# 0.3.3 * Drop support of `tasty < 1.2.3`. * Make benchmarks immune to `-fspec-constr-count` limit. # 0.3.2 * Add `locateBenchmark` and `mapLeafBenchmarks`. * Support measuring of wall-clock time. * Make messages for baseline comparison less ambiguous. * Graceful degradation on non-Unicode terminals. # 0.3.1 * Add `bcompareWithin` for portable performance tests. * Add `tasty` and `debug` build flags. # 0.3 * Report mean time with 3 significant digits. * Report peak memory usage, when run with `+RTS -T`. * Run benchmarks only once, if `RelStDev` is infinite. * Make `Benchmarkable` constructor public. * Expose `measureCpuTime` helper to run benchmarks manually. * Expose `CsvPath`, `BaselinePath`, `SvgPath`. # 0.2.5 * Fix comparison against baseline. # 0.2.4 * Add a simplistic SVG reporter. * Add `bcompare` to compare between benchmarks. * Throw a warning, if benchmarks take too long. # 0.2.3 * Prohibit duplicated benchmark names in CSV reports. # 0.2.2 * Remove `NFData` constraint from `whnfIO`. # 0.2.1 * Fix integer overflow in stdev computations. # 0.2 * Add `env` and `envWithCleanup`. * Run console and CSV reporters in parallel. * Extend console reporter and export it as `consoleBenchReporter`. * Add comparison against baseline and relevant options. * Export `RelStDev` option. * Export `benchIngredients`. # 0.1 * Initial release.