# 0.1.1 * Define `chat` lens for `Update` datatype * Add string identificator to `Callback` datatype * Define `Notification` datatype * Define `Droppable` typeclass # 0.1.2 * Define `Member` datatype * Add new `Membership` constructor to `Update` datatype * Define `Has` typeclass to get access objects within other objects * Replace `chat` lens on `Access Update Chat` instance # 0.1.3 * Rename `Has` typeclass to `Access` and swap parameters * Rename `Member` datatype to `Moving` * Define `Access Chat Callback` instance * Define `Access From Callback` instance * Define `Access Chat Moving` instance * Define `Access Chat Message` instance * Define `Access From Message` instance # 0.1.4 * Define `Member` datatype for chat users * No implicit `Prelude` anymore (NoImplicitPrelude) * Move HTTP request function into `Internal` module * Define `Endpoint` typeclass to replace `Capacity` * Remove `Capacity` classes and theirs instances * Define `Object` type family # 0.1.5 * Remove `Internal` module, move its content to `Endpoint` * Remove `Drop` phantom datatype, replace it with `Post` * Use promoted constructors of `Capacity` instead of separated datatypes * Use `MultiParamTypeClasses` instead of `FlexibleIntances` for `Endpoint` * Use `UndecidableInstances` and `UndecidableSuperClasses` to use `Object` type family * Replace `Access` module with `Accessible` `Property` * Replace `Endpoint` module with `Persistable` `Property` # 0.1.6 * Split `Message` on `Message` and `Content` datatypes * Add `Forward` constructor to `Message` datatype * Combine `Chat` and `From` objects into `Origin` datatype * Put `Content`, `From` and `Origin` objects into `Message` submodule * Put `Button` object into `Keyboard` submodule * Put `Notification` object into `Callback` submodule * Put `Keyboard` submodule into `Message` submodule * Put `Callback`, `Message` and `Moving` modules into `Update` submodule * Rename `From` to `Sender` and move it from `Message` and `Update` submodules # 0.1.7 * Define `Identifiable` instance for `Callback` datatype * Add `Reply` constructor to `Message` datatype * Add `Attachment` constructor to `Content` datatype * Define `File` for animations, audio, documents, photos, videos or voices * Extract `Size` datatype into separated module within `Content` submodule * Define `Location` and `Info` datatypes within `Content` submodule