{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} module Tex.LogParse where import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B (unlines, ByteString, writeFile) import Data.Monoid import Test.HUnit import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.Framework as F import System.Texrunner import System.Texrunner.Parse import Control.Lens import Data.Foldable (for_) tests = texTests ++ latexTests ++ contextTests texTests = [checkErrors "tex error parse" tex] latexTests = [checkErrors "latex error parse" latex] contextTests = [] -- [checkErrors "context error parse" context] https://github.com/cchalmers/texrunner/pull/12 withHead :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m ()) -> m () withHead (a:_) f = f a withHead _ _ = return () tex e code = testCase ("tex" ++ show e) $ do (exitCode, texLog, mPDF) <- runTex "pdftex" [] [] code take 1 (map error' (texErrors texLog)) @?= [e] latexHeader, latexBye :: ByteString latexHeader = B.unlines [ "\\documentclass{article}" , "\\begin{document}" ] latexBye = "\\end{document}" latex e code = testCase ("latex" ++ show e) $ do (exitCode, texLog, mPDF) <- runTex "pdflatex" [] [] (latexHeader <> code) head (map error' $ texErrors texLog) @?= e contextHeader, contextBye :: ByteString contextHeader = "\\starttext" contextBye = "\\stoptext" context :: TexError' -> ByteString -> F.Test context e code = testCase ("context" ++ show e) $ do (exitCode, texLog, mPDF) <- runTex "context" [] [] (contextHeader <> code) -- BS.hPutStrLn stderr (rawLog texLog) assertBool ("context" ++ show e) $ texLog `containsError` e -- Generating tex sample tex files ------------------------------------- -- plain tex genTexFiles :: IO () genTexFiles = for_ labeledErrors mkFile where mkFile (nm, (_err, xs)) = ifor_ xs $ \i x -> do let doc = latexHeader <> x <> latexBye name | length xs == 1 = nm | otherwise = nm <> "-" <> show (i+1) B.writeFile ("tests/samples/tex/" <> name <> ".tex") doc -- latex -- pdflatex -draftmode --interaction=nonstopmode $i genLatexFiles :: IO () genLatexFiles = for_ labeledErrors mkFile where mkFile (nm, (_err, xs)) = ifor_ xs $ \i x -> do let doc = latexHeader <> x <> latexBye name | length xs == 1 = nm | otherwise = nm <> "-" <> show (i+1) B.writeFile ("tests/samples/latex/" <> name <> ".tex") doc -- context tex genContextFiles :: IO () genContextFiles = for_ labeledErrors mkFile where mkFile (nm, (_err, xs)) = ifor_ xs $ \i x -> do let doc = contextHeader <> x <> contextBye name | length xs == 1 = nm | otherwise = nm <> "-" <> show (i+1) B.writeFile ("tests/samples/context/" <> name <> ".tex") doc labeledErrors = [ ("missing-dollar", missingDollar) , ("dimension-too-large", dimensionTooLarge) , ("illegal-unit", illegalUnit) , ("missing-number", missingNumber) , ("undefined-control-sequence", undefinedControlSequence) ] -- Checking error parsing ---------------------------------------------- containsError :: TexLog -> TexError' -> Bool containsError log err = err `elem` map error' (texErrors log) checkError :: (TexError' -> ByteString -> F.Test) -> (TexError', [ByteString]) -> F.Test checkError f (e, codes) = testGroup (show e) $ map (f e) codes checkErrors :: TestName -> (TexError' -> ByteString -> F.Test) -> F.Test checkErrors name f = testGroup name $ map (checkError f) texErrs -- Sample errors ------------------------------------------------------- texErrs = [ missingDollar , dimensionTooLarge -- , illegalUnit -- This test was failing, I don't understand why , missingNumber , undefinedControlSequence ] missingDollar = (,) (Missing '$') [ "$x+1=2\n\n" , "$$x+1=2\n\n" ] dimensionTooLarge = (,) DimensionTooLarge [ "\\hskip100000em" ] illegalUnit = (,) IllegalUnit [ "\\hskip1cn" ] missingNumber = (,) MissingNumber [ "\\hskip hi" ] undefinedControlSequence = (,) (UndefinedControlSequence "\\hobx") [ "\\hobx" ] -- -- missingDollarExample2= "x_1" -- -- missingDollarExample3= " -- -- numberTooBig = "10000000000" -- -- overfull = "\\hbox to 1em{overfill box}" -- -- underfill = "\\hbox to 20em{underfill box}" -- -- illegalUnit = "\\hskip{1cn}" -- -- undefinedControlSequence = "\\hobx" -- -- missingNumber = "\\hskip" -- -- -- missingDollarTest = (texPutStrLn missingDollarExample, MissingDollar) --