-- | Types and functions for testing 'wai' endpoints using the 'tasty' testing framework.
module Test.Tasty.Wai
    -- * Types
    Sess (..)

    -- * Creation
  , testWai

    -- * Helpers
  , get
  , post
  , put
  , assertStatus'

    -- * Request Builders
  , buildRequest
  , buildRequestWithBody
  , buildRequestWithHeaders

  , module Network.Wai.Test
  ) where

import qualified Control.Exception    as E

import qualified Data.ByteString      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import           Data.Monoid          ((<>))

import           Network.HTTP.Types   (RequestHeaders, StdMethod)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types   as HTTP

import           Test.Tasty.Providers (IsTest (..), Progress (..), TestName,
                                       TestTree, singleTest, testFailed,
import           Test.Tasty.Runners   (formatMessage)

import           Network.Wai          (Application, Request, requestHeaders,
import           Network.Wai.Test

-- | Data structure for carrying around the info needed to build and run a test.
data Sess = S Application TestName (Session ())

instance IsTest Sess where
  -- No options yet
  testOptions = mempty

  run _ (S app tName sess) yieldProgress = do

    -- We don't really have progress to report, so state that we're running a
    -- test but do nothing else.
    yieldProgress $ Progress ("Running " <> tName) 0

    -- The wai-extra testing uses `throwIO` to indicate a test failure and
    -- converts that error into a 'String'. The result of the individual
    -- 'Session a' isn't important for the test?
    E.try (runSession sess app) >>= either toFailure toPass
      toFailure (WaiTestFailure s) = testFailed <$> (formatMessage s)
      toPass     _                 = pure (testPassed mempty)

-- | Create an empty 'Request' using the given HTTP Method and route.
  :: StdMethod
  -> BS.ByteString
  -> Request
buildRequest mth rpath = flip setPath rpath $ defaultRequest
  { requestMethod = HTTP.renderStdMethod mth

-- | As per 'buildRequest' but requires body content.
  :: StdMethod
  -> BS.ByteString
  -> LBS.ByteString
  -> SRequest
buildRequestWithBody mth rpath =
  SRequest (buildRequest mth rpath)

-- | As per 'buildRequestWithBody' but allows for the setting of 'RequestHeaders'.
  :: StdMethod
  -> BS.ByteString
  -> LBS.ByteString
  -> RequestHeaders
  -> SRequest
buildRequestWithHeaders mthd pth bdy hdrs =
  rq { simpleRequest = (simpleRequest rq) { requestHeaders = hdrs } }
  where rq = buildRequestWithBody mthd pth bdy

-- | Run a test case against a 'Application'.
-- This module re-exports the functions from 'wai-extra' for constructing the
-- 'Session' that is executed against a given endpoint.
-- A small test case may look like:
-- @
-- import MyApp (app)
-- testWai app "List Topics" $ do
--       res <- get "fudge/view"
--       assertStatus' HTTP.status200 res
-- @
testWai :: Application -> TestName -> Session () -> TestTree
testWai a tn = singleTest tn . S a tn

-- | Submit a 'HTTP.GET' request to the provided endpoint.
get :: BS.ByteString -> Session SResponse
get = request . buildRequest HTTP.GET

-- | Submit a 'HTTP.POST' request to the given endpoint with the provided
-- 'LBS.ByteString' as the body content.
post :: BS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString -> Session SResponse
post r = srequest . buildRequestWithBody HTTP.POST r

-- | Submit a 'HTTP.PUT' request to the given endpoint with the provided
-- 'LBS.ByteString' as the body content.
put :: BS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString -> Session SResponse
put r = srequest . buildRequestWithBody HTTP.PUT r

-- | An alternative helper function for checking the status code on a response
-- that lets you use the functions from 'Network.HTTP.Types' as opposed to bare
-- numbers.
assertStatus' :: HTTP.Status -> SResponse -> Session ()
assertStatus' c = assertStatus (HTTP.statusCode c)