Change log ========== teardown uses [Semantic Versioning][1]. The change log is available [on GitHub][2]. [1]: [2]: ## V0.5.0.1 * Add language pragma to support ghc-8.6.3 and stackage nightly ## V0.5.0.0 **BREAKING CHANGES** * Move from `ansi-wl-pprint` to `prettyprinter` * Re-implement `Printer` using `prettyprinter` API, now `prettyTeardownResult` returns a `Doc` type from the `prettyprinter` library * Add a `Pretty` instance for the `DisposeResult` type * Add a `Display` instance for the `DisposeResult` type ## v0.4.1.0 * Ensure that all `IO ()` sub-routines on `runTeardown` get executed inside a `MaskedUninterruptible` masking state * Deprecate the `[(Text, IO ())]` instance of `IResource` in favor of creating a teardown record per de-allocated resource. * Replace `criterion` in favor of `gauge` * Bump `rio` to v0.1.1.0 * Improve upon documentation ## v0.4.0.0 **BREAKING CHANGES** * Bump from lts-9.5 to lts-11 * Replace `ITeardown` typeclass in favor of `HasTeardown` * Replace `teardown` function in favor of `runTeardown` and `runTeardown_` * Replace `protolude` in favor of `rio` * Rename `renderTeardownReport` to `prettyTeardownResult` * Remove `Control.Monad.Component` in favor of having it on its own package `componentm` ## v0.3.0.0 **BREAKING CHANGES** * Bump from lts-9.1 to lts-9.5 * Add `Control.Monad.Component` module * Add `Control.Teardown.Tutorial` module * Add `IResource` instance for `[Teardown]` ## v0.2.0.0 **BREAKING CHANGES** * Bump from lts-8.21 to lts-9.1 * Re-organize test files to support nightly (GHC-8.2) * Drop support for lts-6 (GHC-7.10) * Bump dependencies for `time`, `QuickCheck`, `protolude` and `doctest` * Add NFData instance for `TeardownResult` record * Add travisCI builder for nightly ## v0.1.0.1 * Add benchmark to compare with vanilla IO unit * Bump version of `criterion` to `1.2` ## v0.1.0.0 **BREAKING CHANGES** * Relax Glob dependency bounds * Add `IResource` typeclass and make `newTeardown` part of it * Remove `concatTeardown` and `newDynTeardown` functions in favor of overloades of `IResource` * Update TestSuite * Update Example ## v0.0.0.2 * Add haddock documentation to modules ## v0.0.0.1 * First release of teardown library