-- author: Benjamin Surma <benjamin.surma@gmail.com>


module Test.Sandbox.QuickCheck (
  , quickCheckWith
  , verboseCheck
  , verboseCheckWith
  ) where

import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Random

import Test.Sandbox.Internals

import Test.QuickCheck hiding (quickCheck, quickCheckWith, verboseCheck, verboseCheckWith)
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic
import Test.QuickCheck.Property ()
import Test.QuickCheck.Random
import Test.QuickCheck.Exception

-- | Tests a property and prints the results to stdout.
quickCheck :: PropertyM Sandbox () -> Sandbox ()
quickCheck prop = getQuickCheckOptions
  >>= maybe (quickCheck' quickCheckResult prop) (`quickCheckWith` prop)

-- | Tests a property, using test arguments, and prints the results to stdout.
quickCheckWith :: Args -> PropertyM Sandbox () -> Sandbox ()
quickCheckWith args = quickCheck' (quickCheckWithResult args)

-- | Tests a property and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout.
verboseCheck :: PropertyM Sandbox () -> Sandbox ()
verboseCheck prop = getQuickCheckOptions
  >>= maybe (quickCheck' verboseCheckResult prop) (`verboseCheckWith` prop)

-- | Tests a property, using test arguments, and prints the results and all test cases generated to stdout.
verboseCheckWith :: Args -> PropertyM Sandbox () -> Sandbox ()
verboseCheckWith args = quickCheck' (verboseCheckWithResult args)

quickCheck' :: (Property -> IO Result) -> PropertyM Sandbox () -> Sandbox ()
quickCheck' tester prop = do
  seed <- getVariable seedVariable Nothing :: Sandbox (Maybe Int)
  ref <- ask
  res <- liftIO . tester $ monadic (runSandboxProperty ref) prop
  case res of
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,7,0)
    Failure { theException = e, output = o } -> if fmap isInterrupt e == Just True then liftIO exitFailure
                                                  else throwError (o ++ maybe "" (\s -> " (used seed " ++ show s ++ ")") seed)
#elif MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,6,0)
    Failure { interrupted = i, output = o } -> if i then liftIO exitFailure
                                                 else throwError (o ++ maybe "" (\s -> " (used seed " ++ show s ++ ")") seed)
    Failure { reason = r, output = o } -> if "user interrupt" `isInfixOf` r then liftIO exitFailure
                                            else throwError (o ++ maybe "" (\s -> " (used seed " ++ show s ++ ")") seed)
    NoExpectedFailure { output = o } -> throwError o
    _ -> return ()

runSandboxProperty :: SandboxStateRef -> Sandbox Property -> Property
runSandboxProperty ref prop = ioProperty $
  runSandbox prop ref >>= either error return

getQuickCheckOptions :: Sandbox (Maybe Args)
getQuickCheckOptions = do
  options <- getOptions
  case options of
    Nothing -> do
      (gen, seed) <- randomSeed
      _ <- setVariable seedVariable (Just seed)
      return $ Just stdArgs { replay = Just (gen, 0) }
    Just stuff -> do
      (gen, seed) <- case stoSeed stuff of
                       Nothing -> randomSeed
                       Just SandboxRandomSeed -> randomSeed
                       Just (SandboxFixedSeed i) -> fixedSeed i
      _ <- setVariable seedVariable (Just seed)
      return $ Just stdArgs { replay = Just (gen, 0)
                            , maxSuccess = fromMaybe (maxSuccess stdArgs) (stoMaximumGeneratedTests stuff)
                            , maxDiscardRatio = fromMaybe (maxDiscardRatio stdArgs) (stoMaximumUnsuitableGeneratedTests stuff)
                            , maxSize = fromMaybe (maxSize stdArgs) (stoMaximumTestSize stuff) }
  where randomSeed = liftIO randomIO >>= fixedSeed
#if MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck(2,7,0)
        fixedSeed s = return (mkQCGen s, s)
        fixedSeed s = return (mkStdGen s, s)

seedVariable :: String
seedVariable = "__QUICKCHECK_SEED__"