# Running `nix-shell .nix-helpers/running-termonad.nix` will put us in an environment # with termonad available, as well as GHC and a few other packages (lens and colour). # # If you run `termonad` while in this environment, `termonad` should be able to see # GHC and all the Haskell libraries listed below. This will let `termonad` be able to # recompile the `~/.config/termonad/termonad.hs` file. # # This file is really only used when you want to run termonad in an environment where it # has access to specific libraries. { compiler ? "ghc843" }: let nixpkgs = import ./nixpkgs.nix; termonad = nixpkgs.callPackage ../. { inherit compiler; }; ghcStuff = nixpkgs.pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.colour pkgs.lens termonad ]); in nixpkgs.runCommand "dummy" { buildInputs = [ ghcStuff termonad ]; } ""