(23 May, 2018) ====================== * Allow building with criterion-0.13.* and 0.14.* * Allow building with temporary-1.3.* (6 February, 2018) ========================== * Allow building with GHC 8.2.* * Now requires streaming-0.2.* (13 July, 2017) ======================= * Add `compareFuncAllWith` * Documentation improvements (especially on `baselineWith`). (12 July, 2017) ======================= * Accidentally deleted the type signatures of `normalForm` and `normalFormIO`, breaking compilation. (12 July, 2017) ======================= * Benchmarking results are now printed out incrementally rather than requiring all of them to be completed first. * Support for using the [weigh] library to measure memory usage. [weigh]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/weigh * Can now optionally provide a list of `CompParam` values to `compareFunc` and related functions rather than needing to use `mappend` or `<>` to manually combine them all. * Some of Criterion's command-line options are now available, including the ability to output a CSV file (albeit with a different format). * Can now evaluate `IO`-based benchmarks. * Add `compareFuncList`, `compareFuncAll` (as well as primed and `IO`-based variants) and `normalForm` (and `normalFormIO`). * Remove `compareFuncConstraint` as it was found to not be very helpful and complicated the code base. The same functionality can be achieved using `compareFuncList` and related functions. - This includes removing `SameAs` and `CUnion` as they are now no longer needed. - The type of `compareFunc` is now different, but existing code shouldn't needed to change. * The `LabelTree` data structure now includes the depth of each node. (22 May, 2016) ====================== * Initial release