{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns         #-}
module Test.Target.Testable (test, Testable) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception               (AsyncException, evaluate)
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Catch
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict             as M
import qualified Data.HashSet                    as S
import           Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Text                       as T
import           Data.Text.Format                hiding (print)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                  as LT
import           Text.Printf

import           Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Interface
import           Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Theories  (theorySymbols)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types         hiding (Result)
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.RefType
import           Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types   hiding (Result (..), env, var)

import           Test.Target.Targetable          hiding (apply)
-- import           Test.Target.Eval
import           Test.Target.Expr
import           Test.Target.Monad
import           Test.Target.Types
import           Test.Target.Util

-- import Debug.Trace

-- | Test that a function inhabits the given refinement type by enumerating
-- valid inputs and calling the function on the inputs.
test :: Testable f => f -> SpecType -> Target Result
test f t
  = do d <- asks depth
       vs <- queryArgs f d t
       let (xs, tis, _, to) = bkArrowDeep $ stripQuals t
       ctx <- gets smtContext
       try (process f ctx vs (zip xs tis) to) >>= \case
         Left  (e :: TargetException) -> return $ Errored $ show e
         Right r                      -> return r

process :: Testable f
        => f -> Context -> [Symbol] -> [(Symbol,SpecType)] -> SpecType
        -> Target Result
process f ctx vs xts to = go 0 =<< io (command ctx CheckSat)
    go !n Unsat    = return $ Passed n
    go _  (Error e)= throwM $ SmtError $ T.unpack e
    go !n Sat      = do
      when (n `mod` 100 == 0) $ whenVerbose $ io $ printf "Checked %d inputs\n" n
      let n' = n + 1
      xs <- decodeArgs f vs (map snd xts)
      whenVerbose $ io $ print xs
      er <- io $ try $ evaluate (apply f xs)
      -- whenVerbose $ io $ print er
      case er of
        Left (e :: SomeException)
          -- DON'T catch AsyncExceptions since they are used by @timeout@
          | Just (_ :: AsyncException) <- fromException e -> throwM e
          | Just (SmtError _) <- fromException e -> throwM e
          | Just (ExpectedValues _) <- fromException e -> throwM e
          | otherwise -> do
              real <- gets realized
              modify $ \s@(TargetState {..}) -> s { realized = [] }
              _ <- io $ command ctx $ Assert Nothing $ PNot $ pAnd
                    [ ESym (SL $ symbolText x) `eq` ESym (SL v) | (x,v) <- real ]
              mbKeepGoing xs n'
        Right r -> do
          real <- gets realized
          modify $ \s@(TargetState {..}) -> s { realized = [] }
          let su = mkSubst $ mkExprs f (map fst xts) xs
          (sat, _) <- check r (subst su to)

          -- refute model *after* checking output in case we have HOFs, which
          -- need to query the solver. if this is the last set of inputs, e.g.
          -- refuting the current model forces the solver to return unsat next
          -- time, the solver will return unsat when the HOF queries for an output,
          -- causing us to return a spurious error
          _ <- io $ command ctx $ Assert Nothing $ PNot $ pAnd
                [ ESym (SL $ symbolText x) `eq` ESym (SL v) | (x,v) <- real ]

          case sat of
            False -> mbKeepGoing xs n'
            True -> do
              asks maxSuccess >>= \case
                Nothing -> go n' =<< io (command ctx CheckSat)
                Just m | m == n' -> return $ Passed m
                       | otherwise -> go n' =<< io (command ctx CheckSat)

    go _ r = error $ "go _ " ++ show r

    mbKeepGoing xs n = do
      kg <- asks keepGoing
      if kg
        then go n =<< io (command ctx CheckSat)
        else return (Failed $ show xs)

-- | A class of functions that Target can test. A function is @Testable@ /iff/
-- all of its component types are 'Targetable' and all of its argument types are
-- 'Show'able.
-- You should __never__ have to define a new 'Testable' instance.
class (AllHave Targetable (Args f), Targetable (Res f)
      ,AllHave Show (Args f)) => Testable f where
  queryArgs  :: f -> Int -> SpecType -> Target [Symbol]
  decodeArgs :: f -> [Symbol] -> [SpecType] -> Target (HList (Args f))
  apply      :: f -> HList (Args f) -> Res f
  mkExprs    :: f -> [Symbol] -> HList (Args f) -> [(Symbol,Expr)]

instance (Show a, Targetable a, Testable b) => Testable (a -> b) where
  queryArgs f d (stripQuals -> (RFun x i o _))
    = do v  <- query (Proxy :: Proxy a) d i
         vs <- queryArgs (f undefined) d (subst (mkSubst [(x,var v)]) o)
         return (v:vs)
  queryArgs _ _ t = error $ "queryArgs called with non-function type: " ++ show t
  decodeArgs f (v:vs) (t:ts)
    = liftM2 (:::) (decode v t) (decodeArgs (f undefined) vs ts)
  decodeArgs _ _ _ = error "decodeArgs called with empty list"
  apply f (x ::: xs)
    = apply (f x) xs
  apply _ _ = error "apply called with empty list"
  mkExprs f (v:vs) (x ::: xs)
    = (v, toExpr x) : mkExprs (f undefined) vs xs
  mkExprs _ _ _ = error "mkExprs called with empty list"

instance (Targetable a, Args a ~ '[], Res a ~ a) => Testable a where
  queryArgs _ _ _  = return []
  decodeArgs _ _ _ = return Nil
  apply f _        = f
  mkExprs _ _ _    = []

func :: Sort -> Bool
func (FFunc _ _) = True
func _           = False

setup :: Target ()
setup = {-# SCC "setup" #-} do
   ctx <- gets smtContext
   emb <- gets embEnv
   -- declare sorts
   ss  <- S.toList <$> gets sorts
   let defSort b e = io $ smtWrite ctx (format "(define-sort {} () {})" (b,e))
   -- FIXME: combine this with the code in `fresh`
   forM_ ss $ \case
     FObj "Int" -> return ()
     FInt       -> return ()
     FObj "GHC.Types.Bool"   -> defSort ("GHC.Types.Bool" :: T.Text) ("Bool" :: T.Text)
     FObj "CHOICE" -> defSort ("CHOICE" :: T.Text) ("Bool" :: T.Text)
     s        -> defSort (LT.toStrict $ smt2Sort s) ("Int" :: T.Text)
   -- declare constructors
   cts <- gets constructors
   mapM_ (\ (c,t) -> io $ smtWrite ctx $ makeDecl (symbol c) t) cts
   let nullary = [var c | (c,t) <- cts, not (func t)]
   unless (null nullary) $
     void $ io $ command ctx $ Distinct nullary
   -- declare variables
   vs <- gets variables
   let defVar (x,t) = io $ smtWrite ctx (makeDecl x (arrowize t))
   mapM_ defVar vs
   -- declare measures
   ms <- gets measEnv
   let defFun x t = io $ smtWrite ctx (makeDecl x t)
   forM_ ms $ \m -> do
     let x = val (name m)
     if x `M.member` theorySymbols
       then return ()
       else defFun x (rTypeSort emb (sort m))
   -- assert constraints
   cs <- gets constraints
   --mapM_ (\c -> do {i <- gets seed; modify $ \s@(GS {..}) -> s { seed = seed + 1 };
   --                 io . command ctx $ Assert (Just i) c})
   --  cs
   mapM_ (\c -> io . command ctx $ Assert Nothing c) cs
   -- deps <- V.fromList . map (symbol *** symbol) <$> gets deps
   -- io $ generateDepGraph "deps" deps cs
   -- return (ctx,vs,deps)

sortTys :: Sort -> [Sort]
sortTys (FFunc _ ts) = concatMap sortTys ts
sortTys t            = [t]

arrowize :: Sort -> Sort
arrowize = FObj . symbol . LT.intercalate "->" . map (LT.fromStrict . symbolText . unObj) . sortTys

unObj :: Sort -> Symbol
unObj FInt     = "Int"
unObj (FObj s) = s
unObj s        = error $ "unObj: " ++ show s