{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module: TestLoop.Main
-- Copyright: 2013 Roman Gonzalez
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer: romanandreg@gmail.com
-- Portability: unix
module System.TestLoop (
  -- * Main function
  ) where


import           Control.Concurrent               (forkIO, threadDelay)
import           Control.Monad                    (forM_, forever)
import           Data.Maybe                       (catMaybes)
import           Data.Monoid                      (mconcat)
import           System.Directory                 (doesFileExist)
import           System.FilePath                  (joinPath)
import           System.IO                        (hPutStrLn, stderr)


import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS        as FS


import           System.FSNotify                  (withManager)
import           System.FSNotify.Devel            (treeExtExists)

import           System.TestLoop.Internal.Cabal
import           System.TestLoop.Internal.Types
import           System.TestLoop.Internal.Watcher
import           System.TestLoop.Util


startTestLoop :: MainModuleName -> MainModulePath -> HsSourcePaths -> IO ()
startTestLoop moduleName modulePath paths =
   withManager $ \manager -> do
     forM_ paths $ \path -> do
       treeExtExists manager
                     (FS.decodeString path)
                     (reloadTestSuite moduleName modulePath paths)
     forever $ threadDelay 100


getTestMainFilePath :: HsSourcePaths -> MainModulePath -> IO (Either String FilePath)
getTestMainFilePath sourcePaths modulePath = do
    mainPaths <- mapM getPossiblePath sourcePaths
    case (catMaybes mainPaths) of
      [completeModulePath] -> return $ Right completeModulePath
      [] -> return . Left $ mconcat [ "Could not find `",
                                      "' in ",
                                      show sourcePaths]
      multipleMatches -> return . Left $ mconcat [ "Multiple matches for test `Main' module"
                                                , "on source-paths: \n",
                                                show mainPaths ]

    getPossiblePath sourcePath = do
      let completeModulePath = joinPath [sourcePath, modulePath]
      fileExists <- doesFileExist completeModulePath
      if fileExists
        then return $ Just completeModulePath
        else return Nothing


-- | Parses your project's cabal file to find possible test-suites you
--   may have on your project, then it will start a file modification
--   tracking and once a file is changed it will run the testsuite
--   automatically.  in the test-suite's hs-source-dirs setting.
-- Use this function as the main of you testloop executable.
-- e.g
-- > module Main where
-- >
-- > import System.TestLoop
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = setupTestLoop
setupTestLoop :: IO ()
setupTestLoop = do
 (testsuite, moduleFile, sourcePaths) <- parseCabalFile
 result <- getTestMainFilePath sourcePaths moduleFile
 case result of
   Left e -> hPutStrLn stderr e
   Right fullModuleFilePath -> do
     putStrLn $ "Found test-suite main function on `" ++ fullModuleFilePath ++ "'"
     putStrLn $ "Listening files on source paths: " ++ (join ", " sourcePaths)
     _ <- forkIO $ startTestLoop "Main"
     forever $ threadDelay 100