{-# INCLUDE <term.h> #-}
-- |
-- Maintainer  : judah.jacobson@gmail.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable (FFI)
-- This module provides a low-level interface to the C functions of the 
-- terminfo library. 
-- NOTE: Since this library is built on top of the curses interface, it is not thread-safe.

module System.Console.Terminfo.Base(
                            -- ** Monoid functions
                            ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Marshal
import Foreign.Storable (peek,poke)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.IO

newtype Terminal = Terminal (ForeignPtr TERMINAL)

foreign import ccall "&" cur_term :: Ptr (Ptr TERMINAL)
foreign import ccall set_curterm :: Ptr TERMINAL -> IO (Ptr TERMINAL)
foreign import ccall "&" del_curterm :: FunPtr (Ptr TERMINAL -> IO ())

foreign import ccall setupterm :: CString -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

-- | Initialize the terminfo library to the given terminal entry.
setupTerm :: String -> IO Terminal
setupTerm term = withCString term $ \c_term -> 
    {-- If the terminal name is the same as for the previous call to 
    setupterm, ncurses will return cur_term instead of a new struct.
    This leads to problems when calling del_curterm on a struct shared by
    more than one Terminal.  To avoid this behavior, we temporarily set the
    cur_term value to nullPtr.
                    with 0 $ \ret_ptr -> do
                        -- NOTE: I believe that for the way we use terminfo 
                        -- (i.e. custom output function)
                        -- this parameter does not affect anything.
                        let stdOutput = 1
                        -- set cur_term to null, temporarily
                        old_term <- peek cur_term
                        poke cur_term nullPtr
                        -- call setupterm and check the return value.
                        setupterm c_term stdOutput ret_ptr
                        ret <- peek ret_ptr
                        when (ret /= 1) $ error ("Couldn't lookup terminfo entry " ++ show term)
                        -- set cur_term to its previous value
                        cterm <- peek cur_term
                        poke cur_term old_term 
                        -- create the Terminal and return it.
                        fmap Terminal $ newForeignPtr del_curterm cterm
-- | Initialize the terminfo library, using the @TERM@ environmental variable.
-- If @TERM@ is not set, we use the generic, minimal entry @dumb@.
setupTermFromEnv :: IO Terminal
setupTermFromEnv = do
    env_term <- getEnv "TERM" 
    let term = if null env_term then "dumb" else env_term
    setupTerm term

withCurTerm :: Terminal -> IO a -> IO a
withCurTerm (Terminal term) f = withForeignPtr term $ \cterm -> do
        old_term <- peek cur_term
        if old_term /= cterm
            then do
                    set_curterm cterm
                    x <- f
                    set_curterm old_term
                    return x
            else f

-- | A feature or operation which a 'Terminal' may define.
newtype Capability a = Capability (IO (Maybe a))

getCapability :: Terminal -> Capability a -> Maybe a
getCapability term (Capability f) = unsafePerformIO $ withCurTerm term f

-- Note that the instances for Capability of Functor, Monad and MonadPlus 
-- use the corresponding instances for Maybe.
instance Functor Capability where
    fmap f (Capability g) = Capability (fmap (fmap f) g) 

instance Monad Capability where
    return = Capability . return . Just
    Capability f >>= g = Capability $ do
        mx <- f
        case mx of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just x -> let Capability g' = g x in g'

instance MonadPlus Capability where
    mzero = Capability (return Nothing)
    Capability f `mplus` Capability g = Capability $ do
        mx <- f
        case mx of
            Nothing -> g
            _ -> return mx

foreign import ccall tigetnum :: CString -> IO CInt

-- | Look up a numeric capability in the terminfo database.
tiGetNum :: String -> Capability Int 
tiGetNum cap = Capability $ do
                n <- fmap fromEnum (withCString cap tigetnum)
                if n >= 0
                    then return (Just n)
                    else return Nothing

foreign import ccall tigetflag :: CString -> IO CInt
-- | Look up a boolean capability in the terminfo database.  
-- Unlike 'tiGuardFlag', this capability never fails; it returns 'False' if the
-- capability is absent or set to false, and returns 'True' otherwise.  
tiGetFlag :: String -> Capability Bool
tiGetFlag cap = Capability $ fmap (Just . (>0)) $
                        withCString cap tigetflag
-- | Look up a boolean capability in the terminfo database, and fail if
-- it\'s not defined.
tiGuardFlag :: String -> Capability ()
tiGuardFlag cap = tiGetFlag cap >>= guard
foreign import ccall tigetstr :: CString -> IO CString

-- | Look up a string capability in the terminfo database.  
-- Note: Do not use this function for terminal output; use 'tiGetOutput'
-- instead.
tiGetStr :: String -> Capability String
tiGetStr cap = Capability $ do
                result <- withCString cap tigetstr 
                if result == nullPtr || result == neg1Ptr
                    then return Nothing
                    else fmap Just (peekCString result)
        -- hack; tigetstr sometimes returns (-1)
        neg1Ptr = nullPtr `plusPtr` (-1)
foreign import ccall tparm ::
    CString -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong 
    -> CLong -> CLong -> CLong -- p1,...,p9
    -> IO CString

-- Note: I may want to cut out the middleman and pipe tGoto/tGetStr together
-- with tput without a String marshall in the middle.
-- directly without 

tParm :: String -> [Int] -> IO String
tParm cap ps = tparm' (map toEnum ps ++ repeat 0)
    where tparm' (p1:p2:p3:p4:p5:p6:p7:p8:p9:_)
            = withCString cap $ \c_cap -> do
                result <- tparm c_cap p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9
                peekCString result

-- | Look up an output capability in the terminfo database.  
tiGetOutput :: String -> Capability ([Int] -> LinesAffected -> TermOutput)
tiGetOutput cap = flip fmap (tiGetStr cap) $ 
    \str ps la -> TermOutput $ \_ putc -> do
        outStr <- tParm str ps
        tPuts outStr la putc

type CharOutput = CInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall "wrapper" mkCallback :: CharOutput -> IO (FunPtr CharOutput)

foreign import ccall tputs :: CString -> CInt -> FunPtr CharOutput -> IO ()

-- | A parameter to specify the number of lines affected.  Some capabilities
-- (e.g., @clear@ and @dch1@) use
-- this parameter on some terminals to compute variable-length padding.
type LinesAffected = Int

-- | Output a string capability.  Applys padding information to the string if
-- necessary.
tPuts :: String -> LinesAffected -> FunPtr CharOutput -> IO ()
tPuts s n putc = withCString s $ \c_str -> tputs c_str (toEnum n) putc

-- | An action which sends output to the terminal.  That output may mix plain text with control
-- characters and escape sequences, along with delays (called \"padding\") required by some older
-- terminals.
newtype TermOutput = TermOutput (Handle -> FunPtr CharOutput -> IO ())

-- | Write the terminal output to the standard output device.
runTermOutput :: Terminal -> TermOutput -> IO ()
runTermOutput = hRunTermOutput stdout

-- | Write the terminal output to the terminal or file managed by the given
-- 'Handle'.
hRunTermOutput :: Handle -> Terminal -> TermOutput -> IO ()
hRunTermOutput h term (TermOutput to) = do
    putc_ptr <- mkCallback putc
    withCurTerm term (to h putc_ptr)
    freeHaskellFunPtr putc_ptr
    putc c = let c' = toEnum $ fromEnum c
             in hPutChar h c' >> hFlush h >> return c

-- | Output plain text containing no control characters or escape sequences.
termText :: String -> TermOutput
termText str = TermOutput $ \h _ -> hPutStr h str >> hFlush h

instance Monoid TermOutput where 
    mempty = TermOutput $ \_ _ -> return ()
    TermOutput f `mappend` TermOutput g = TermOutput $ \h putc -> f h putc >> g h putc 

-- | A type class to encapsulate capabilities which take in zero or more 
-- parameters.
class OutputCap f where
    outputCap :: ([Int] -> TermOutput) -> [Int] -> f

instance OutputCap TermOutput where
    outputCap f xs = f (reverse xs)

instance (Enum a, OutputCap f) => OutputCap (a -> f) where
    outputCap f xs = \x -> outputCap f (fromEnum x:xs)

-- | Look up an output capability which takes a fixed number of parameters
-- (for example, @Int -> Int -> TermOutput@).
-- For capabilities which may contain variable-length
-- padding, use 'tiGetOutput' instead.
tiGetOutput1 :: OutputCap f => String -> Capability f
tiGetOutput1 str = fmap (\f -> outputCap (flip f 1) []) $ tiGetOutput str

infixl 2 <#>

-- | An operator version of 'mappend'.
(<#>) :: Monoid m => m -> m -> m
(<#>) = mappend