

-- Dealing with bound variables

-- | @LFormula@ are FOL formulas with sorts abused to denote both a hint for
-- the name of the bound variable, as well as the variable's actual sort.
type LFormula c = Formula (String, LSort) c LVar

type LNFormula = Formula (String, LSort) Name LVar

-- | Change the representation of atoms.
mapAtoms :: (Integer -> Atom (VTerm c (BVar v))
         -> Atom (VTerm c1 (BVar v1)))
         -> Formula s c v -> Formula s c1 v1
mapAtoms f = foldFormulaScope (\i a -> Ato $ f i a) TF Not Conn Qua

-- | @openFormula f@ returns @Just (v,Q,f')@ if @f = Q v. f'@ modulo
-- alpha renaming and @Nothing otherwise@. @v@ is always chosen to be fresh.
openFormula :: (MonadFresh m, Ord c)
            => LFormula c -> Maybe (Quantifier, m (LVar, LFormula c))
openFormula (Qua qua (n,s) fm) =
    Just ( qua
         , do x <- freshLVar n s
              return $ (x, mapAtoms (\i a -> fmap (mapLits (subst x i)) a) fm)
    subst x i (Var (Bound i')) | i == i' = Var $ Free x
    subst _ _ l                          = l

openFormula _ = Nothing

mapLits :: (Ord a, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Term a -> Term b
mapLits f t = case viewTerm t of
    Lit l     -> lit . f $ l
    FApp o as -> fApp o (map (mapLits f) as)

-- | @openFormulaPrefix f@ returns @Just (vs,Q,f')@ if @f = Q v_1 .. v_k. f'@
-- modulo alpha renaming and @Nothing otherwise@. @vs@ is always chosen to be
-- fresh.
openFormulaPrefix :: (MonadFresh m, Ord c)
                  => LFormula c -> m ([LVar], Quantifier, LFormula c)
openFormulaPrefix f0 = case openFormula f0 of
    Nothing        -> error $ "openFormulaPrefix: no outermost quantifier"
    Just (q, open) -> do
      (x, f) <- open
      go q [x] f
    go q xs f = case openFormula f of
        Just (q', open') | q' == q -> do (x', f') <- open'
                                         go q (x' : xs) f'
        -- no further quantifier of the same kind => return result
        _ -> return (reverse xs, q, f)

-- Instances

deriving instance Eq       LNFormula
deriving instance Show     LNFormula
deriving instance Ord      LNFormula

instance HasFrees LNFormula where
    foldFrees  f = foldMap  (foldFrees  f)
    foldFreesOcc _ _ = const mempty -- we ignore occurences in Formulas for now
    mapFrees   f = traverseFormula (mapFrees   f)

instance Apply LNFormula where
    apply subst = mapAtoms (const $ apply subst)

-- Formulas modulo E and modulo AC

-- | Introduce a bound variable for a free variable.
quantify :: (Ord c, Ord v, Eq v) => v -> Formula s c v -> Formula s c v
quantify x =
    mapAtoms (\i a -> fmap (mapLits (fmap (>>= subst i))) a)
    subst i v | v == x    = Bound i
              | otherwise = Free v

-- | Create a universal quantification with a sort hint for the bound variable.
forall :: (Ord c, Ord v, Eq v) => s -> v -> Formula s c v -> Formula s c v
forall hint x = Qua All hint . quantify x

-- | Create a existential quantification with a sort hint for the bound variable.
exists :: (Ord c, Ord v, Eq v) => s -> v -> Formula s c v -> Formula s c v
exists hint x = Qua Ex hint . quantify x

-- Pretty printing

-- | Pretty print a formula.
prettyLFormula :: (HighlightDocument d, MonadFresh m, Ord c)
              => (Atom (VTerm c LVar) -> d)  -- ^ Function for pretty printing atoms
              -> LFormula c                      -- ^ Formula to pretty print.
              -> m d                             -- ^ Pretty printed formula.
prettyLFormula ppAtom =
    extractFree (Free v)  = v
    extractFree (Bound i) = error $ "prettyFormula: illegal bound variable '" ++ show i ++ "'"

    pp (Ato a)    = return $ ppAtom (fmap (mapLits (fmap extractFree)) a)
    pp (TF True)  = return $ operator_ "⊤"    -- "T"
    pp (TF False) = return $ operator_ "⊥"    -- "F"

    pp (Not p)    = do
      p' <- pp p
      return $ operator_ "¬" <> opParens p' -- text "¬" <> parens (pp a)
      -- return $ operator_ "not" <> opParens p' -- text "¬" <> parens (pp a)

    pp (Conn op p q) = do
        p' <- pp p
        q' <- pp q
        return $ sep [opParens p' <-> ppOp op, opParens q']
        ppOp And = opLAnd
        ppOp Or  = opLOr
        ppOp Imp = opImp
        ppOp Iff = opIff

    pp fm@(Qua _ _ _) =
        scopeFreshness $ do
            (vs,qua,fm') <- openFormulaPrefix fm
            d' <- pp fm'
            return $ sep
                     [ ppQuant qua <> ppVars vs <> operator_ "."
                     , nest 1 d']
        ppVars       = fsep . map (text . show)

        ppQuant All = opForall
        ppQuant Ex  = opExists

-- | Pretty print a logical formula
prettyLNFormula :: HighlightDocument d => LNFormula -> d
prettyLNFormula fm =
    Precise.evalFresh (prettyLFormula prettyNAtom fm) (avoidPrecise fm)

-- Derived instances

$( derive makeBinary ''Connective)
$( derive makeBinary ''Quantifier)
$( derive makeBinary ''Formula)

$( derive makeNFData ''Connective)
$( derive makeNFData ''Quantifier)
$( derive makeNFData ''Formula)