Version --------------- - Prettified code. Version 0.3.0 ------------- - New backend `Data.Tensor.Pure`. - `QuickCheck` tests. - Instance of `Applicative`. - New method `generateM` in class `Tensor`, and new function `replicateM`. - Removed classes: `FromVector` and `Zip` (use `liftA2` from `Applicative`). - New class instances for `Tensor`: `Bounded`, `Random`. - Removed `Ord` instances for `MultiIndex`es. - Bug fixes and code improvements. Version 0.2.0 ------------- - Added GHC.Generics support for `Cardinality` class. - New classes: `Sliceable` in `Data.Tensor`, `Component`, `Extend` and `HeadTail` in `Data.TypeList`, `Dimensions` in `Data.TypeList.MultiIndex`. - Removed classes: `MatrixProduct` and `TensorProduct` from `Data.Tensor.LinearAlgebra`. - New functions: `elemMap` and `indexMap` in `Data.Tensor`. - New method `split` in class `DirectSum` for splitting into the two components. - New methods in class `SquareMatrix`: `polyEval` for evaluating a polynomial on a matrix, and `minPoly` for computing the minimal polynomial. - The methods `dimensions` in `Data.TypeList.MultiIndex` and `dims` in `Data.Tensor` are replaced by the method `dimensions` of the new class `Dimensions`. - Bug fixes and code improvements.