testCom-0.1.0: Write your tests in comments

Safe HaskellNone




In any file, you can specify tests above a function declaration, like:

 --[1 2 3]
 add x y = x+y

Later, on your test file, you can build tests functions with

 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
 $(makeAllTests "some/Path/File.hs")

and use the produced function in your main:

 import System.Exit

 main :: IO ()
 main = do
   let (str,res) = _TEST_some_Path_File
   putStrLn str
   if res then exitSuccess else exitFailure

If you want to make tests on the actual file, you can use


the function produced will be equivalent to the one produced by

 $(makeAllTests "path/to/file/known/by/ghc")

String produced

Considering the given file:

 --[1 2 3]
 --[1 2 4]
 add x y = x+y

The string produced will be:

 Test passed: add 1 2  == 3
 Error: add 1 2 /= 4 BUT == 3



makeAllTests :: FilePath -> Q [Dec] Source #

With a path like some/Path/File.hs, Create a function

_TEST_some_Path_File :: (String,Bool)

with the string containing the result of all tests, and the boolean set to True if and only if all tests passed

This also create sub-functions that each produce a Eihter String String