Tempered ====== [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/badge/hackage-latest-green.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tempered) A dead-simple templating utility for simple shell interpolation. Use at your own risk and only on trusted templates. Here's a simple use-case: ```md {{ # inside "post.md" }} # My Blog Post by {{ echo $AUTHOR }} Published on {{ date +'%B %d, %Y' }} Here's my blog post! --- {{ cat ./footer.md | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' }} ``` ```md {{ # inside "footer.md" }} Copyright 2017 Chris Penner Check me out on twitter @chrislpenner! See you next time! ``` Then we can render the template with `tempered ./post.md` to get: ``` # My Blog Post by Chris Penner Published on April 22, 2017 Here's my blog post! --- COPYRIGHT 2017 CHRIS PENNER CHECK ME OUT ON TWITTER @CHRISLPENNER! SEE YOU NEXT TIME! ``` If you want you can add a shebang to the top of your template and just run it as an executable, tempered will strip the shebang for you automagically: > test.txt ``` #!/path/to/tempered interpolate {{ echo $THIS }} ``` ```bash $ chmod +x test.txt $ export THIS="that" $ ./test.txt interpolate that ``` [**Examples Here**](https://github.com/ChrisPenner/tempered/tree/master/examples) Installation ============ `stack install tempered` FAQ ===== There's really not much to it; parses the file and runs anything inside `{{ }}` as a shell expression and pipes stdout into its spot. If you're clever you can do pretty much anything you want with this. ### Variables? Sure; It's bash. ```bash Hello, my name is {{echo $USER}} ``` You can set up environment overrides in `env.yaml`, tempered looks up through the file-system to find an `env.yaml` from the cwd NOT the template location. Here's an example env.yaml; we can do simple strings or commands here; just make sure to quote any entries that start with `{{` or the YAML parser gets mad. > env.yaml ```yaml PROJECT: Tempered DATE: "{{ date +'%B %d, %Y' }}" ``` Then you can use them just like normal variables. ### For Loops? It's bash; go for it: ```bash {{ for i in 99 98 97 ; do cat < output: ``` 99 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer on the wall 97 bottles of beer on the wall ``` ### \_\_: command not found? Chances are you're forgetting to echo an env-var; `{{ $TITLE }}` will try to run the contents of `$TITLE` as a command, you want `{{ echo "$TITLE" }}`. ### Isn't this whole thing a security risk? Probably.