Tests and benchmarks ==================== Prerequisites ------------- To run the tests and benchmarks, you will need the test data, which you can clone from one of the following locations: * Mercurial master repository: [bitbucket.org/bos/text-test-data](https://bitbucket.org/bos/text-test-data) * Git mirror repository: [github.com/bos/text-test-data](https://github.com/bos/text-test-data) You can clone either repository into the `tests` subdirectory using cd tests/ make text-test-data # to clone from mercurial, OR make VCS=git text-test-data # to clone from git Many tests and benchmarks will fail if the test files are missing. Functional tests ---------------- The functional tests are located in the `tests` subdirectory. An overview of what's in that directory: Makefile Has targets for common tasks Tests Source files of the testing code scripts Various utility scripts text-tests.cabal Cabal file that compiles all benchmarks The `text-tests.cabal` builds: - A copy of the text library, sharing the source code, but exposing all internal modules, for testing purposes - The different test suites To compile, run all tests, and generate a coverage report, simply use `make`. Benchmarks ---------- The benchmarks are located in the `benchmarks` subdirectory. An overview of what's in that directory: Makefile Has targets for common tasks haskell Source files of the haskell benchmarks python Python implementations of some benchmarks ruby Ruby implementations of some benchmarks text-benchmarks.cabal Cabal file which compiles all benchmarks To compile the benchmarks, navigate to the `benchmarks` subdirectory and run `cabal configure && cabal build`. Then, you can run the benchmarks using: ./dist/build/text-benchmarks/text-benchmarks Or if you have a recent enough `cabal`, you can build and run the benchmarks via cabal new-run exe:text-benchmarks -- --help However, since there's quite a lot of benchmarks, you usually don't want to run them all. Instead, use the `-l` flag to get a list of benchmarks and run the ones you want to inspect. If you want to configure the benchmarks further, the exact parameters can be changed in `Benchmarks.hs`.