-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2010-2012 Simon Meier, Benedikt Schmidt
-- License     : GPL v3 (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Simon Meier <iridcode@gmail.com>
-- Portability : portable
-- Parsing protocol theories. See the MANUAL for a high-level description of
-- the syntax.
module Theory.Text.Parser (
  , parseOpenTheoryString
  , parseLemma
  , parseIntruderRules
  ) where

import           Prelude                    hiding (id, (.))

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8      as BC
import           Data.Char                  (isUpper, toUpper)
import           Data.Foldable              (asum)
import           Data.Label
import qualified Data.Map                   as M
import           Data.Monoid                hiding (Last)
import qualified Data.Set                   as S

import           Control.Applicative        hiding (empty, many, optional)
import           Control.Category
import           Control.Monad

import           Text.Parsec                hiding ((<|>))
import           Text.PrettyPrint.Class     (render)

import           Term.Substitution
import           Term.SubtermRule
import           Theory
import           Theory.Text.Parser.Token

-- Lexing and parsing theory files and proof methods

-- | Parse a security protocol theory file.
parseOpenTheory :: [String] -- ^ Defined flags
                -> FilePath
                -> IO OpenTheory
parseOpenTheory flags = parseFile (theory flags)

-- | Parse DH intruder rules.
parseIntruderRules :: MaudeSig -> FilePath -> IO [IntrRuleAC]
parseIntruderRules msig = parseFile (setState msig >> many intrRule)

-- | Parse a security protocol theory from a string.
parseOpenTheoryString :: [String]  -- ^ Defined flags.
                      -> String -> Either ParseError OpenTheory
parseOpenTheoryString flags = parseString "<unknown source>" (theory flags)

-- | Parse a lemma for an open theory from a string.
parseLemma :: String -> Either ParseError (Lemma ProofSkeleton)
parseLemma = parseString "<unknown source>" lemma

-- Parsing Terms

-- | Parse an lit with logical variables.
llit :: Parser LNTerm
llit = asum [freshTerm <$> freshName, pubTerm <$> pubName, varTerm <$> msgvar]

-- | Lookup the arity of a non-ac symbol. Fails with a sensible error message
-- if the operator is not known.
lookupArity :: String -> Parser (Int, Privacy)
lookupArity op = do
    maudeSig <- getState
    case lookup (BC.pack op) (S.toList (noEqFunSyms maudeSig) ++ [(emapSymString, (2,Public))]) of
        Nothing    -> fail $ "unknown operator `" ++ op ++ "'"
        Just (k,priv) -> return (k,priv)

-- | Parse an n-ary operator application for arbitrary n.
naryOpApp :: Ord l => Parser (Term l) -> Parser (Term l)
naryOpApp plit = do
    op <- identifier
    (k,priv) <- lookupArity op
    ts <- parens $ if k == 1
                     then return <$> tupleterm plit
                     else commaSep (multterm plit)
    let k' = length ts
    when (k /= k') $
        fail $ "operator `" ++ op ++"' has arity " ++ show k ++
               ", but here it is used with arity " ++ show k'
    let app o = if BC.pack op == emapSymString then fAppC EMap else fAppNoEq o
    return $ app (BC.pack op, (k,priv)) ts

-- | Parse a binary operator written as @op{arg1}arg2@.
binaryAlgApp :: Ord l => Parser (Term l) -> Parser (Term l)
binaryAlgApp plit = do
    op <- identifier
    (k,priv) <- lookupArity op
    arg1 <- braced (tupleterm plit)
    arg2 <- term plit
    when (k /= 2) $ fail $
      "only operators of arity 2 can be written using the `op{t1}t2' notation"
    return $ fAppNoEq (BC.pack op, (2,priv)) [arg1, arg2]

-- | Parse a term.
term :: Ord l => Parser (Term l) -> Parser (Term l)
term plit = asum
    [ pairing       <?> "pairs"
    , parens (multterm plit)
    , symbol "1" *> pure fAppOne
    , application <?> "function application"
    , nullaryApp
    , plit
    <?> "term"
    application = asum $ map (try . ($ plit)) [naryOpApp, binaryAlgApp]
    pairing = angled (tupleterm plit)
    nullaryApp = do
      maudeSig <- getState
      -- FIXME: This try should not be necessary.
      asum [ try (symbol (BC.unpack sym)) *> pure (fApp (NoEq (sym,(0,priv))) [])
           | NoEq (sym,(0,priv)) <- S.toList $ funSyms maudeSig ]

-- | A left-associative sequence of exponentations.
expterm :: Ord l => Parser (Term l) -> Parser (Term l)
expterm plit = chainl1 (msetterm plit) ((\a b -> fAppExp (a,b)) <$ opExp)

-- | A left-associative sequence of multiplications.
multterm :: Ord l => Parser (Term l) -> Parser (Term l)
multterm plit = do
    dh <- enableDH <$> getState
    if dh -- if DH is not enabled, do not accept 'multterm's and 'expterm's
        then chainl1 (expterm plit) ((\a b -> fAppAC Mult [a,b]) <$ opMult)
        else msetterm plit

-- | A left-associative sequence of multiset unions.
msetterm :: Ord l => Parser (Term l) -> Parser (Term l)
msetterm plit = do
    mset <- enableMSet <$> getState
    if mset -- if multiset is not enabled, do not accept 'msetterms's
        then chainl1 (term plit) ((\a b -> fAppAC Union [a,b]) <$ opPlus)
        else term plit

-- | A right-associative sequence of tuples.
tupleterm :: Ord l => Parser (Term l) -> Parser (Term l)
tupleterm plit = chainr1 (multterm plit) ((\a b -> fAppPair (a,b)) <$ comma)

-- | Parse a fact.
fact :: Ord l => Parser (Term l) -> Parser (Fact (Term l))
fact plit = try (
    do multi <- option Linear (opBang *> pure Persistent)
       i     <- identifier
       case i of
         []                -> fail "empty identifier"
         (c:_) | isUpper c -> return ()
               | otherwise -> fail "facts must start with upper-case letters"
       ts    <- parens (commaSep (multterm plit))
       mkProtoFact multi i ts
    <?> "fact" )
    singleTerm _ constr [t] = return $ constr t
    singleTerm f _      ts  = fail $ "fact '" ++ f ++ "' used with arity " ++
                                     show (length ts) ++ " instead of arity one"

    mkProtoFact multi f = case map toUpper f of
      "OUT" -> singleTerm f outFact
      "IN"  -> singleTerm f inFact
      "KU"  -> singleTerm f kuFact
      "KD"  -> return . Fact KDFact
      "DED" -> return . Fact DedFact
      "FR"  -> singleTerm f freshFact
      _     -> return . protoFact multi f

-- Parsing Rules

-- | Parse a "(modulo ..)" information.
modulo :: String -> Parser ()
modulo thy = parens $ symbol_ "modulo" *> symbol_ thy

moduloE, moduloAC :: Parser ()
moduloE  = modulo "E"
moduloAC = modulo "AC"

-- | Parse a typing assertion modulo E.
typeAssertions :: Parser TypingE
typeAssertions = fmap TypingE $
    do try (symbols ["type", "assertions"])
       optional moduloE
       many1 ((,) <$> (try (msgvar <* colon))
                  <*> ( commaSep1 (try $ multterm llit) <|>
                        (opMinus *> pure [])
    <|> pure []

-- | Parse a protocol rule. For the special rules 'Reveal_fresh', 'Fresh',
-- 'Knows', and 'Learn' no rule is returned as the default theory already
-- contains them.
protoRule :: Parser (ProtoRuleE)
protoRule = do
    name  <- try (symbol "rule" *> optional moduloE *> identifier <* colon)
    when (name `elem` reservedRuleNames) $
        fail $ "cannot use reserved rule name '" ++ name ++ "'"
    subst <- option emptySubst letBlock
    (ps,as,cs) <- genericRule
    return $ apply subst $ Rule (StandRule name) ps cs as

-- | Parse a let block with bottom-up application semantics.
letBlock :: Parser LNSubst
letBlock = do
    toSubst <$> (symbol "let" *> many1 definition <* symbol "in")
    toSubst = foldr1 compose . map (substFromList . return)
    definition = (,) <$> (sortedLVar [LSortMsg] <* equalSign) <*> multterm llit

-- | Parse an intruder rule.
intrRule :: Parser IntrRuleAC
intrRule = do
    info <- try (symbol "rule" *> moduloAC *> intrInfo <* colon)
    (ps,as,cs) <- genericRule
    return $ Rule info ps cs as
    intrInfo = do
        name <- identifier
        case name of
          'c':cname -> return $ ConstrRule (BC.pack cname)
          'd':dname -> return $ DestrRule (BC.pack dname)
          _         -> fail $ "invalid intruder rule name '" ++ name ++ "'"

genericRule :: Parser ([LNFact], [LNFact], [LNFact])
genericRule =
    (,,) <$> list (fact llit)
         <*> ((pure [] <* symbol "-->") <|>
              (symbol "--[" *> commaSep (fact llit) <* symbol "]->"))
         <*> list (fact llit)

-- | Add facts to a rule.
addFacts :: String        -- ^ Command to be used: add_concs, add_prems
         -> Parser (String, [LNFact])
addFacts cmd =
    (,) <$> (symbol cmd *> identifier <* colon) <*> commaSep1 fact

-- Parsing transfer notation

-- | Parse an lit with strings for both constants as well as variables.
tlit :: Parser TTerm
tlit = asum
    [ constTerm <$> singleQuoted identifier
    , varTerm  <$> identifier

-- | Parse a single transfer.
transfer :: Parser Transfer
transfer = do
  tf <- (\l -> Transfer l Nothing Nothing) <$> identifier <* kw DOT
  (do right <- kw RIGHTARROW *> identifier <* colon
      desc <- transferDesc
      return $ tf { tfRecv = Just (desc right) }
   do right <- kw LEFTARROW *> identifier <* colon
      descr <- transferDesc
      (do left <- try $ identifier <* kw LEFTARROW <* colon
          descl <- transferDesc
          return $ tf { tfSend = Just (descr right)
                      , tfRecv = Just (descl left) }
       do return $ tf { tfSend = Just (descr right) }
   do left <- identifier
      (do kw RIGHTARROW
          (do right <- identifier <* colon
              desc <- transferDesc
              return $ tf { tfSend = Just (desc left)
                          , tfRecv = Just (desc right) }
           do descl <- colon *> transferDesc
              (do right <- kw RIGHTARROW *> identifier <* colon
                  descr <- transferDesc
                  return $ tf { tfSend = Just (descl left)
                              , tfRecv = Just (descr right) }
               do return $ tf { tfSend = Just (descl left) }
       do kw LEFTARROW
          (do desc <- colon *> transferDesc
              return $ tf { tfRecv = Just (desc left) }
           do right <- identifier <* colon
              desc <- transferDesc
              return $ tf { tfSend = Just (desc right)
                          , tfRecv = Just (desc left) }
    transferDesc = do
        ts        <- tupleterm tlit
        moreConcs <- (symbol "note" *> many1 (try $ fact tlit))
                     <|> pure []
        types     <- typeAssertions
        return $ \a -> TransferDesc a ts moreConcs types

-- | Parse a protocol in transfer notation
transferProto :: Parser [ProtoRuleE]
transferProto = do
    name <- symbol "anb-proto" *> identifier
    braced (convTransferProto name <$> abbrevs <*> many1 transfer)
    abbrevs = (symbol "let" *> many1 abbrev) <|> pure []
    abbrev = (,) <$> try (identifier <* kw EQUAL) <*> multterm tlit


-- Parsing Standard and Guarded Formulas

-- | Parse an atom with possibly bound logical variables.
blatom :: Parser BLAtom
blatom = (fmap (fmapTerm (fmap Free))) <$> asum
  [ Last        <$> try (symbol "last" *> parens nodevarTerm)        <?> "last atom"
  , flip Action <$> try (fact llit <* opAt)        <*> nodevarTerm   <?> "action atom"
  , Less        <$> try (nodevarTerm <* opLess)    <*> nodevarTerm   <?> "less atom"
  , EqE         <$> try (multterm llit <* opEqual) <*> multterm llit <?> "term equality"
  , EqE         <$>     (nodevarTerm  <* opEqual)  <*> nodevarTerm   <?> "node equality"
    nodevarTerm = (lit . Var) <$> nodevar

-- | Parse an atom of a formula.
fatom :: Parser LNFormula
fatom = asum
  [ pure lfalse <* opLFalse
  , pure ltrue  <* opLTrue
  , Ato <$> try blatom
  , quantification
  , parens iff
    quantification = do
        q <- (pure forall <* opForall) <|> (pure exists <* opExists)
        vs <- many1 lvar <* dot
        f  <- iff
        return $ foldr (hinted q) f vs

    hinted :: ((String, LSort) -> LVar -> a) -> LVar -> a
    hinted f v@(LVar n s _) = f (n,s) v

-- | Parse a negation.
negation :: Parser LNFormula
negation = opLNot *> (Not <$> fatom) <|> fatom

-- | Parse a left-associative sequence of conjunctions.
conjuncts :: Parser LNFormula
conjuncts = chainl1 negation ((.&&.) <$ opLAnd)

-- | Parse a left-associative sequence of disjunctions.
disjuncts :: Parser LNFormula
disjuncts = chainl1 conjuncts ((.||.) <$ opLOr)

-- | An implication.
imp :: Parser LNFormula
imp = do
  lhs <- disjuncts
  asum [ opImplies *> ((lhs .==>.) <$> imp)
       , pure lhs ]

-- | An logical equivalence.
iff :: Parser LNFormula
iff = do
  lhs <- imp
  asum [opLEquiv *> ((lhs .<=>.) <$> imp), pure lhs ]

-- | Parse a standard formula.
standardFormula :: Parser LNFormula
standardFormula = iff

-- | Parse a guarded formula using the hack of parsing a standard formula and
-- converting it afterwards.
-- FIXME: Write a proper parser.
guardedFormula :: Parser LNGuarded
guardedFormula = try $ do
    res <- formulaToGuarded <$> standardFormula
    case res of
        Left d   -> fail $ render d
        Right gf -> return gf

-- Parsing Axioms

-- | Parse an axiom.
axiom :: Parser Axiom
axiom = Axiom <$> (symbol "axiom" *> identifier <* colon)
              <*> doubleQuoted standardFormula

-- Parsing Lemmas

-- | Parse a 'LemmaAttribute'.
lemmaAttribute :: Parser LemmaAttribute
lemmaAttribute = asum
  [ symbol "typing"        *> pure TypingLemma
  , symbol "reuse"         *> pure ReuseLemma
  , symbol "use_induction" *> pure InvariantLemma

-- | Parse a 'TraceQuantifier'.
traceQuantifier :: Parser TraceQuantifier
traceQuantifier = asum
  [ symbol "all-traces" *> pure AllTraces
  , symbol "exists-trace"  *> pure ExistsTrace

-- | Parse a lemma.
lemma :: Parser (Lemma ProofSkeleton)
lemma = skeletonLemma <$> (symbol "lemma" *> optional moduloE *> identifier)
                      <*> (option [] $ list lemmaAttribute)
                      <*> (colon *> option AllTraces traceQuantifier)
                      <*> doubleQuoted standardFormula
                      <*> (proofSkeleton <|> pure (unproven ()))

-- Parsing Proofs

-- | Parse a node premise.
nodePrem :: Parser NodePrem
nodePrem = parens ((,) <$> nodevar
                       <*> (comma *> fmap (PremIdx . fromIntegral) natural))

-- | Parse a node conclusion.
nodeConc :: Parser NodeConc
nodeConc = parens ((,) <$> nodevar
                       <*> (comma *> fmap (ConcIdx .fromIntegral) natural))

-- | Parse a goal.
goal :: Parser Goal
goal = asum
    [ premiseGoal
    , actionGoal
    , chainGoal
    , disjSplitGoal
    , eqSplitGoal
    actionGoal = do
        fa <- try (fact llit <* opAt)
        i  <- nodevar
        return $ ActionG i fa

    premiseGoal = do
        (fa, v) <- try ((,) <$> fact llit <*> opRequires)
        i  <- nodevar
        return $ PremiseG (i, v) fa

    chainGoal = ChainG <$> (try (nodeConc <* opChain)) <*> nodePrem

    disjSplitGoal = (DisjG . Disj) <$> sepBy1 guardedFormula (symbol "∥")

    eqSplitGoal = try $ do
        symbol_ "split"
        parens $ (SplitG . SplitId . fromIntegral) <$> natural

-- | Parse a proof method.
proofMethod :: Parser ProofMethod
proofMethod = asum
  [ symbol "sorry"         *> pure (Sorry Nothing)
  , symbol "simplify"      *> pure Simplify
  , symbol "solve"         *> (SolveGoal <$> parens goal)
  , symbol "contradiction" *> pure (Contradiction Nothing)
  , symbol "induction"     *> pure Induction

-- | Parse a proof skeleton.
proofSkeleton :: Parser ProofSkeleton
proofSkeleton =
    solvedProof <|> finalProof <|> interProof
    solvedProof =
        symbol "SOLVED" *> pure (LNode (ProofStep Solved ()) M.empty)

    finalProof = do
        method <- symbol "by" *> proofMethod
        return (LNode (ProofStep method ()) M.empty)

    interProof = do
        method <- proofMethod
        cases  <- (sepBy oneCase (symbol "next") <* symbol "qed") <|>
                  ((return . (,) "") <$> proofSkeleton          )
        return (LNode (ProofStep method ()) (M.fromList cases))

    oneCase = (,) <$> (symbol "case" *> identifier) <*> proofSkeleton

-- Parsing Signatures

-- | Builtin signatures.
builtins :: Parser ()
builtins =
    symbol "builtins" *> colon *> commaSep1 builtinTheory *> pure ()
    extendSig msig = modifyState (`mappend` msig)
    builtinTheory = asum
      [ try (symbol "diffie-hellman")
          *> extendSig dhMaudeSig
      , try (symbol "bilinear-pairing")
          *> extendSig bpMaudeSig
      , try (symbol "multiset")
          *> extendSig msetMaudeSig
      , try (symbol "symmetric-encryption")
          *> extendSig symEncMaudeSig
      , try (symbol "asymmetric-encryption")
          *> extendSig asymEncMaudeSig
      , try (symbol "signing")
          *> extendSig signatureMaudeSig
      , symbol "hashing"
          *> extendSig hashMaudeSig

functions :: Parser ()
functions =
    symbol "functions" *> colon *> commaSep1 functionSymbol *> pure ()
    functionSymbol = do
        f   <- BC.pack <$> identifier <* opSlash
        k   <- fromIntegral <$> natural
        priv <- option Public (symbol "[private]" *> pure Private)
        sig <- getState
        case lookup f [ o | o <- (S.toList $ stFunSyms sig)] of
          Just kp' | kp' /= (k,priv) ->
            fail $ "conflicting arities/private " ++
                   show kp' ++ " and " ++ show (k,priv) ++
                   " for `" ++ BC.unpack f
          _ -> setState (addFunSym (f,(k,priv)) sig)

equations :: Parser ()
equations =
    symbol "equations" *> colon *> commaSep1 equation *> pure ()
    equation = do
        rrule <- RRule <$> term llit <*> (equalSign *> term llit)
        case rRuleToStRule rrule of
          Just str ->
              modifyState (addStRule str)
          Nothing  ->
              fail $ "Not a subterm rule: " ++ show rrule

-- Parsing Theories

-- | Parse a theory.
theory :: [String]   -- ^ Defined flags.
       -> Parser OpenTheory
theory flags0 = do
    symbol_ "theory"
    thyId <- identifier
    symbol_ "begin"
        *> addItems (S.fromList flags0) (set thyName thyId defaultOpenTheory)
        <* symbol "end"
    addItems :: S.Set String -> OpenTheory -> Parser OpenTheory
    addItems flags thy = asum
      [ do builtins
           msig <- getState
           addItems flags $ set (sigpMaudeSig . thySignature) msig thy
      , do functions
           msig <- getState
           addItems flags $ set (sigpMaudeSig . thySignature) msig thy
      , do equations
           msig <- getState
           addItems flags $ set (sigpMaudeSig . thySignature) msig thy
--      , do thy' <- foldM liftedAddProtoRule thy =<< transferProto
--           addItems flags thy'
      , do thy' <- liftedAddAxiom thy =<< axiom
           addItems flags thy'
      , do thy' <- liftedAddLemma thy =<< lemma
           addItems flags thy'
      , do ru <- protoRule
           thy' <- liftedAddProtoRule thy ru
           addItems flags thy'
      , do r <- intrRule
           addItems flags (addIntrRuleACs [r] thy)
      , do c <- formalComment
           addItems flags (addFormalComment c thy)
      , do ifdef flags thy
      , do define flags thy
      , do return thy

    define :: S.Set String -> OpenTheory -> Parser OpenTheory
    define flags thy = do
       flag <- try (symbol "#define") *> identifier
       addItems (S.insert flag flags) thy

    ifdef :: S.Set String -> OpenTheory -> Parser OpenTheory
    ifdef flags thy = do
       flag <- symbol_ "#ifdef" *> identifier
       thy' <- addItems flags thy
       symbol_ "#endif"
       if flag `S.member` flags
         then addItems flags thy'
         else addItems flags thy

    liftedAddProtoRule thy ru = case addProtoRule ru thy of
        Just thy' -> return thy'
        Nothing   -> fail $ "duplicate rule: " ++ render (prettyRuleName ru)

    liftedAddLemma thy lem = case addLemma lem thy of
        Just thy' -> return thy'
        Nothing   -> fail $ "duplicate lemma: " ++ get lName lem

    liftedAddAxiom thy ax = case addAxiom ax thy of
        Just thy' -> return thy'
        Nothing   -> fail $ "duplicate axiom: " ++ get axName ax