Tests Successful tests goldenVsFile: OK goldenVsFileDiff: OK goldenVsString: OK goldenVsStringDiff: OK Failing tests goldenVsFile: FAIL Files 'example/golden/fail/goldenVsFile.golden' and 'example/golden/fail/goldenVsFile.actual' differ goldenVsFileDiff: FAIL 1d0 < 1 4d2 < 4 9d6 < 9 16d12 < 16 25d20 < 25 36d30 < 36 49d42 < 49 64d56 < 64 81d72 < 81 100d90 < 100 121d110 < 121 144d132 < 144 169d156 < Use --accept or increase --size-cutoff to see full output. goldenVsString: FAIL Test output was different from 'example/golden/fail/goldenVsString.golden'. It was: 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Use --accept or increase --size-cutoff to see full output. goldenVsStringDiff: FAIL Test output was different from 'example/golden/fail/goldenVsStringDiff.golden'. Output of ["diff","example/golden/fail/goldenVsStringDiff.golden","/tmp/goldenVsStringDiff.actual"]: 1d0 < 1 4d2 < 4 9d6 < 9 16d12 < 16 25d20 < 25 36d30 < 36 49d42 < 49 64d56 < 64 81d72 < 81 100d90 < 100 121d110 < 121 144d132 < 144 169d156 < Use --accept or increase --size-cutoff to see full output. 4 out of 8 tests failed