-- author: Benjamin Surma {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Test.Sandbox.Internals where #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 708 import Control.Applicative (Applicative) #endif import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception.Lifted hiding (throwTo) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase) #if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1) import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, catchError, throwError) import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT) #else import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError, catchError, throwError) import Control.Monad.Trans.Error (ErrorT, runErrorT) #endif import Control.Monad.Loops import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ask) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.Char import Data.IORef import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Serialize (Serialize, decode, encode) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.IO.Handle import Network import Network.Socket import qualified System.Directory as D import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import System.IO.Error (isEOFError, tryIOError) import System.Posix hiding (killProcess) #if MIN_VERSION_process(1,2,1) import System.Process hiding (env, waitForProcess, createPipe) #else import System.Process hiding (env, waitForProcess) #endif import qualified System.Process as P import System.Process.Internals (withProcessHandle, ProcessHandle__(OpenHandle)) import System.Random import System.Random.Shuffle import Test.Sandbox.Process #if MIN_VERSION_mtl(2,2,1) type ExceptT' = ExceptT runExceptT' :: ExceptT e m a -> m (Either e a) runExceptT' = runExceptT #else runExceptT' :: ErrorT e m a -> m (Either e a) type ExceptT' = ErrorT runExceptT' = runErrorT #endif type Port = Int type SandboxStateRef = IORef SandboxState newtype Sandbox a = Sandbox { runSB :: ExceptT' String (ReaderT SandboxStateRef IO) a } deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadBase IO, MonadError String, MonadReader (IORef SandboxState), MonadIO) #if MIN_VERSION_monad_control(1,0,0) newtype StMSandbox a = StMSandbox { runStMSandbox :: StM (ExceptT' String (ReaderT SandboxStateRef IO)) a } #endif instance MonadBaseControl IO Sandbox where #if MIN_VERSION_monad_control(1,0,0) type StM Sandbox a = StMSandbox a #else newtype StM Sandbox a = StMSandbox { runStMSandbox :: StM (ExceptT' String (ReaderT SandboxStateRef IO)) a } #endif liftBaseWith f = Sandbox . liftBaseWith $ \run -> f (liftM StMSandbox . run . runSB) restoreM = Sandbox . restoreM . runStMSandbox runSandbox :: Sandbox a -> SandboxStateRef -> IO (Either String a) runSandbox = runReaderT . runExceptT' . runSB errorHandler :: String -> IO a errorHandler error' = do hPutStrLn stderr error' throwIO $ userError error' runSandbox' :: SandboxStateRef -> Sandbox a -> IO a runSandbox' env' action = do val <- runSandbox action env' either errorHandler return val data SandboxState = SandboxState { ssName :: String , ssDataDir :: FilePath , ssProcesses :: Map String SandboxedProcess , ssProcessOrder :: [String] , ssAllocatedPorts :: Map String Port , ssAvailablePorts :: [Port] , ssFiles :: Map String FilePath , ssVariables :: Map String ByteString } data SandboxedProcess = SandboxedProcess { spName :: String , spBinary :: FilePath , spArgs :: [String] , spWait :: Maybe Int , spCapture :: Maybe Capture , spInstance :: Maybe SandboxedProcessInstance , spPid :: Maybe ProcessID , spPGid :: Maybe ProcessGroupID , spHandles :: [Handle] , spEnvs :: Maybe [(String,String)] , spCwd :: Maybe FilePath } data Capture = CaptureStdout | CaptureStderr | CaptureBoth | CaptureStdoutWithFile FilePath | CaptureStderrWithFile FilePath | CaptureBothWithFile FilePath FilePath data SandboxedProcessInstance = RunningInstance ProcessHandle Handle (Maybe Handle) [Handle] | StoppedInstance ExitCode (Maybe String) get :: Sandbox SandboxState get = ask >>= liftIO . readIORef put :: SandboxState -> Sandbox SandboxState put state = do ref <- ask liftIO $ writeIORef ref state return state pretty :: SandboxState -> String pretty env = header env ++ "-- Data directory: " ++ ssDataDir env ++ "\n" ++ "-- Allocated ports: " ++ unwords (map show $ M.assocs $ ssAllocatedPorts env) ++ "\n" ++ "-- Configuration files: " ++ unwords (M.elems $ ssFiles env) ++ "\n" ++ "-- Registered processes: " ++ unwords (ssProcessOrder env) ++ footer header :: SandboxState -> String header te = "\n" ++ "##------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ++ " ## " ++ title ++ replicate (72 - length title) ' ' ++ " --\n" ++ "## ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" where title = ssName te ++ " system test environment" footer :: String footer = "\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" newSandboxState :: String -> FilePath -> IO SandboxStateRef newSandboxState name dir = do gen <- newStdGen let availablePorts = shuffle' userPorts (length userPorts) gen where userPorts = [5001..32767] -- Ephemeral port is used by operating system which allocates it for tcp-client. -- The port area is below. -- IANN(freebsd and win7): [49152.. 65535],Linux: [32768..61000],WinXP: [1025..5000] -- Do not use these area for "userPorts" to avoid conflict. newIORef $ SandboxState name dir M.empty [] M.empty availablePorts M.empty M.empty registerProcess :: String -- ^ Process Name -> FilePath -- ^ Path to the application binary -> [String] -- ^ Arguments to pass on the command-line -> Maybe Int -- ^ Time to wait (in s.) before checking that the process is still up -> Maybe Capture -- ^ Which outputs to capture (if any) -> Maybe [(String,String)] -- ^ Evironment variables -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Working directory for the new process -> Sandbox SandboxedProcess registerProcess name bin args wait capture process_env process_cwd = do -- Validate process name unless (isValidProcessName name) $ throwError $ "Invalid process name: " ++ name ++ "." -- Register into the environment env <- get if isJust (M.lookup name (ssProcesses env)) then throwError $ "Process " ++ name ++ " is already registered in the test environment." else do let sp = SandboxedProcess name bin args wait capture Nothing Nothing Nothing [] process_env process_cwd _ <- put env { ssProcesses = M.insert name sp (ssProcesses env) , ssProcessOrder = ssProcessOrder env ++ [name] } return sp isValidProcessName :: String -> Bool isValidProcessName s = not (null s) && isAlpha (head s) && all isAllowed (tail s) where isAllowed c = isAlphaNum c || ( c `elem` ['_','-','.'] ) getProcess :: String -> Sandbox SandboxedProcess getProcess name = do env <- get case M.lookup name (ssProcesses env) of Just sp -> let spi = spInstance sp in case spi of Just (RunningInstance ph _ oh _) -> do ec <- liftIO $ getProcessExitCode ph case ec of Just ec' -> do -- Process is dead; update the environment o <- case oh of Just oh' -> liftM Just $ liftIO $ hGetContents oh' Nothing -> return Nothing let sp' = sp { spInstance = Just $ StoppedInstance ec' o } _ <- updateProcess sp' return sp' Nothing -> return sp _ -> return sp _ -> throwError $ "Process " ++ name ++ " is not registered in the test environment." updateProcess :: SandboxedProcess -> Sandbox SandboxedProcess updateProcess sp = do env <- get _ <- put env { ssProcesses = M.insert (spName sp) sp (ssProcesses env) } return sp secondInµs :: Int secondInµs = 1000000 setFile' :: String -> String -> SandboxState -> IO (FilePath, SandboxState) setFile' name contents env = do (f, h) <- openTempFile (ssDataDir env) name hPutStr h contents hClose h return (f, env { ssFiles = M.insert name f (ssFiles env) }) bufferSize :: Int bufferSize = 4096 hReadWithTimeout :: Handle -> Int -> Sandbox ByteString hReadWithTimeout h timeout = do dataAvailable <- liftIO $ hWaitForInput h timeout `catch` checkEOF if dataAvailable then do b <- liftIO $ B.hGetNonBlocking h bufferSize b' <- hReadWithTimeout h timeout `catchError` (\_ -> return $ B.pack []) return $ B.append b b' -- TODO: Rewrite as terminal recursive else throwError $ "No data after " ++ show timeout ++ "ms timeout." where checkEOF :: IOError -> IO Bool checkEOF e = if isEOFError e then do threadDelay $ timeout * 1000 liftM not $ hIsEOF h else return True sendToPort :: String -> String -> Int -> Sandbox String sendToPort name input timeout = do env <- get case M.lookup name (ssAllocatedPorts env) of Nothing -> throwError $ "No such allocated port: " ++ name Just port -> do h <- liftIO . withSocketsDo $ connectTo "localhost" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port liftIO $ do B.hPutStr h $ B.pack input hFlush h b <- hReadWithTimeout h timeout liftIO $ hClose h return $! B.unpack b getNewPort :: String -> Sandbox Port getNewPort name = do env <- get case ssAvailablePorts env of [] -> throwError "No user ports left." ports -> do (port, ports') <- liftIO $ takeBindablePort' ports _ <- put env { ssAllocatedPorts = M.insert name port $ ssAllocatedPorts env , ssAvailablePorts = ports' } return port where takeBindablePort' pl = do pl' <- dropWhileM (liftM not . isBindable) pl return (head pl', tail pl') isBindable' :: Port -> IO Bool isBindable' p = withSocketsDo $ do s <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol setSocketOption s ReuseAddr 1 localhost <- inet_addr "" let sa = SockAddrInet (fromIntegral p) localhost r <- (bind s sa >> isBound s) `catch` ((\_ -> return False) :: SomeException -> IO Bool) close s return $! r #if defined __LINUX__ isBindable :: Port -> IO Bool isBindable port = do ports <- getPorts return $ not $ S.member (fromIntegral port) $ S.unions $ (map S.singleton $ ports) where getPort :: String -> Maybe Int getPort v = if v =~ pattern then case (v =~ pattern) of [[_str,port']] -> case readHex port' of [(port'',_)] -> Just port'' _ -> Nothing _ -> Nothing else Nothing where pattern = "^ *[0-9]+: [0-9A-F]+:([0-9A-F]+) .*" getPorts :: IO [Int] getPorts = do let files = [ "/proc/net/tcp", "/proc/net/tcp6", "/proc/net/udp", "/proc/net/udp6"] list <- forM files $ \file -> do { v <- readFile file ; v `seq` return $ catMaybes $ map getPort $ lines v } `catch` (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return []) return $ flatten list where flatten :: [[a]] -> [a] flatten [] = [] flatten (x:xs) = x ++ flatten xs #else isBindable :: Port -> IO Bool isBindable = isBindable' #endif startProcess :: SandboxedProcess -> Sandbox SandboxedProcess startProcess sp = case spInstance sp of Nothing -> startProcess' Just (RunningInstance {}) -> return sp Just (StoppedInstance {}) -> startProcess' where startProcess' :: Sandbox SandboxedProcess startProcess' = do bin <- getProcessBinary sp args <- mapM (liftIO . expand) $ spArgs sp (hOutRO, hOutRW, hErrRW, handles) <- case spCapture sp of Just co -> liftIO $ do (pRO, pRW) <- createPipe hRO <- fdToHandle pRO hRW <- fdToHandle pRW case co of CaptureStdout -> return (Just hRO, UseHandle hRW, Inherit, []) CaptureStderr -> return (Just hRO, Inherit, UseHandle hRW, []) CaptureBoth -> return (Just hRO, UseHandle hRW, UseHandle hRW, []) CaptureStdoutWithFile filepath_o -> do hd <- openFile filepath_o WriteMode return (Nothing, UseHandle hd, Inherit, [hd]) CaptureStderrWithFile filepath_e -> do hd <- openFile filepath_e WriteMode return (Nothing, Inherit, UseHandle hd, [hd]) CaptureBothWithFile filepath_o filepath_e-> do hdo <- openFile filepath_o WriteMode hde <- openFile filepath_e WriteMode return (Nothing, UseHandle hdo, UseHandle hde, [hdo,hde]) Nothing -> return (Nothing, Inherit, Inherit, []) (Just ih, _, _, ph) <- liftIO $ createProcess $ (proc bin args) { create_group = True , std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = hOutRW , std_err = hErrRW , cwd = spCwd sp , P.env = spEnvs sp } when (isJust $ spWait sp) $ do liftIO . threadDelay $ fromJust (spWait sp) * secondInµs errno <- liftIO $ getProcessExitCode ph case errno of Nothing -> do pid <- liftIO $ hGetProcessID ph pgid <- liftIO $ getProcessGroupIDOf pid updateProcess sp { spInstance = Just $ RunningInstance ph ih hOutRO handles , spPid = Just pid , spPGid = Just pgid } Just ExitSuccess -> do mStr <- case hOutRO of Just h -> liftM Just $ liftIO $ hGetContents h Nothing -> return Nothing updateProcess sp { spInstance = Just $ StoppedInstance ExitSuccess mStr } Just errno' -> throwError $ "Process " ++ spName sp ++ " not running.\n" ++ " - command-line: " ++ formatCommandLine bin args ++ "\n" ++ " - exit code: " ++ show errno' formatCommandLine :: String -> [String] -> String formatCommandLine bin args = unwords $ bin : args stopProcess :: SandboxedProcess -> Sandbox SandboxedProcess stopProcess sp = case spInstance sp of Just (RunningInstance ph _ _ handles) -> do let wait = if isNothing $ spWait sp then 50000 else fromJust (spWait sp) * secondInµs `div` 5 whenM isVerbose $ liftIO $ putStrLn ("sending sigterm : " ++ spName sp) liftIO $ do terminateProcess ph threadDelay wait stillRunning <- liftM isNothing $ liftIO $ getProcessExitCode ph when stillRunning $ do whenM isVerbose $ liftIO $ putStrLn ("sending sigkill : " ++ spName sp) liftIO $ do killProcess ph forM_ handles hClose stopProcess =<< getProcess (spName sp) _ -> return sp #if defined(__MACOSX__) || defined(__WIN32__) #else getAvailablePids :: Sandbox [ProcessID] getAvailablePids = do stat <- get let pgids = catMaybes (map (\(_k,v) -> spPGid v) (M.toList (ssProcesses stat))) pids <- liftIO $ getProcessIDs pgids return pids #endif cleanUpProcesses :: Sandbox () cleanUpProcesses = do stat <- get let pgids = catMaybes (map (\(_k,v) -> spPGid v) (M.toList (ssProcesses stat))) whenM isVerbose $ liftIO $ putStrLn ("Starting to kill process groups " ++ show pgids) liftIO $ cleanUpProcessGroupIDs pgids hSignalProcess :: Signal -> ProcessHandle -> IO () hSignalProcess s h = do pid <- hGetProcessID h signalProcess s pid killProcess :: ProcessHandle -> IO () killProcess = hSignalProcess sigKILL hGetProcessID :: ProcessHandle -> IO ProcessID hGetProcessID h = withProcessHandle h $ \x -> case x of #if MIN_VERSION_process(1,2,0) OpenHandle pid -> return pid #else OpenHandle pid -> return (x, pid) #endif _ -> throwIO $ userError "Unable to retrieve child process ID." interactWithProcess :: SandboxedProcess -> String -> Int -> Sandbox String interactWithProcess sp input timeout = do hIn <- getProcessInputHandle sp hOut <- getProcessCapturedOutputHandle sp liftIO $ do B.hPutStr hIn $ B.pack input hFlush hIn b <- hReadWithTimeout hOut timeout return $! B.unpack b getProcessInputHandle :: SandboxedProcess -> Sandbox Handle getProcessInputHandle sp = case spInstance sp of Just (RunningInstance _ ih _ _) -> return ih _ -> throwError $ "No such handle for " ++ spName sp ++ ". " ++ "Is the process started?" getProcessCapturedOutputHandle :: SandboxedProcess -> Sandbox Handle getProcessCapturedOutputHandle sp = case spInstance sp of Just (RunningInstance _ _ (Just oh) _) -> return oh _ -> throwError $ "No captured output handle for " ++ spName sp ++ ". " ++ "Is capture activated?" getProcessBinary :: SandboxedProcess -> Sandbox FilePath getProcessBinary sp = do existing <- liftIO $ findExecutables bins case existing of exBin:_ -> return exBin [] -> throwError $ "Unable to find the executable for the test process \"" ++ spName sp ++ "\"\r\n" ++ "Considered paths were: " ++ show bins where bins = getProcessCandidateBinaries sp findExecutables :: [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath] findExecutables paths = liftM catMaybes $ mapM tryBinary paths tryBinary :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath) tryBinary path = do expandedPath <- expand path canonicalizedPath <- tryIOError $ D.canonicalizePath expandedPath case canonicalizedPath of Left _ -> D.findExecutable expandedPath Right realPath -> D.findExecutable realPath getProcessCandidateBinaries :: SandboxedProcess -> [FilePath] getProcessCandidateBinaries sp = [ userBinary, binary, cwdBinary, pathBinary ] where binary = spBinary sp pathBinary = takeFileName binary cwdBinary = "." pathBinary userBinary = "${" ++ map toUpper (spName sp ++ "_bin") ++ "}" expand :: String -> IO String expand s = if '$' `elem` s then expandShell s else return s where expandShell :: String -> IO String expandShell p = do (_, Just outH, _, _) <- createProcess $ (shell $ "echo " ++ p) { std_out = CreatePipe } liftM (takeWhile (`notElem` "\r\n")) $ hGetContents outH whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m () whenM = (. flip when) . (>>=) -- | Sets a custom variable in the sandbox monad. setVariable :: Serialize a => String -- ^ Variable key for future reference -> a -- ^ Variable value -> Sandbox a setVariable name new = do env <- get _ <- put $ env { ssVariables = M.insert name (encode new) (ssVariables env) } return new -- | Checks that a custom sandbox variable is set. checkVariable :: String -- ^ Variable key -> Sandbox Bool checkVariable name = do env <- get return $ M.member name $ ssVariables env -- | Returns the value of a previously set sandbox variable (or a provided default value if unset) getVariable :: Serialize a => String -- ^ Variable key -> a -- ^ Default value if not found -> Sandbox a getVariable name defval = do env <- get let var = case M.lookup name $ ssVariables env of Nothing -> Right defval Just var' -> decode var' either throwError return var -- | Unsets a custom variable. unsetVariable :: String -- ^ Variable key -> Sandbox () unsetVariable name = do env <- get void $ put env { ssVariables = M.delete name $ ssVariables env } isVerbose :: Sandbox Bool isVerbose = getVariable verbosityKey True verbosityKey :: String verbosityKey = "__VERBOSITY__" isCleanUp :: Sandbox Bool isCleanUp = getVariable cleanUpKey True cleanUpKey :: String cleanUpKey = "__CLEANUP__" displayBanner :: Sandbox () displayBanner = do displayed <- checkVariable var unless displayed $ get >>= liftIO . putStrLn . pretty void $ setVariable var True where var = "__BANNER__DISPLAYED__" installSignalHandlers :: Sandbox () installSignalHandlers = do installed <- checkVariable var unless installed $ liftIO . void $ do _ <- installHandler sigTERM handler Nothing _ <- installHandler sigQUIT handler Nothing _ <- installHandler sigABRT handler Nothing return () void $ setVariable var True where var = "__HANDLERS_INSTALLED__" handler = Catch $ signalProcess sigINT =<< getProcessID -- Structures to store Sandbox options for future use. -- Not expected to be used directly by the user. data SandboxSeed = SandboxFixedSeed Int | SandboxRandomSeed deriving (Generic) instance Serialize (SandboxSeed) data SandboxTestOptions = SandboxTestOptions { stoSeed :: Maybe SandboxSeed , stoMaximumGeneratedTests :: Maybe Int , stoMaximumUnsuitableGeneratedTests :: Maybe Int , stoMaximumTestSize :: Maybe Int } deriving (Generic) instance Serialize (SandboxTestOptions) putOptions :: SandboxTestOptions -> Sandbox () putOptions = void . setVariable optionsVariable . Just getOptions :: Sandbox (Maybe SandboxTestOptions) getOptions = getVariable optionsVariable Nothing optionsVariable :: String optionsVariable = "__TEST_OPTIONS__"