{-# LANGUAGE CPP, BangPatterns, PatternGuards, DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Codec.Archive.Tar.Index.StringTable ( StringTable, lookup, index, construct, StringTableBuilder, empty, insert, inserts, finalise, unfinalise, serialise, serialiseSize, deserialiseV1, deserialiseV2, #ifdef TESTS prop_valid, prop_sorted, prop_finalise_unfinalise, prop_serialise_deserialise, prop_serialiseSize, #endif ) where import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Prelude hiding (lookup, id) import Data.List hiding (lookup, insert) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Word (Word32) import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.Bits import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) #if (MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #endif import Control.Exception.Safe (assert) import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A import Data.Array.Unboxed ((!)) #if MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,0) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Map.Strict (Map) #else import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (Map) #endif import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS #if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,2) || defined(MIN_VERSION_bytestring_builder) import Data.ByteString.Builder as BS import Data.ByteString.Builder.Extra as BS (byteStringCopy) #else import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as BS import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder.Extras as BS (byteStringCopy) #endif -- | An effecient mapping from strings to a dense set of integers. -- data StringTable id = StringTable {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- all strings concatenated {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.UArray Int32 Word32) -- string offset table {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.UArray Int32 Int32) -- string index to id table {-# UNPACK #-} !(A.UArray Int32 Int32) -- string id to index table deriving (Show, Typeable) instance (Eq id, Enum id) => Eq (StringTable id) where tbl1 == tbl2 = unfinalise tbl1 == unfinalise tbl2 -- | Look up a string in the token table. If the string is present, return -- its corresponding index. -- lookup :: Enum id => StringTable id -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe id lookup (StringTable bs offsets ids _ixs) str = binarySearch 0 (topBound-1) str where (0, topBound) = A.bounds offsets binarySearch !a !b !key | a > b = Nothing | otherwise = case compare key (index' bs offsets mid) of LT -> binarySearch a (mid-1) key EQ -> Just $! toEnum (fromIntegral (ids ! mid)) GT -> binarySearch (mid+1) b key where mid = (a + b) `div` 2 index' :: BS.ByteString -> A.UArray Int32 Word32 -> Int32 -> BS.ByteString index' bs offsets i = BS.unsafeTake len . BS.unsafeDrop start $ bs where start, end, len :: Int start = fromIntegral (offsets ! i) end = fromIntegral (offsets ! (i+1)) len = end - start -- | Given the index of a string in the table, return the string. -- index :: Enum id => StringTable id -> id -> BS.ByteString index (StringTable bs offsets _ids ixs) = index' bs offsets . (ixs !) . fromIntegral . fromEnum -- | Given a list of strings, construct a 'StringTable' mapping those strings -- to a dense set of integers. Also return the ids for all the strings used -- in the construction. -- construct :: Enum id => [BS.ByteString] -> StringTable id construct = finalise . foldl' (\tbl s -> fst (insert s tbl)) empty data StringTableBuilder id = StringTableBuilder !(Map BS.ByteString id) {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32 deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable) empty :: StringTableBuilder id empty = StringTableBuilder Map.empty 0 insert :: Enum id => BS.ByteString -> StringTableBuilder id -> (StringTableBuilder id, id) insert str builder@(StringTableBuilder smap nextid) = case Map.lookup str smap of Just id -> (builder, id) Nothing -> let !id = toEnum (fromIntegral nextid) !smap' = Map.insert str id smap in (StringTableBuilder smap' (nextid+1), id) inserts :: Enum id => [BS.ByteString] -> StringTableBuilder id -> (StringTableBuilder id, [id]) inserts bss builder = mapAccumL (flip insert) builder bss finalise :: Enum id => StringTableBuilder id -> StringTable id finalise (StringTableBuilder smap _) = (StringTable strs offsets ids ixs) where strs = BS.concat (Map.keys smap) offsets = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral (Map.size smap)) . scanl (\off str -> off + fromIntegral (BS.length str)) 0 $ Map.keys smap ids = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral (Map.size smap) - 1) . map (fromIntegral . fromEnum) $ Map.elems smap ixs = A.array (A.bounds ids) [ (id,ix) | (ix,id) <- A.assocs ids ] unfinalise :: Enum id => StringTable id -> StringTableBuilder id unfinalise (StringTable strs offsets ids _) = StringTableBuilder smap nextid where smap = Map.fromAscList [ (index' strs offsets ix, toEnum (fromIntegral (ids ! ix))) | ix <- [0..h] ] (0,h) = A.bounds ids nextid = fromIntegral (h+1) ------------------------- -- (de)serialisation -- serialise :: StringTable id -> BS.Builder serialise (StringTable strs offs ids ixs) = let (_, !ixEnd) = A.bounds offs in BS.word32BE (fromIntegral (BS.length strs)) <> BS.word32BE (fromIntegral ixEnd + 1) <> BS.byteStringCopy strs <> foldr (\n r -> BS.word32BE n <> r) mempty (A.elems offs) <> foldr (\n r -> BS.int32BE n <> r) mempty (A.elems ids) <> foldr (\n r -> BS.int32BE n <> r) mempty (A.elems ixs) serialiseSize :: StringTable id -> Int serialiseSize (StringTable strs offs _ids _ixs) = let (_, !ixEnd) = A.bounds offs in 4 * 2 + BS.length strs + 4 * (fromIntegral ixEnd + 1) + 8 * fromIntegral ixEnd deserialiseV1 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe (StringTable id, BS.ByteString) deserialiseV1 bs | BS.length bs >= 8 , let lenStrs = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs 0) lenArr = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs 4) lenTotal= 8 + lenStrs + 4 * lenArr , BS.length bs >= lenTotal , let strs = BS.take lenStrs (BS.drop 8 bs) arr = A.array (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 1) [ (i, readWord32BE bs off) | (i, off) <- zip [0 .. fromIntegral lenArr - 1] [offArrS,offArrS+4 .. offArrE] ] ids = A.array (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 1) [ (i,i) | i <- [0 .. fromIntegral lenArr - 1] ] ixs = ids -- two identity mappings offArrS = 8 + lenStrs offArrE = offArrS + 4 * lenArr - 1 !stringTable = StringTable strs arr ids ixs !bs' = BS.drop lenTotal bs = Just (stringTable, bs') | otherwise = Nothing deserialiseV2 :: BS.ByteString -> Maybe (StringTable id, BS.ByteString) deserialiseV2 bs | BS.length bs >= 8 , let lenStrs = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs 0) lenArr = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs 4) lenTotal= 8 -- the two length prefixes + lenStrs + 4 * lenArr +(4 * (lenArr - 1)) * 2 -- offsets array is 1 longer , BS.length bs >= lenTotal , let strs = BS.take lenStrs (BS.drop 8 bs) offs = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 1) [ readWord32BE bs off | off <- offsets offsOff ] -- the second two arrays are 1 shorter ids = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 2) [ readInt32BE bs off | off <- offsets idsOff ] ixs = A.listArray (0, fromIntegral lenArr - 2) [ readInt32BE bs off | off <- offsets ixsOff ] offsOff = 8 + lenStrs idsOff = offsOff + 4 * lenArr ixsOff = idsOff + 4 * (lenArr-1) offsets from = [from,from+4 .. from + 4 * (lenArr - 1)] !stringTable = StringTable strs offs ids ixs !bs' = BS.drop lenTotal bs = Just (stringTable, bs') | otherwise = Nothing readInt32BE :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> Int32 readInt32BE bs i = fromIntegral (readWord32BE bs i) readWord32BE :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> Word32 readWord32BE bs i = assert (i >= 0 && i+3 <= BS.length bs - 1) $ fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 0)) `shiftL` 24 + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 1)) `shiftL` 16 + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 2)) `shiftL` 8 + fromIntegral (BS.unsafeIndex bs (i + 3)) #ifdef TESTS prop_valid :: [BS.ByteString] -> Bool prop_valid strs = all lookupIndex (enumStrings tbl) && all indexLookup (enumIds tbl) where tbl :: StringTable Int tbl = construct strs lookupIndex str = index tbl ident == str where Just ident = lookup tbl str indexLookup ident = lookup tbl str == Just ident where str = index tbl ident -- this is important so we can use Map.fromAscList prop_sorted :: [BS.ByteString] -> Bool prop_sorted strings = isSorted [ index' strs offsets ix | ix <- A.range (A.bounds ids) ] where _tbl :: StringTable Int _tbl@(StringTable strs offsets ids _ixs) = construct strings isSorted xs = and (zipWith (<) xs (tail xs)) prop_finalise_unfinalise :: [BS.ByteString] -> Bool prop_finalise_unfinalise strs = builder == unfinalise (finalise builder) where builder :: StringTableBuilder Int builder = foldl' (\tbl s -> fst (insert s tbl)) empty strs prop_serialise_deserialise :: [BS.ByteString] -> Bool prop_serialise_deserialise strs = Just (strtable, BS.empty) == (deserialiseV2 . toStrict . BS.toLazyByteString . serialise) strtable where strtable :: StringTable Int strtable = construct strs prop_serialiseSize :: [BS.ByteString] -> Bool prop_serialiseSize strs = (fromIntegral . LBS.length . BS.toLazyByteString . serialise) strtable == serialiseSize strtable where strtable :: StringTable Int strtable = construct strs enumStrings :: Enum id => StringTable id -> [BS.ByteString] enumStrings (StringTable bs offsets _ _) = map (index' bs offsets) [0..h-1] where (0,h) = A.bounds offsets enumIds :: Enum id => StringTable id -> [id] enumIds (StringTable _ offsets _ _) = [toEnum 0 .. toEnum (fromIntegral (h-1))] where (0,h) = A.bounds offsets toStrict :: LBS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString #if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,0) toStrict = LBS.toStrict #else toStrict = BS.concat . LBS.toChunks #endif #endif #if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,5,0)) (<>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m (<>) = mappend #endif