-- | This Module exports the main datatype of this library: Task. -- It is provided with FromJSON and ToJSON instances. -- module Taskwarrior.Task ( Task(..) , Tag , makeTask -- | == Adherence to specification -- This library uses the [taskwarrior specification for the JSON serialisation format](https://taskwarrior.org/docs/design/task.html). -- But it deviates in a small number of ways to be more pragmatic. -- -- * 'Task' has the fields 'id' and 'urgency' although they are technically UDAs. -- * There are two invalid states which are not prevented via the Haskell type system by the chosen modeling: -- -- 1. A 'Task' with a 'Just' value for 'recurringChild' should not have the 'Status' 'Taskwarrior.Status.Recurring'. -- 2. The 'due' field needs to be a 'Just' value on a 'Task' with 'Status' 'Taskwarrior.Status.Recurring'. ) where import Prelude hiding ( id ) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Text ( Text ) import Data.Time ( UTCTime ) import qualified Data.UUID as UUID import Data.UUID ( UUID ) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson.Types import Data.Aeson ( withObject , withText , FromJSON , ToJSON , parseJSON , (.:) , (.=) , (.:?) , Value ) import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe ) import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import Control.Monad ( join ) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import Taskwarrior.Status ( Status ) import qualified Taskwarrior.Status as Status import Taskwarrior.RecurringChild ( RecurringChild ) import qualified Taskwarrior.RecurringChild as RecurringChild import Taskwarrior.Priority ( Priority ) import qualified Taskwarrior.Priority as Priority import Taskwarrior.UDA ( UDA ) import Taskwarrior.Annotation ( Annotation ) import qualified Taskwarrior.Time as Time import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( fromBool ) -- | A 'Task' represents a task from taskwarrior. -- The specification demands, that the existence of some fields is dependent on the status of the task. -- Those fields are therefore bundled in 'Status' as a sum-type. -- -- All fields in an imported task which are not part of the specification will be put in the 'UDA' (user defined attributes) 'Data.HashMap.Strict.HashMap'. -- -- Since the json can have multiple semantically equivalent representations of a task first serializing and then deserializing is not identity. -- But deserializing and then serializing should be. (Thus making serializing and deserializing idempotent.) data Task = Task { status :: Status, recurringChild :: Maybe RecurringChild, uuid :: UUID, id :: Maybe Integer, entry :: UTCTime, description :: Text, start :: Maybe UTCTime, modified :: Maybe UTCTime, due :: Maybe UTCTime, until :: Maybe UTCTime, annotations :: [Annotation], scheduled :: Maybe UTCTime, project :: Maybe Text, priority :: Maybe Priority, depends :: [UUID], tags :: [Tag], urgency :: Double, uda :: UDA } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) -- | A Tag can be basically any string. But beware: Special symbols work but might clash with @task@ cli syntax. As an example you can use a space in a @'Tag'@. But then you cannot use @task +my tag@ on the command line. type Tag = Text reservedKeys :: [Text] reservedKeys = [ "status" , "uuid" , "id" , "description" , "entry" , "modified" , "due" , "until" , "scheduled" , "annotations" , "start" , "project" , "priority" , "depends" , "tags" , "wait" , "end" , "mask" , "imask" , "parent" , "recur" , "urgency" ] instance FromJSON Task where parseJSON = withObject "Task" $ \object -> do let parseTimeFromFieldMay = parseFromFieldWithMay Time.parse object uda = HashMap.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `notElem` reservedKeys) object status <- Status.parseFromObject object recurringChild <- RecurringChild.parseFromObjectMay object uuid <- object .: "uuid" idRaw <- object .:? "id" let id = if idRaw == Just 0 then Nothing else idRaw entry <- object .: "entry" >>= Time.parse description <- object .: "description" start <- parseTimeFromFieldMay "start" modified <- parseTimeFromFieldMay "modified" due <- parseTimeFromFieldMay "due" until_ <- parseTimeFromFieldMay "until" scheduled <- parseTimeFromFieldMay "scheduled" annotations <- Foldable.fold <$> object .:? "annotations" project <- object .:? "project" priority <- join <$> parseFromFieldWithMay Priority.parseMay object "priority" depends <- maybe (pure []) parseUuidList (HashMap.lookup "depends" object) tags <- Foldable.fold <$> object .:? "tags" urgency <- fromMaybe 0 <$> object .:? "urgency" pure Task { until = until_, .. } parseFromFieldWithMay :: (Value -> Aeson.Types.Parser a) -> Aeson.Object -> Text -> Aeson.Types.Parser (Maybe a) parseFromFieldWithMay parser object name = traverse parser (HashMap.lookup name object) parseUuidList :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Types.Parser [UUID] parseUuidList = withText "Text" $ mapM (parseJSON . Aeson.String) . Text.splitOn "," instance ToJSON Task where toJSON Task { until = until_, ..} = Aeson.object $ Status.toPairs status <> [ "uuid" .= uuid , "id" .= fromMaybe 0 id , "entry" .= Time.toValue entry , "description" .= description , "urgency" .= urgency ] <> maybe [] RecurringChild.toPairs recurringChild <> ifNotNullList annotations ("annotations" .=) <> Maybe.mapMaybe (\(name, value) -> (name .=) . Time.toValue <$> value) [ ("start" , start) , ("modified" , modified) , ("due" , due) , ("scheduled", scheduled) , ("until" , until_) ] <> Maybe.catMaybes [("project" .=) <$> project, ("priority" .=) <$> priority] <> ifNotNullList depends (("depends" .=) . Text.intercalate "," . fmap UUID.toText) <> ifNotNullList tags ("tags" .=) <> HashMap.toList uda ifNotNullList :: [b] -> ([b] -> a) -> [a] ifNotNullList list f = (Semigroup.stimesMonoid . (fromBool :: Bool -> Integer) . not . null $ list) [f list] -- | Makes a Task with the given mandatory fields uuid, entry time and description. See createTask for a non-pure version which needs less parameters. makeTask :: UUID -> UTCTime -> Text -> Task makeTask uuid entry description = Task { uuid , description , entry , id = Nothing , modified = Just entry , status = Status.Pending , recurringChild = Nothing , due = Nothing , priority = Nothing , project = Nothing , start = Nothing , scheduled = Nothing , until = Nothing , annotations = [] , depends = [] , tags = [] , urgency = 0 , uda = HashMap.empty }