syntax = "proto3"; package tensorflow; option cc_enable_arenas = true; option java_outer_classname = "TensorBundleProtos"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "org.tensorflow.util"; option go_package = ""; import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_shape.proto"; import "tensorflow/core/framework/tensor_slice.proto"; import "tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto"; import "tensorflow/core/framework/versions.proto"; // Protos used in the tensor bundle module (tf/core/util/tensor_bundle/). // Special header that is associated with a bundle. // // TODO(zongheng,zhifengc): maybe in the future, we can add information about // which binary produced this checkpoint, timestamp, etc. Sometime, these can be // valuable debugging information. And if needed, these can be used as defensive // information ensuring reader (binary version) of the checkpoint and the writer // (binary version) must match within certain range, etc. message BundleHeaderProto { // Number of data files in the bundle. int32 num_shards = 1; // An enum indicating the endianness of the platform that produced this // bundle. A bundle can only be read by a platform with matching endianness. // Defaults to LITTLE, as most modern platforms are little-endian. // // Affects the binary tensor data bytes only, not the metadata in protobufs. enum Endianness { LITTLE = 0; BIG = 1; } Endianness endianness = 2; // Versioning of the tensor bundle format. VersionDef version = 3; } // Describes the metadata related to a checkpointed tensor. message BundleEntryProto { // The tensor dtype and shape. DataType dtype = 1; TensorShapeProto shape = 2; // The binary content of the tensor lies in: // File "shard_id": bytes [offset, offset + size). int32 shard_id = 3; int64 offset = 4; int64 size = 5; // The CRC32C checksum of the tensor bytes. fixed32 crc32c = 6; // Iff present, this entry represents a partitioned tensor. The previous // fields are interpreted as follows: // // "dtype", "shape": describe the full tensor. // "shard_id", "offset", "size", "crc32c": all IGNORED. // These information for each slice can be looked up in their own // BundleEntryProto, keyed by each "slice_name". repeated TensorSliceProto slices = 7; }