#!/usr/bin/env cabal {- cabal: build-depends: base, split -} -- creates the code for toUnicode from UnicodeData.txt import Data.List.Split import Control.Applicative import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Data.List import Data.Char (chr) -- copied from Text.TeXMath.Types data TextType = TextNormal | TextBold | TextItalic | TextMonospace | TextSansSerif | TextDoubleStruck | TextScript | TextFraktur | TextBoldItalic | TextSansSerifBold | TextSansSerifBoldItalic | TextBoldScript | TextBoldFraktur | TextSansSerifItalic deriving (Show, Ord, Read, Eq) main :: IO () main = do rawEntries <- lines <$> readFile "UnicodeData.txt" let entries = mapMaybe (\s -> toEntry s >>= getMathStyle) rawEntries writeFile "UnicodeTable.hs" $ "unicodeTable :: [((TextType, Char), Char)]\n" <> "unicodeTable = [ " <> intercalate "\n , " (map showEntry entries) ++ "\n ]" showEntry :: ((TextType, Char), Char) -> String showEntry ((tt,c),d) = show ((tt,c),d) ++ " -- " ++ [c] ++ " -> " ++ [d] toEntry :: String -> Maybe (Char, String, Char) toEntry s = case splitWhen (==';') s of (x:y:_:_:_:('<':'f':'o':'n':'t':'>':' ':z):_) -> Just (readHexChar x, y, readHexChar z) _ -> Nothing where readHexChar z = chr $ read $ '0':'x':z getMathStyle :: (Char, String, Char) -> Maybe ((TextType, Char), Char) getMathStyle (n, s, m) = go styles s where go [] s = Nothing go ((x,y):rest) s = if x `isPrefixOf` s then Just ((y, m), n) else go rest s styleStrings :: [String] styleStrings = map fst styles -- note: it's important to have longer strings below their -- substrings in this list, which is searched top to bottom! styles :: [(String, TextType)] styles = [ ("MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD ITALIC", TextSansSerifBoldItalic) ,("MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF BOLD", TextSansSerifBold) ,("MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF ITALIC", TextSansSerifItalic) ,("MATHEMATICAL SANS-SERIF", TextSansSerif) ,("MATHEMATICAL BOLD ITALIC", TextBoldItalic) ,("MATHEMATICAL BOLD SCRIPT", TextBoldScript) ,("MATHEMATICAL BOLD FRAKTUR", TextBoldFraktur) ,("MATHEMATICAL BOLD", TextBold) ,("MATHEMATICAL ITALIC", TextItalic) ,("MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT", TextScript) ,("MATHEMATICAL FRAKTUR", TextFraktur) ,("MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK", TextDoubleStruck) ,("MATHEMATICAL MONOSPACE", TextMonospace) ,("BLACK-LETTER", TextFraktur) ,("SCRIPT", TextScript) ,("DOUBLE-STRUCK", TextDoubleStruck)]