{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
Copyright (C) 2014 Matthew Pickering <matthewtpickering@gmail.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
Parses MathML in conformance with the MathML3 specification.

Unimplemented features
  - menclose
  - mpadded
  - mmultiscripts (etc)
  - malignmark
  - maligngroup
  - Elementary Math

To Improve
  - Handling of menclose
  - Handling of mstyle

module Text.TeXMath.MathMLParser (readMathML) where

import Text.XML.Light hiding (onlyText)
import Text.TeXMath.Types
import Text.TeXMath.MMLDict (getOperator)
import Text.TeXMath.EntityMap (getUnicode)
import Text.TeXMath.Shared (getTextType)
import Text.TeXMath.Compat (throwError, Except, runExcept, MonadError)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), (<*>))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mconcat, First(..), getFirst)
import Data.List (transpose)
import Control.Monad (filterM)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT, asks, local)
import Data.Generics (everywhere, mkT)

-- | Parse a MathML expression to a list of 'Exp'
readMathML :: String -> Either String [Exp]
readMathML inp = (:[]) . fixTree <$> (runExcept (flip runReaderT def (i >>= expr)))
    i = maybeToEither "Invalid XML" (parseXMLDoc inp)

fixTree :: Exp -> Exp
fixTree = everywhere (mkT fixNesting)

data MMLState = MMLState { attrs :: [Attr]
                         , position :: Maybe FormType }

type MML = ReaderT MMLState (Except String)

expr :: Element -> MML Exp
expr e = local (addAttrs (elAttribs e)) (expr' e)

expr' :: Element -> MML Exp
expr' e =
  case name e of
    "math" -> row e
    "mi" -> ident e
    "mn" -> number e
    "mo" -> op e
    "mtext" -> text e
    "ms" -> literal e
    "mspace" -> space e
    "mrow" -> row e
    "mfrac" -> frac e
    "msqrt" -> msqrt e
    "mroot" -> kroot e
    "mstyle" -> row e
    "merror" -> return $ empty
    "mpadded" -> row e
    "mphantom" -> phantom e
    "mfenced" -> fenced e
    "menclose" -> enclosed e
    "msub" -> sub e
    "msup" -> sup e
    "msubsup" -> subsup e
    "munder" -> under e
    "mover" -> over e
    "munderover" -> underover e
    "mtable" -> table e
    "maction" -> action e
    "semantics" -> semantics e
    "annotation-xml" -> annotation e
    _ -> return $ empty

-- Tokens

empty :: Exp
empty = EGrouped []

ident :: Element -> MML Exp
ident e =  do
  mv <- maybe EIdentifier (EText . getTextType) <$> findAttrQ "mathvariant" e
  return $ mv (getString e)

number :: Element -> MML Exp
number e = return $ ENumber (getString e)

op :: Element -> MML Exp
op e = do
  Just inferredPosition <- (<|>) <$> (getFormType <$> findAttrQ "form" e)
                            <*> asks position
  let opDict = getOperator (getString e) inferredPosition
  props <- filterM (checkAttr (properties opDict))
            ["mathoperator", "fence", "accent", "stretchy"]
  let objectPosition = form opDict
  let stretchCons = if ("stretchy" `elem` props)
                      then EStretchy else id
  let ts =  [("accent", ESymbol Accent), ("mathoperator", EMathOperator),
            ("fence", ESymbol (getPosition objectPosition))]
  let constructor =
        fromMaybe (ESymbol Op)
          (getFirst . mconcat $ map (First . flip lookup ts) props)
  return $ (stretchCons . constructor) (oper opDict)
    checkAttr ps v = maybe (v `elem` ps) (=="true") <$> findAttrQ v e

text :: Element -> MML Exp
text e = do
  textStyle <- maybe TextNormal getTextType
                <$> (findAttrQ "mathvariant" e)
  return $ EText textStyle (getString e)

literal :: Element -> MML Exp
literal e = do
  lquote <- fromMaybe "\x201C" <$> findAttrQ "lquote" e
  rquote <- fromMaybe "\x201D" <$> findAttrQ "rquote" e
  EText ttype cont <- text e
  return $ EText ttype (lquote ++ cont ++ rquote)

space :: Element -> MML Exp
space e = do
  width <- fromMaybe "0.0em" <$> (findAttrQ "width" e)
  return $ ESpace width

-- Layout

row :: Element -> MML Exp
row e = do
  front <- mapM expr frontSpaces
  middle <- local resetPosition (row' body)
  end <- local resetPosition (mapM expr endSpaces)
  return $ EGrouped (front ++ middle ++ end)
    cs = elChildren e
    (frontSpaces, noFront)  = span spacelike cs
    (endSpaces, body) = let (as, bs) = span spacelike (reverse noFront) in
                          (reverse as, reverse bs)

row' :: [Element] -> MML [Exp]
row' [] = return []
row' [x] = do
              pos <- maybe FInfix (const FPostfix) <$> asks position
              (:[]) <$> local (setPosition pos) (expr x)
row' (x:xs) =
    pos <- maybe FPrefix (const FInfix) <$> asks position
    e  <- local (setPosition pos) (expr x)
    es <- local (setPosition pos) (row' xs)
    return (e: es)

frac :: Element -> MML Exp
frac e = do
  [num, dom] <- mapM expr =<< (checkArgs 2 e)
  constructor <- (maybe "\\frac" (\l -> "\\genfrac{}{}{" ++ l ++ "}{}"))
                  . thicknessZero <$> (findAttrQ "linethickness" e)
  return $ EBinary constructor num dom

msqrt :: Element -> MML Exp
msqrt e = EUnary "\\sqrt" <$> (row e)

kroot :: Element -> MML Exp
kroot e = do
  [base, index] <- mapM expr =<< (checkArgs 2 e)
  return $ EBinary "\\sqrt" index base

phantom :: Element -> MML Exp
phantom e = EUnary "\\phantom" <$> row e

fenced :: Element -> MML Exp
fenced e = do
  open  <- fromMaybe "(" <$> (findAttrQ "open" e)
  close <- fromMaybe ")" <$> (findAttrQ "close" e)
  let surrounded = not (null open || null close)
  sep  <- fromMaybe "," <$> (findAttrQ "separators" e)
  let expanded =
        case sep of
          "" -> elChildren e
          _  ->
            let seps = map (\x -> unode "mo" [x]) sep
                sepsList = seps ++ repeat (last seps) in
                fInterleave (elChildren e) (sepsList)
  case (sep, surrounded) of
    ("", True) -> EDelimited open close <$> mapM expr (elChildren e)
    (_, True)  -> expr $ sepAttr (unode "mfenced"
                    (elAttribs e, expanded))
    (_, False) -> expr $ unode "mrow"
                          ([unode "mo" open | not $ null open] ++
                           [unode "mrow" expanded] ++
                           [unode "mo" close | not $ null close])
    sepAttr = add_attr (Attr (unqual "separators") "")

-- This could approximate the variants
enclosed :: Element -> MML Exp
enclosed = row

action :: Element -> MML Exp
action e = do
  selection <-  maybe 1 read <$> (findAttrQ "selction" e)  -- 1-indexing
  expr =<< maybeToEither ("Selection out of range")
            (listToMaybe $ drop (selection - 1) (elChildren e))

-- Scripts and Limits

sub :: Element -> MML Exp
sub e = do
  [base, subs] <- (checkArgs 2 e)
  ESub <$> expr base <*> postfixExpr subs

sup :: Element -> MML Exp
sup e = do
  [base, sups] <- (checkArgs 2 e)
  ESuper <$> expr base <*> postfixExpr sups

subsup :: Element -> MML Exp
subsup e = do
  [base, subs, sups] <- (checkArgs 3 e)
  ESubsup <$> expr base <*> (postfixExpr subs)
                         <*> (postfixExpr sups)

under :: Element -> MML Exp
under e = do
  [base, below] <- (checkArgs 2 e)
  EUnder <$> expr base <*> (postfixExpr below)

over :: Element -> MML Exp
over e = do
  [base, above] <- (checkArgs 2 e)
  EOver <$>  expr base <*> (postfixExpr above)

underover :: Element -> MML Exp
underover e = do
  [base, below, above] <- (checkArgs 3 e)
  EUnderover <$> expr base  <*> (postfixExpr below)
                             <*> (postfixExpr above)

-- Other

semantics :: Element -> MML Exp
semantics e = EGrouped <$> mapM expr (elChildren e)

annotation :: Element -> MML Exp
annotation e = do
  encoding <- findAttrQ "encoding" e
  case encoding of
    Just "application/mathml-presentation+xml" ->
      EGrouped <$> mapM expr (elChildren e)
    Just "MathML-Presentation" ->
      EGrouped <$> mapM expr (elChildren e)
    _ -> return empty

-- Table

table :: Element -> MML Exp
table e = do
  defAlign <- maybe AlignDefault toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
  rs <- mapM (tableRow defAlign) (elChildren e)
  let (onlyAligns, exprs) = (map .map) fst &&& (map . map) snd $ rs
  let rs' = map (pad (maximum (map length rs))) exprs
  let aligns = map findAlign (transpose onlyAligns)
  return $ EArray aligns rs'
    findAlign xs = if null xs then AlignDefault
                    else foldl1 combine xs
    combine x y = if x == y then x else AlignDefault

tableRow :: Alignment -> Element -> MML [(Alignment, [Exp])]
tableRow a e = do
  align <- maybe a toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
  case name e of
    "mtr" -> mapM (tableCell align) (elChildren e)
    "mlabeledtr" -> mapM (tableCell align) (tail $ elChildren e)
    _ -> throwError $ "Invalid Element: Only expecting mtr elements " ++ err e

tableCell :: Alignment -> Element -> MML (Alignment, [Exp])
tableCell a e = do
  align <- maybe a toAlignment <$> (findAttrQ "columnalign" e)
  case name e of
    "mtd" -> (,) align <$> mapM expr (elChildren e)
    _ -> throwError $ "Invalid Element: Only expecting mtd elements " ++ err e

-- Fixup

-- See Exception for embellished operators in handbox
-- This only affects stretched

fixNesting :: Exp -> Exp
fixNesting (EOver (EStretchy e) s) = EStretchy (EOver e s)
fixNesting (EUnder (EStretchy e) s) = EStretchy (EUnder e s)
fixNesting (EUnderover (EStretchy e) s1 s2) = EStretchy (EUnderover e s1 s2)
fixNesting (ESub (EStretchy e) s) = EStretchy (ESub e s)
fixNesting (ESuper (EStretchy e) s) = EStretchy (ESuper e s)
fixNesting (ESubsup (EStretchy e) s1 s2) = EStretchy (ESubsup e s1 s2)
fixNesting e = e

-- Library Functions

maybeToEither :: (MonadError e m) => e -> Maybe a -> m a
maybeToEither = flip maybe return . throwError

--interleave up to end of shorter list
fInterleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
fInterleave [] _ = []
fInterleave _ [] = []
fInterleave (x:xs) ys = x : fInterleave ys xs

-- MMLState helper functions

def :: MMLState
def = MMLState [] Nothing

addAttrs :: [Attr] -> MMLState -> MMLState
addAttrs as s = s {attrs = as ++ attrs s }

setPosition :: FormType -> MMLState -> MMLState
setPosition p s = s {position = Just p}

resetPosition :: MMLState -> MMLState
resetPosition s = s {position = Nothing}

-- Utility

getString :: Element -> String
getString e = (stripSpaces . concatMap cdData . onlyText . elContent) e

-- Finds only text data and replaces entity references with corresponding
-- characters
onlyText :: [Content] -> [CData]
onlyText [] = []
onlyText ((Text c):xs) = c : onlyText xs
onlyText (CRef s : xs)  = (CData CDataText (fromMaybe s $ getUnicode s) Nothing) : onlyText xs
onlyText (_:xs) = onlyText xs

checkArgs :: Int -> Element -> MML [Element]
checkArgs x e = do
  let cs = elChildren e
  if nargs x cs
    then return cs
    else (throwError ("Incorrect number of arguments for " ++ err e))

nargs :: Int -> [a] -> Bool
nargs n xs = length xs == n

err :: Element -> String
err e = name e ++ " line: " ++ (show $ elLine e) ++ (show e)

findAttrQ :: String -> Element -> MML (Maybe String)
findAttrQ s e = do
  inherit <- asks (lookupAttrQ s . attrs)
  return $
    findAttr (QName s Nothing Nothing) e
      <|> inherit

lookupAttrQ :: String -> [Attr] -> Maybe String
lookupAttrQ s = lookupAttr (QName s Nothing Nothing)

name :: Element -> String
name (elName -> (QName n _ _)) = n

stripSpaces :: String -> String
stripSpaces = reverse . (dropWhile isSpace) . reverse . (dropWhile isSpace)

toAlignment :: String -> Alignment
toAlignment "left" = AlignLeft
toAlignment "center" = AlignCenter
toAlignment "right" = AlignRight
toAlignment _ = AlignDefault

getPosition :: FormType -> TeXSymbolType
getPosition (FPrefix) = Open
getPosition (FPostfix) = Close
getPosition (FInfix) = Op

getFormType :: Maybe String -> Maybe FormType
getFormType (Just "infix") = (Just FInfix)
getFormType (Just "prefix") = (Just FPrefix)
getFormType (Just "postfix") = (Just FPostfix)
getFormType _ = Nothing

pad :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
pad n xs = xs ++ (replicate (n - len) [])
    len = length xs

isSpace :: Char -> Bool
isSpace ' '  = True
isSpace '\t' = True
isSpace '\n' = True
isSpace _    = False

spacelikeElems, cSpacelikeElems :: [String]
spacelikeElems = ["mtext", "mspace", "maligngroup", "malignmark"]
cSpacelikeElems = ["mrow", "mstyle", "mphantom", "mpadded"]

spacelike :: Element -> Bool
spacelike e@(name -> uid) =
  uid `elem` spacelikeElems || uid `elem` cSpacelikeElems &&
    and (map spacelike (elChildren e))

thicknessZero :: Maybe String -> Maybe String
thicknessZero (Just s) =
  let l = thicknessToNum s in
  if l == "0.0mm" then Just l else Nothing
thicknessZero Nothing = Nothing

thicknessToNum :: String -> String
thicknessToNum "thin" = "0.05mm"
thicknessToNum "medium" = ""
thicknessToNum "thick" = "0.3mm"
thicknessToNum v = processLength v

processLength :: String -> String
processLength s = show (n * (unitToLaTeX unit)) ++ "mm"
    ((n, unit): _) = reads s :: [(Float, String)]

postfixExpr :: Element -> MML Exp
postfixExpr e = local (setPosition FPostfix) (expr e)

unitToLaTeX :: String -> Float
unitToLaTeX "pt" = 2.84
unitToLaTeX "mm" = 1
unitToLaTeX "cm" = 10
unitToLaTeX "in" = 25.4
unitToLaTeX "ex" = 1.51
unitToLaTeX "em" = 3.51
unitToLaTeX "mu" = 18 * unitToLaTeX "em"
unitToLaTeX _    = 1