-- |
-- Module      :  Web.Telegram.Bot.Handler
-- Copyright   :  Alexander Krupenkin 2016
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  mail@akru.me
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Telegram Bot runners.
module Web.Telegram.Bot.Internal (runBot, storyBot, sendMessageBot, forkBot) where

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, forkFinally, killThread, ThreadId)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT, ask)
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings)
import Network.HTTP.Client (newManager, Manager)
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Data.IntMap.Strict as I
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Web.Telegram.Bot.Story
import Web.Telegram.Bot.Types
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Web.Telegram.API.Bot
import Pipes

-- | Try connection with Telegram Bot API
trySelf :: Token -> Manager -> IO ()
trySelf tok mgr = do
    me <- getMe tok mgr
    case me of
        Left e -> throwIO e
        Right (Response u) ->
            putStrLn $ "Hello! I'm " ++ show (user_first_name u)

-- | Infinity loop for getting updates from API
updateLoop :: BotConfig a
           => (Update -> Bot a ())
           -- ^ Update handler
           -> Bot a ()
updateLoop handler = go 0
  where updates o t = getUpdates t (Just o) Nothing . Just
        go offset = do
            (manager, config) <- ask
            -- Take updates
            upd <- liftIO $
                updates offset (authToken config) (pollTimeout config) manager
            -- Check for errors
            case result <$> upd of
                Left e   -> liftIO (throwIO e)
                Right [] -> go offset
                Right xs  -> do
                    -- Run handler for any update
                    mapM_ handler xs
                    -- Step for the new offset
                    go (maximum (update_id <$> xs) + 1)

-- | 'Producer' from 'Chan' creator
fromChan :: MonadIO m => Chan a -> Producer a m ()
fromChan c = forever $ liftIO (readChan c) >>= yield

-- | Incoming messages will be sended
toSender :: MonadIO m => (BotMessage -> m ()) -> Consumer BotMessage m ()
toSender sender = forever $ await >>= lift . sender

-- | Chat ID based message splitter
storyHandler :: BotConfig a
             => MVar (IntMap (Chan Message, ThreadId))
             -> Map Text (Story a)
             -> BotMessage
             -> Update
             -> Bot a ()
storyHandler chats stories help = go
  where go (Update{message =
                Just msg@(Message {from = Just user})}) = do
            -- Get a chat id
            let cid           = chat_id (chat msg)
                newStory item = modifyMVar_ chats (return . I.insert cid item)
                deleteStory   = modifyMVar_ chats (return . I.delete cid)

            chatMap <- liftIO (readMVar chats)
            -- Lookup chat id in the map
            case I.lookup cid chatMap of
                -- Chat exist => story is run now
                Just (chan, tid) -> do
                    -- Want to cancel it?
                    case text msg of
                        Just "/cancel" -> do
                            liftIO (killThread tid)
                            sendMessageBot (chat msg) help

                        _ -> liftIO (writeChan chan msg)

                -- Is no runned stories
                Nothing ->
                    case text msg >>= flip M.lookup stories of
                        -- Unknown story, try to help
                        Nothing -> sendMessageBot (chat msg) help

                        -- Story exist
                        Just story -> do
                            -- Create chan
                            chan <- liftIO newChan

                            -- Story pipeline
                            let pipeline = fromChan chan
                                        >-> (story (user, chat msg) >>= yield)
                                        >-> toSender (sendMessageBot (chat msg))

                            -- Story effect
                            (manager, config) <- ask
                            let runStory = runReaderT (runEffect pipeline)
                                                      (manager, config)

                            -- Run story in separate thread
                            tid <- liftIO $ forkFinally runStory
                                                        (const deleteStory)
                            -- Update chanMap
                            liftIO (newStory (chan, tid))
        go _ = return ()

sendMessageBot :: BotConfig a => Chat -> BotMessage -> Bot a ()
sendMessageBot c msg = do
    (manager, config) <- ask
    liftIO $ send (textChatId c) (authToken config) manager msg
  where textChatId = pack . show . chat_id

        send cid tok mgr BotTyping =
            let r = sendChatActionRequest cid Typing
             in sendChatAction tok r mgr >> return ()

        send cid tok mgr (BotText t) =
            let r = (sendMessageRequest cid t)
                  { message_reply_markup = Just replyKeyboardHide
                  , message_parse_mode   = Just Markdown }
             in sendMessage tok r mgr >> return ()

        send cid tok mgr (BotKeyboard txt btnTexts) =
            let btns     = fmap keyboardButton <$> btnTexts
                keyboard = replyKeyboardMarkup btns
                r = (sendMessageRequest cid txt)
                  { message_reply_markup = Just keyboard
                  , message_parse_mode   = Just Markdown }
             in sendMessage tok r mgr >> return ()

-- | User story handler
storyBot :: (BotConfig a, ToBotMessage help) => help -> Map Text (Story a) -> Bot a ()
storyBot help stories = do
    -- Create map from user to it story
    chats <- liftIO (newMVar I.empty)
    -- Run update loop
    updateLoop (storyHandler chats stories $ toMessage help)

-- | Run bot monad
runBot :: BotConfig a => a -> Bot a b -> IO b
runBot config bot = do
    -- Init connection manager
    manager <- newManager tlsManagerSettings
    -- Check connection
    trySelf (authToken config) manager
    -- Run bot
    runReaderT bot (manager, config)

-- Fork bot thread
forkBot :: BotConfig a => Bot a () -> Bot a ThreadId
forkBot bot = ask >>= liftIO . forkIO . runReaderT bot