-- | `HSML` is simple templating system with syntax similar to XML that
-- lets you embed Haskell expressions and declarations inside your
-- templates. Apart from that, it also lets you specify argumets for your
-- templates, thanks to that, templates can be mostly self-contained.
-- This is the syntax, with some of the details left out:
-- > syntax = { argument }, { chunk } ;
-- > chunk = text | text_raw | element_node | element_leaf | haskell ;
-- > argument = "{a|" ? argument name ?, [ "::" ? type ? ] "|}" ;
-- >
-- > text = ? all characters except \'<\' and \'{\' which have to be escaped ? ;
-- > text_raw = "{r|" ? all characters, the sequence can not contain \"|}\" substring ? "|}" ;
-- > element_node = "<" element_name { attribute } ">" { chunk } "</" element_name ">" ;
-- > element_leaf = "<" element_name { attribute } "/>" ;
-- > haskell = "{h|" expression | declaration "|}" ;
-- >
-- > attribute = attribute_exp | attribute_normal
-- > attribute_exp = "{h|" expression "|}"
-- > attribute_normal = attribute_name "=" attribute_value ;
-- > attribute_name = ? classic attribute name ? | "{h|" expression "|}" ;
-- > attribute_value = ? classic attribute value ? | "{h| expression "|}" ;
-- >
-- > expression = ? Haskell expression not containing \"|}\" as a substring ? ;
-- > declaration = ? Haskell declaration not containing \"|}\" as a substring ? ;
-- Example (Main.hs):
-- > {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- > {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes     #-}
-- > {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- > 
-- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- > import           Data.Monoid ((<>))
-- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- > import           Control.Monad
-- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- > import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5 as B
-- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- > import           Template.HSML
-- > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- > 
-- > data User = User
-- >     { userID :: Int
-- >     , userName :: String
-- >     , userAge :: Int
-- >     }
-- > 
-- > $(hsmlFileWith (defaultOptions "Default") "default_layout.hsml")
-- > 
-- > homeTemplate :: [User] -> B.Markup
-- > homeTemplate users = renderTemplate Default
-- >     { defaultTitle = "Home page"
-- >     , defaultSectionMiddle = middle
-- >     , defaultSectionFooter = [m| <p>Generated by HSML</p> |]
-- >     }
-- >     where
-- >       middle = [m|
-- >         <ul class="users">
-- >           {h| forM_ users wrap |}
-- >         </ul> |]
-- >       wrap u = [m|<li> {h| userTemplate u |} </li>|]
-- > 
-- > userTemplate :: User -> B.Markup
-- > userTemplate User{..} = [m|
-- >   <ul class={h| "user-" <> show userID |}>
-- >     <li>Name: {h|userName|}</li>
-- >     <li>Age: {h|userAge|}</li>
-- >   </ul> |]
-- Example (default_layout.hsml):
-- > {a| title :: String |}
-- > {a| sectionMiddle :: B.Markup |}
-- > {a| sectionFooter :: B.Markup |}
-- > 
-- > {h| B.docType |}
-- > 
-- > <html lang="en">
-- >   <head>
-- >     <meta charset="utf-8"/>
-- >     <title>{h|title|}</title>
-- >   </head>
-- > 
-- >   <body>
-- >     <div class="section middle">
-- >       {h|sectionMiddle|}
-- >     </div>
-- > 
-- >     <footer>
-- >       {h|sectionFooter|}
-- >     </footer>
-- >   </body>
-- > </html>
-- Result of @renderMarkup $ homeTemplate [User 1 "Jon Doe" 16, User
-- 2 "Jane Roe" 17]@:
-- > <html lang="en">
-- >   <head>
-- >     <meta charset="utf-8">
-- >     <title>Home page</title>
-- >   </head>
-- > 
-- >   <body>
-- >     <div class="section middle">
-- >       <ul class="users">
-- >         <li>
-- >           <ul class="user-1">
-- >             <li>Name: Jon Doe</li>
-- >             <li>Age: 16</li>
-- >           </ul>
-- >         </li>
-- >         <li>
-- >           <ul class="user-2">
-- >             <li>Name: Jane Roe</li>
-- >             <li>Age: 17</li>
-- >           </ul>
-- >         </li>
-- >       </ul>
-- >     </div>
-- > 
-- >     <footer>
-- >       <p>Generated by HSML</p>
-- >     </footer>
-- >   </body>
-- > </html>
module Template.HSML
  -- * Quasi Quoters
, m

  -- * HSML
, hsmlStringWith
, hsmlString
, hsmlFileWith
, hsmlFile

  -- * Simplified HSML
, shsmlStringWith
, shsmlString
, shsmlFileWith
, shsmlFile

  -- * Types
, IsTemplate(..)
, Options(..)
, defaultOptions
, defaultOptionsS
) where

import           Template.HSML.Internal.TH    
import           Template.HSML.Internal.Types